other starwars games

We Want More Star Wars Games (But Without Jedi?)

I think something we can all agree on is that we want more Star Wars games. I’ve been writing about it here for years and even more sadly, written about it each time an anticipated Star Wars game got canned. And honestly, it sucks. Which is why a lot of fans are excited about the latest Star Wars game on the way – Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. And there’s also that little Lego Star Wars game I keep talking about… But anyway, back to Fallen Order. It may be the next game we’re getting, but is it really the next Star Wars game fans wanted? Robert Endyo from Gameverse has a theory that Star Wars gamer fans want to see less Jedi. Gamers would also like games that would be great as eSports. This site provides the best strategies for e-sports betting. Here’s some of what he has to…

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Star Wars: Dark Forces Fan Remake

Star Wars: Dark Forces Fan Remake

There is a fan remake of Star Wars: Dark Forces in Unreal Engine 4 and it is now available for download. Created by Obsidian Entertainment’s senior environment artist, Jason Lewis, this remake aimed to recreate the first level from the game in Epic’s engine. The map doesn’t have any enemies so it’s just for recreation, but it looks to deliver on the fun. The attention to detail is really amazing and it also gives us a visual of what a modern take on this classic Star Wars shooter might look like. See it in action here: For those who may not remember, Star Wars: Dark Forces is a first-person shooter that came out in 1995. It used Jedi Engine, a game engine created especially for the game. It had some really cool features that were previously unheard of for a first-person shooter at the time, like multiple floored level design…

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Star Wars 1313 – What Could Have Been

There have been almost too many canceled Star Wars games to count, but one that makes us really sad is Star Wars 1313. It had a lot of potential, but unfortunately was trashed before it would get to see the light of day. To recap for those who don’t remember, this wasn’t the canceled Star Wars game from Visceral Games, or the open world one that came right after the closing of Visceral. This was, indeed, another Star Wars games, from back when LucasArts was still making the games themselves. Star Wars 1313 predates Lucasfilm getting bought by Disney and the licensing of Star Wars games going to EA. Star Wars 1313 was canceled back in 2013, after it had been put on hold for a year, back in 2012. So what’s new? Last month, Naughty Dog animator Jonathan Cooper shared an animation on Twitter giving us a little look…

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Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Will Not Have Microtransactions

Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga

TT Games designer Mike Consalvey confirms that the new Lego Star Wars game, The Skywalker Saga, will not have any microtransactions. This is big news for gamers interested in playing this new LEGO game, but who are fed up with microtransactions that can really have an impact on the games we play. What will it have instead? A new currency called Kyber Bricks is used in place of the gold bricks that were a staple of every LEGO game that came before. Kyber Bricks are a spin on Star Wars’ Kyber Crystals, which are used to power the Jedi and Sith lightsabers. ” So yeah, with Kyber Bricks, essentially… if you know about the history of LEGO games, in general, we have Gold Bricks. Kyber Bricks is that sort of same collectible; the method of collecting Kyber Bricks is pretty much the same as Gold Bricks. But in this instance, we’re using them to add different…

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Jedi Fallen Order: Weekly Recap

Jedi Fallen Order Weekly Recap

I promised to bring you all the news and updates I could find about the new Star Wars game, Jedi: Fallen Order. This past week does not disappoint because there are some goodies to share your way. First, let’s talk about the protagonist. Fallen Order is bringing us Cal Kestis, played my Cameron Monaghan. If you were expecting a female lead, it’s not happening in this one. Reports say that’s actually because of Rey. Apparently, the game’s director Stig Asmussen says Rey is directly the reason they didn’t use a female for the lead role. “We talked about different gender,” Asmussen told Game Informer on its video podcast. “We arrived where we were because at the time, Rey was the thing for Star Wars, and so it made a lot more sense for us to have a male protagonist.” Not sure it makes “a lot more sense” to me. I mean, is…

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Vader Immortal Arrives on Oculus Rift

