other starwars games

Jedi: Fallen Order at Star Wars Celebration on April 13th

Jedi Fallen Order at Star Wars Celebration on April 13th - inprogress

Who isn’t ready to learn more about the next, upcoming title in Star Wars video games? We’ve waited so long for a great Star Wars game, seen so many cancelled or put on the shelf, If you’re going to be attending Star Wars Celebration in April, you’re in for an extra treat. You’re going to learn more about Jedi: Fallen Order. Of course, even if you won’t be there, we’ll still be following closely to give you the scoop. So, stay tuned and we’ll let you know everything we find out. Here’s what we know so far: If you’re going to be in Chicago later this month, this is your chance to get a first look at this game. From StarWars.com: “In a special panel on Saturday, April 13, EA and Respawn will pull back the curtain on Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, in which gamers will meet a Padawan…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Event Calendar – April

Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Event Calendar - April

Here is a list of some of the upcoming events for April.DISCLAIMER: ALL DATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Daily Login Character for April: B2 Super Battledroid Tinfoil hat time: the return of JKR seems a bit quick. What if, perhaps, they’re using it to hide a legendary event for Malak? No CLS is also really odd. I would’ve bet the house we’d see that. Maybe it’ll overlap with the Daring Droid event like it did last time.

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LucasFilm Games is Hiring

LucasFilm Games is Hiring

Lucasfilm is looking to get back into the games industry. They have posted a list of jobs at Disney Careers. Many of these are positions for Lucasfilm Games. There are open positions for: Producer Brand Art Coordinator Brand Marketing Coordinator Assistant Producer Associate Brand Art Director Associate Brand Marketing Manager Assistant Producer – Asia Could this mean a revival of LucasArts? It’s too early to tell right now because it seems like it’s just going to be LucasFilm for games under the existing EA contract. It’s actually not likely that it’s a revival of LucasArts we we knew it before. Most likely, it’s something else. These are publisher positions, not developer positions, so they are not doing internal games. Instead, they are working on projects already in the EA/Disney umbrella. Either way, it’s interesting. And if you’re looking for a position in the industry, this could be a great open…

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Replaying the Classics: TIE Fighter

Replaying the Classics TIE Fighter

It’s another session of “Replaying the Classic”“. Boy, do I love these! It’s so much fun to see my favorite games coming back into the forefront. It’s so much fun to reminisce over the best Star Wars games of yesteryear, and it’s a great introduction to the younger generation of Star Wars fans who may not have had the great pleasure of playing these the first time around. Some of the games that have been shared in this series so far have been favorites of mine. Others were a little before my time, or on a platform I didn’t own. But this one is one that I definitely played a lot! As a little girl, I dreamed of becoming a pilot and seeing all the ships in Star Wars really made my dreams full of flying them in space. Video games made that fantasy at least a little closer to…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Update on zFinn Changes Coming Next Update

Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Update on zFinn Changes Coming Next Update

Capital games are finally ready to launch the changes to zFinn in the next game update. Check it out: Previously, I mentioned that we found some additional issues since Tophat’s last post around zFinn’s kit and that we would need to take another pass to fix the infinite loop in Phase 3 of the Sith Raid with zFinn and C-3PO. We had shared a possible solution earlier, but while the changes TopHat discussed prevented infinite loops in Phase 3, in further testing we realized we inadvertently added a new trivializing loop to Phase 1, so we have made some additional changes from the reworked kit you originally saw here. In order to address the Phase 1 problem, we needed to make more extensive changes, which we feel impacted Finn’s core identity. For that reason, we will be refunding the materials spent to upgrade his leader ability. Whatever you personally invested…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Darth Revan is Live!

Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Darth Revan is Live

The Darth Revan Update is live and available for most players right now! The devswill be doing another update push within the hour for those who were in the middle playing during the update and still need a few pieces of data from the updated client. See you on the Holotables unlocking Darth Revan! n case you missed it, there’s a special icon   in the top right hand corner of battles during the Scourge of the Old Republic. You can hold and press this to reveal some fun history about the character or the battle!