Vader Immortal

Vader Immortal arrives on Oculus Rift, bringing the VR experience to yet another platform, while lightsabers come to Oculus Home. Here, you get to step inside the shoes of a smuggler and also navigate Darth Vader’s fortress. You get your very own droid companion and there are many story-driven elements for you to explore. Here’s a full gameplay video from Star Wars Theory: He’s given us over 44 minutes of gameplay footage in this video. And he has this to say: “This was unimaginable. The gameplay was cool, but the STORY WAS WHAT MADE IT LEGIT. This raises so many theories it’s unbelievable. Who was Vader speaking to? Snoke?” If you like it, please support his channel. More info on how you can support in the description of the video. I do not have Oculus Rift so I was really excited that he did this video for us. Oculus has…

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Jedi: Fallen Order Recap Week of 6/26

Jedi Fallen Order Recap Week of june 26

Is Jedi: Fallen Order the Star Wars game we have all been waiting for? We certainly hope so. It’s definitely the game to follow on the Star Wars scene. We’ve written at length about Star Wars games here – past, present, and future – and one thing I personally hate is all the great Star Wars games that have been canceled over the years. It’s really refreshing to see this one staying alive and actually available to pre-order now. AND it looks like it’s going to be a good game. That’s definitely something to get excited about. So, what new news do we have about Fallen Order so far this week? Well, for one, it’s making waves as one of the most pre-ordered games from E3 (no surprise there, honestly). GameStop announced the top 10 most pre-ordered video games from E3 and Jedi: Fallen Order made #7 on that list. Another reason we…

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LEGO’s The Skywalker Saga comming 2020

LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga

Have you been looking for a new Star Wars game (like the rest of us)? Then I may have something great for you: LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. Yeah, I know, another LEGO game, but before you click away, hear me out. This one is surprisingly interesting. While I fully expected it to be just another LEGO game… this one looks anything but phoned in. Check out the official announcement trailer here: It’s not a remake or a remaster. It’s not a Star Wars skinned version of another game. Nope. It’s an entirely new, unique game! Imagine that! Seriously, the world of Star Wars games has been looking a bit grim but this is very promising news indeed. What’s it about? Well, it’s a culmination of the entire Skywalker Saga, which means all three Star Wars trilogies (and that’s pretty exciting on its own), and the gameplay has been…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Anti-Cheating & Competitive Integrity

Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes anti cheating

In preparation for the introduction of the upcomming Grand Arena Championships in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heries, Capital is intensifying there efforts to root out and prevent cheating in competitive play. These efforts include: Increased surveillance of leaderboard and battle data A zero tolerance policy for those identified as cheaters (the default action will be a perma-ban for any account found with cheated / hacked data) A new suite of data points and detection tools While we still put player reports to good use (send any suspect behavior reports directly to CG_Leviathan) we are excited about some new options at our disposal for finding illegitimate battles (possibly even before you’ve had a chance to report them). Additional team member hours allocated to the detection and eradication efforts We are focused on creating a fair and fun environment for competitive play and wherever possible, we will attempt to rectify any impact to…

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How can EA ensure Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is a success?

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order

When video games based on movies get announced, they are often not greeted with high expectations from fans. This has been the case for many years, and there doesn’t appear to be any sign that things are changing, but there’s always been at least one exception. Star Wars video games have been on both sides of this debate, with titles like KOTOR, Battlefront and The Old Republic receiving critical acclaim, while others have ranged from mediocrity to outright awful. The next big title to hit the market will be Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, which was announced at E3 in 2018 and will be released towards the end of 2019. So, how can EA ensure that the latest franchise offering is a complete success? Here are some of our top suggestions that could help Fallen Order prevail and meet the expectations of those already waiting for it. Limit the bugs First impressions count for…

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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order – Recap


As you know, there has been some fun and exciting news coming out about Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. It will (hopefully) keep getting better from here as we see more information coming out about the game. Here’s a bit of a recap of some of the things that have come out this week about Jedi: Fallen Order. We finally saw the release of the Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Official Gameplay Demo – EA PLAY 2019 which was very excited (but also left us with a lot more questions. Gizmodo did a story on how the Star Wars wipe we saw in Jedi: Fallen Order was apparently a nightmare to create. Respawn’s lead technical designer, Brandon Kelch, said: “The wipe in film is so easy—well, I don’t know if it’s easy, but in film you just take two different pictures and you have them both and you just wipe…