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Developer Insights: Darth Revan

Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Developer Insights Darth Revan

The Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, CG_SBCrumb, sat down with CG_ParkingInstructor to discuss Darth Revan and where this character fits into Galaxy of Heroes. If you haven’t met CG_Parkinginstructor, he is a designer who mainly works on character creation and was the main designer on Darth Traya, Darth Sion, Chewbacca, and Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum) among many others. OVERVIEW SBC: So who is the Darth Revan character?PI: Darth Revan is a dominant leader for the new Sith Empire faction and powers up a team by weakening its own defensive capabilities. Darth Revan will lead a very aggressive Sith Empire team that aims to take down enemies quickly but with a different approach than most. Darth Revan’s kit is focused on effectively taking down the enemy leader while applying beneficial debuffs. We think this will be a very powerful character with longevity in PvP and do fairly well in raids. Check out Darth Revan’s kit…

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Evolution of Star Wars Games 1982 – 2018

Evolution of Star Wars Games 1982 – 2018

★Evolution of Star Wars games from Atari to PlayStation 4★ ★1982 – 2018★ Star Wars gaming is as old as me! Every year or so, I get excited about writing one of these. This year, there’s an awesome video compilation I can add to it (up to 2018 games). Perhaps we will FINALLY see some great new Star Wars games added to the mix in 2019 so next year’s roundup article and video will have some new material. Seriously though, every time I look at this, I see how far things have really come. How far the gaming industry has come, how much the graphics and playstyle has evolved, and how much we must love our Star Wars because it’s still alive and well for new generations to enjoy! Check out the video to see a mashup of all of these great Star Wars games over the years (over 35…

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Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes — The Scourge of the Old Republic

Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes darth Revan

With Darth Revan just around the corner, Capital Games released a news teaser trailer. Are you ready to face the Old Republic with Darth Revan? You will need the following characters in an upcoming event: Bastila Shan (Fallen) Canderous Ordo Carth Onasi HK‌-47 Juhani It will be a very difficult task to reclaim the Sith throne. Once you complete your journey to the Dark Side, reworks for HK-47 and Fallen Bastila Shan are on their way and ready to help Darth Revan become an incredibly powerful Sith leader. “When they left after the Mandalorian Wars ended, they were Jedi. When they returned… they were something else.” – Carth Onasi Have you heard the tale of the Jedi who left to investigate the rumors of a Sith Empire and returned as a Sith Lord? After using the star forge to create a massive fleet, Darth Revan has returned to crush the…

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Star Wars Games: Top 5 Honourable Mentions

Star Wars games are like a fine wine – they only age better with time. But to be fair, the saga had its ups and downs throughout almost three decades of existence on the gaming market. Back in the mid-1990s and ‘00s, there have been more than two dozen Star Wars universe-themed games released explicitly for PC, and frankly, not every release fulfilled the developer expectations. Just like the movies, some games are remembered much more fondly than others. There’s even this common saying about the whole deal – for every beloved Star Wars game, there’s half-dozen of the ‘ehh’ ones. But today is not about the dark side of the Star Wars games industry. Today’s all about those all-time classics, amongst which, there’s even a game that, by some fans, is considered as being better than the entire film saga! Is the force still strong with such a bold…

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Star Wars Video Games: Monthly News Roundup – February 2019

Star Wars Video Games Monthly News Roundup - February 2019

Welcome to the Monthly News Roundup series! This post, usually posted at the end of every month or the start of a month, aims to sum up the latest updates and changes to the relevant Star Wars games. February 2019: Star Wars Battlefront II (Shooter): February saw the arrival of Anakin Skywalker into the game as a playable light-side Hero voiced by Matt Lanter, as well as a rework of Clone Customization. Anakin comes with 4 abilities instead of the usual 3, with the fourth functioning as an ‘ultimate’. Anakin also has two appearances; his default Jedi Knight appearance which is based off of his look in Episode 3 when fighting the Count, and his Robed Appearance. The clone customization rework introduces new legions, the ability to choose between Phase I and Phase II clones, and changes the look of the four default clone infantry classes. The February update also introduced an Emote Wheel, allowing…

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Star Wars Rogue Squadron Fan Remake in Unreal Engine 4