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How to Find More Games Like SWTOR

How to Find More Games Like SWTOR

BioWare’s MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic was first released in 2011, and it quickly became the fastest growing MMO to be released. Since then, the game has been updated many times, going from a paid subscription to free to play, and updates have added new content such as player-versus-player combat, new classes, and new planets. These updates have helped SWTOR to stay fun for the thousands of players who still play it often. However, eight years isn’t a short amount of time, and those who have been playing all this time may be looking for a new sci-fi, RPG, or Star Wars game to entertain them. Other Star Wars titles As well as SWTOR, publisher EA has many other officially licensed Star Wars games for you to play. EA has also published two Star Wars Battlefront games, allowing players to fight against or with the rebels and play as…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: The Grand Arena Championships


Here are the news from Capital Games on the Grand Arena Championships. No one still have a clue what it is about, ot at least what the GP divisions is about, but Wall of text will crit you. Grand Arena Championships are a five-week series of Grand Arena events and Feats. Our goal is for the experience to feel like a normal Grand Arena event with a few bells and whistles, and then gradually ratchet up the competition and drive for the players who make it up to higher leagues in later events, until by the end of a Championship, it feels like the sharpest competition that the game has to offer. In this post, we’re going to talk about GP Divisions, a feature that enables us to curate the best experience (AND relevant rewards) for all Grand Arena players regardless of their time in game or collection size. Your…

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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Official Gameplay Demo – EA PLAY 2019


The moment we have been waiting for has finally arrived! We have gameplay footage from Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. EA Play wrapped up today to complete EA’s pre-E3 2019 press conference. As part of this event, we got to see some long-anticipated gameplay reveal for Respawn’s Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order, which gave us 10 minutes of lightsaber action, fun droids, and other elements we love about Star Wars. “The Empire won’t stop until every Jedi is purged from the galaxy. As a young Padawan on the run, the odds are against you—but the Force is with you. Discover the Jedi abilities you must master to survive.” Check it out here: Now the Jedi Fallen Order portion of the broadcast is over, but there should be more info on Sunday during the Xbox press conference from Microsoft. We’ll be sure to keep an eye on that and pass along any…

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“We’re Making Something Really Fun with Jedi Fallen Order”

' Poster Revealed

Are you as excited as we are for Jedi Fallen Order? I am super pumped for the new game and we’ve made it a personal mission to try to keep you updated on any and all new info that comes out about it. Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order was already a highly anticipated game, but the hype only grew even further after Respawn scored an explosive success with Apex Legends earlier this year. But there’s a different team altogether inside Respawn who is handling this project and it’s led by God of War 3 Game Director Stig Asmussen. Asmussen recently did an interview with PlayStation Official Magazine (June 2019, issue 162) where he revealed that the team is buzzing with energy and that he believes the game is already fun to play. He says: To say we’re a mash-up crew is an understatement, but everybody has a really high pedigree….

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Lucasfilm and Respawn CEO Talk Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Jedi Fallen Order

In a piece for StarWars.com,we hear from Lucasfilm Games CEO Doughlas Reilly and Respawn CEO Vince Zampella about Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. This game will be the first all-story, single-player Jedi action game in nearly a decade and fans are excited about it. The opportunity to learn a bit more about it is a good one, for sure. Here’s a snippet from the interview: StarWars.com: How does it feel to finally reveal this thing? Vince Zampella: Amazing. Especially at an event like this. You get that response from the fans — there was like six, seven thousand people in the audience, and you hear the swell and the cheer, and it’s so uplifting. Douglas Reilly: There’s nothing like showing a trailer on a big screen and getting a huge crowd reaction. StarWars.com: What’s special about telling a Star Wars story in this specific medium? Vince Zampella: Games is all I know, right? To be…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: May Calendar Update

Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes May Calendar Update

The Devs over at Capital Games had posted with this month’s calendar that they may need to move or cancel the last Grand Arena this month but good news! they will have space in the calendar to run a 4th Grand Arena with some minor adjustments to accommodate for an upcoming release. Review Periods for both Grand Arenas starting on 5/20 & 5/27 will be shortened to 1 hours (Review Period for 5/13 will be shorten to 1 hour too) Preview/Sign Up Periods for 5/20 & 5/27 Grand Arenas will both be shortened to 23 hours Also a reminder aboutthe changes to the calendar, Territory Wars will not have any bonuses (including the original bonuses: First Order, Resistance, Scoundrels and Bounty Hunter) going forward. Due to the feedback they received about the different formats of Territory Wars and that an original rules version was affected, they are planning to run…

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Star Wars Republic Commando – Basic is Best

Star Wars Republic Commando - Basic is Best

Sometimes you just need to go back to the basics to do a game right. In today’s modern age of video games, we see all the bells and whistles. And sometimes, we want ’em. But other times, all that fancy stuff gets in the way of an otherwise good game. Have you ever wanted to play a game so bad but then you try it and all the shiny stuff they wanted to cram in there took away from the actual gameplay and story? Or maybe you couldn’t even play it on your system because they wanted to go crazy with graphics and other elements? There is something to be said about keeping it simple. Sometimes the most basic game can be the best game. That’s what people are saying about Star Wars Commando right now. Originally released in February of 2005, the first-person shooter came with some setbacks for…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Event Calendar – May

Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Event Calendar - May

Here is a list of some of the upcoming events for May in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. Remeber that ALL DATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Daily Login Character for May: IG-100 MagnaGuard Calendar Notes: The last Grand Arena Tournament is subject to change as we will be preparing for our next title update. If this event does need shift or be canceled, we will rescheduled or compensate players for the missing Grand Arena this month Padme Amidala’s event, Aggressive Negotiations, will start at 10:00am PT instead of the usual time. Date is to be announced

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How Does the Star Wars Franchise Allow Low-Budget Gamers to Get Involved?

With all the numerous Star Wars games out there to choose from, dedicated fans who want to buy them all can be faced with huge expenses. The market for games from the George Lucas-created franchise is continuing to expand, with some titles much better than others. So what is the best way for low-budget players with limited spending money to get into the games? Star Wars is Everywhere – there’s Almost too much Choice Since the release of A New Hope in 1977, Star Wars has risen to being one of the most successful franchises ever created. The space adventure is everywhere and spans films, games and every type of merchandise imaginable. Fans want to immerse themselves in Star Wars-related things as much as possible, but it can be a costly business. How Does Star Wars Draw in Players Compared to Other Games? Welcome bonuses and offers are often used in the gaming industry to…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: update on Anakin’s performance


The Community Manager over at Star Wars: Galaxy of hereoes posted a small update on Anakin’s performance in the game. Some players think he is way to powerfull. Here is the news: April 25, 2019 6:14PM edited April 25 “Your focus determines your reality.” Hey Holotable Heroes, I wanted to give a quick update on our announcement last Friday that we were looking into Anakin’s performance and whether or not he is too powerful, particularly where we want him to sit in the meta versus some specific teams like Darth Malak/Darth Revan. Our initial investigation has yielded the following results: Since we released Jedi Knight Anakin’s rework, only 8,000 players have used Jedi Knight Anakin under a Jedi Knight Revan lead to fight against Darth Revan & Darth Malak. That represents less than 1% of the total battles fought by the entire community during this window. Of these battles, JKA is…

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Jedi to Joker. Joker to Jedi – Jedi Fallen Order is Coming Soon

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order

One started as a Jedi and became the joker, the other started as the joker and became a Jedi. Now that more info about Jedi: Fallen Orden is coming out, including some of the cast, we can see a fun little piece of coincidence here. The trailer for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order just recently came out and now we’re seeing it everywhere! If you’ve missed it, check out below: You’re going to see ads for the game everywhere online. You’re going to start seeing the ads in stores, and of course in game stores and gaming websites. We are literally going to be BLOWN UP about Jedi: Fallen Order. The trailer doesn’t really give us much, at least not yet. There are a couple of pieces of possible gameplay and we can take a look at that, but they’re really not giving us a lot to go on yet….

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