Star Wars Rogue Squadron 3D

We love Star Wars Rogue Squadron for the N64 and I know I am not the only one. I’ve written about it here and tweeted about it and heard from many fellow fans who still remember this classic. So now I have something fun and cool to bring to you today. An awesome fan remake for the game done in Unreal Engine 4! YouTube’s ‘Thanaclara’ is working on it now and shared some info in this video: And also here: Thanaclara also claimed that he will remaster the music with more modern samples for the final game and will try to implement a realistic real-time pseudo volumetric cloud system. Sounds like a really fun project and I would love to play it when it’s ready and released to the public. So, I’ll be following this so I can tell you all about it. We may have more stuff to showcase…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Event Calendar – March 2019

Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Event Calendar - March 2019

Here is the event calendar for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes for the month of March 2019. Here is a list of some of the upcoming events for March. Contact Protocol is back! Do you have your ewoks ready to get C-3PO? Plus 3 Grand Arenas this month! DISCLAIMER: ALL DATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Daily Login Character for March: Sith Marauder *Please note that 5v5 Character only Grand Arenas will require more character squads than Grand Arenas with 5v5 Characters and Ships. Exact numbers will be based on your bracket

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Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Gets Gameplay & Story Details

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order

Thanks to an older gameplay leak being corroborated by Episode IX details, we have a pretty solid idea of Jedi: Fallen Order’s heroes, villains and gameplay style. Check out the video below to see more about this upcoming game. What are we looking for as gamers and fans of Star Wars? Well, depending on who you ask you will get a lot of different answers. But I’ve been a Star Wars game fan for most of my life and I’ve been writing about them for years, so I have a lot of insight into what we’re looking for. For starters, how about they give us a good Star Wars game? Seriously. We’ve been waiting for so long and games with potential keep getting canceled. So, let’s have it – a good game! Next, it’d be great to have something with story. A real, immersed story that we can all follow…

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Best star wars board games


Star Wars characters always continue to keep occupying our minds due to the excellent star war board games which have been around for quite a while. Complex strategies and decision making keeps you addicted to these board games and helps you in exploring the span of universe. Individuals interested in exploring Star Wars Universe can check out these 4 most played star wars board games. Star Wars: Rebellion This game allows upto two to four players and engages in a highly entertaining battle between Galactic Empire and Rebel Alliance. Whether you are on either side, players need to emerge victorious in Galactic Civil War. The conditions to be successful for both sides are not the same and different tactics are needed to be deployed to defeat the opponent. Players control troop movements, starships and systems to defeat the opposite army, Galactic Empire have authority over legions of Stormtroopers, swarms of…

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Star Wars PlayStation Evolution (1995-2017)

Star Wars PlayStation Evolution (1995-2017)

You know how I love talking about the evolution of Star Wars games here. There have been so many games to come out since 1982 with Star Wars themes. We continue to love them, play them, and reminisce on them even today. For today’s post, I’ve found a little gem focused on a specific type of Star Wars game – the PlayStation platform. We have had Star Wars themed games for the PlayStation since 1995. In this video from PSNext, we can see the full evolution of Star Wars games for the this platform – from those early days in 1995 (when I was just a girl) to as recently as 2017. What will the future hold for PlayStation and Star Wars? Only time will tell. In the meantime, check out this video for a recap of all the Star Wars games PlayStaion has brought to us over the years….

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Event Calendar – March 2019

Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Event Calendar - March 2019

Here is a list of some of the upcoming events in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes for March. Contact Protocol is back! Do you have your ewoks ready to get C-3PO? Plus 3 Grand Arenas this month! DISCLAIMER: ALL DATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Daily Login Character for March: Sith Marauder *Please note that 5v5 Character only Grand Arenas will require more character squads than Grand Arenas with 5v5 Characters and Ships. Exact numbers will be based on your bracket

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Update on Droideka in Phase 3 of the Sith Triumvirate Raid

Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Update on Droideka in Phase 3 of the Sith Triumvirate Raid

Capital games is fixing a newely found bug in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes resulting in Droidekas dealing huge amounts of damage in Phase 3 of the Sith Triumvirate Raid . Here is the news: We became aware last Friday that Droideka was dealing huge amounts of damage in Phase 3 of the Sith Triumvirate Raid and said we would follow up this week when we have time to fully investigate. It appears that when a unit uses Stand Alone, instead of setting allies’ speed to 0, Traya is actually setting it to something closer to -900,000. This means when a Separatist ally uses Stand Alone while Droideka has Damage Immunity, it has a 35% Chance to assist, and will deal a ton of damage as Droideka’s Attack Damage is based on the difference in speed. Droideka is also assisting before the debuff that prevents assists as the assist activates the moment…

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In the latest episode of Replaying the Classics, StarWars.com takes us back to Star Wars: Bounty Hunter. This is another game that I actually played a lot of back in the day so I was happy to see them covering this one. Here’s what they have to say: ” In terms of narrative and presentation, Bounty Hunter delivers the goods. It’s got high-quality cinematics rendered by the special-effects wizards at Industrial Light & Magic; it’s got original music by Jeremy Soule, who later composed the original score for Knights of the Old Republic (2003); and it tells a story that adds color and depth to some of Jango Fett’s best dialogue in Episode II. “ I can pretty much agree to that and most of what they say in this retro play-through, actually. From a gameplay perspective, Jango has dual blaster pistols and he can rapid-fire them. You can also lock onto targets so…

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2019 Star Wars Gaming Forecast – What Can We Expect?

2019 Star Wars Gaming Forecast - What Can We Expect

We are all about Star Wars video games here, and we’ve been talking a lot about games of the past, current games keeping fans busy, and also the many, many canceled games that will sadly never see the light of day. So, now we’re going to talk about the future of Star Wars games. What’s in the forecast for 2019 and beyond? What are you most looking forward to? When it comes to mobile games, here’s a recap of standings: Galaxy of Heroes looks like it will remain as popular as ever. Force Arena is shutting down. Rivals was canceled. Rise to Power was also canceled. PC/ Platform Games: Battlefront II might get some new content. Vader Immortal: This is a VR game slated to release on the Occulus Quest, which is a $400 VR platform In the world of roleplaying games,The Rise of the Separatists sourcebook comes out this year! Jedi Fallen Order:  Was announced with very little…

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Replaying the Classics: Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D

Star Wars Rogue Squadron 3D

I do love going back in time and replaying some of my favorite games, especially when they are Star Wars games! Following this series on StarWars.com has me wanting to play all of the old golden hits all over again. In Replaying the Classics, StarWars.com revisits Star Wars games of yesteryear, examining why we loved them then and why they stand the test of time. This article covers the playing of Rogue Squadron, which was honestly one of my favorites back in the day, so I was very excited to see it being revisited. It was inspired by the Rogue Squadron comic books of the mid-90s (which I fondly remember from my youth) and was an aerial shooter style game. It was created for the N64 with the single-thumbstick gamepad when it first released but you can play it on your PC now with your favorite controller or joystick and it still…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Marquee Merchandising Changes

Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Merchandising Changes

Over the past 2 years, the devs over at Capital games have released many Marquee Characters without re-evaluating the way shards are acquired via the pack and bundle. As it was discussed in the Road Ahead post a few days back, they have been evaluating the release method of these characters, starting with the Emperor’s Shuttle that launched this week. And now starting with the launch of the Droideka, while they are launching it in the classic Marquee style, the devs are changing the traditional bundle to include crystals and adding a new mega pack that will allow players to increase Droideka’s star rarity with fewer crystals compared to the standard marquee, akin to other mega packs. Below are the changes: Marquee Bundle Bundle price will be changed from $9.99 to $19.99 (USD) All Marquee Bundle items/currencies remain the same 1350 Crystals will be added to the bundle This is…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes – Road Ahead 1/31/2019

Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes - Road Ahead 2019

Here is the road map for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. Contrary to BioWare, Capital Games seems to have big plans for their Star Wars game this comming year. Check it out: After an exciting end of the year with the release of Grand Arena, C3PO, and Han’s Millennium Falcon, the Capital Games offices are bustling again with plans for the upcoming quarters. We’ve spent much of the past few months focusing on the roadmap, including a bold and somewhat audacious five-year vision, but as always, I’m here to talk a little bit about the next couple of months.When we sit down to plan the next year’s roadmap, one of the key things that we focus on is learnings from the previous one. Since so much of the core of the game is collecting and strategizing with the iconic characters and ships from the Star Wars universe, we are constantly…

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