other starwars games

Will Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Answer the Call of Gamers?

The gaming industry for the past decade has been primarily centered around multiplayer-focused titles. As with most industries – times change. For years now, gamers have been making calls for developers to create more single-player, story-driven experiences rather than churning out online multiplayer titles year after year. Those calls have mostly fallen upon deaf ears, however. Why? Well, mostly because multiplayer games rake in huge money and keep player bases active for longer. Nevertheless, some developers are finally starting to see that narrative-heavy, non-multiplayer pieces have a good market as well. Respawn Interactive is delivering one in particular soon that has gamers hyped-up big time – Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Fallen Order is set a few years beyond Revenge of the Sith. The protagonist, Cal Kestis, is a previous Padawan currently on the run from the Empire after Order 66 was enacted. With the powers-that-be of the Dark Side…

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Why Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Won’t Allow Dismemberment Too Often

Despite the fact that every true Star Wars fan knows and respects the limb-slicing capabilities of a lightsaber – we really haven’t seen much of it in the franchise’s video games. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order isn’t going to break the cycle either, says Aaron Contreras, the narrative lead at Respawn Entertainment. While the developers recognize that players would love to have the ability to chop off arms and other body parts – Respawn states that they prefer to save this gruesome display of power for pivotal moments in the story itself. A sentiment that they believe follows the same climatic experiences of the Star Wars movies. Star Wars games have, for the most part, been pretty conservative when it comes to gore and extreme violence. A few key moments in campaigns feature some brutal lightsaber action, but not much else. There have been titles where the gore levels were…

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Why EA Shifted to Single-Player with Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past decade it’s probably challenging to understand how Electronic Arts (EA), a company that seems to know nothing but multiplayer titles and bad press, has made the decision to publish a game the likes of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. A single-player experience with no opportunities for season passes or loot boxes? Something seems off. That is EA’s modus operandi, after all. How did EA of all companies wind up making the decision to shift to a single-player, campaign-driven title? To be fair, they do have a few titles with great stories behind them. This still is, however, the company that has produced a couple Star Wars games already that have practically ZERO narrative and are solely focused on multiplayer (yes, we’re referring to the Battlefront games). Nevertheless, here we are – with Electronic Arts being the publisher putting out Star…

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EA Games and EA Access Coming to Steam with Launch of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

In a bit of a surprise announcement, Electronic Arts recently stated that all of the publisher’s games and it’s EA Access subscription service will be making an appearance on Steam. It all begins with the launch of the long-awaited Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order which is slated to release on November 15th, 2019. In the months following the release of Fallen Order more and more of EA’s titles will be added to Steam. It’ll be a slow and steady process, but, eventually, even the likes of mega-hits such as Apex Legends and Battlefield 5 will be available for download via Steam’s service. In addition to individual games being added we’ll also see EA Access made available via Steam. This is currently tentatively set to start sometime in the Spring of 2020. EA Access is a subscription service that gives players the ability to play a plethora of titles for one,…

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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Developer Interview Digs Into Decision of Going the Single-Player Route

A single-player, narrative-based Star Wars title has been a rarity in the gaming industry for the better part of 10 years now. The last true story-drive game within the franchise prior to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order was Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II which made its debut in 2008. The announcement of a new single-player title in the Star Wars universe was a surprise on its own. Combine that with the fact that it’s being published by none other than EA and you’d probably think the news were a farce had we not gotten a concrete launch date, trailers, and more at this point. Electronic Arts isn’t exactly known for having a great public image with gamers these days. Plus, they’re notorious for putting out nothing but multiplayer titles riddled with microtransactions (up until Battlefront 2, at least). So, what made EA of all publishers decide to take up…

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Star Wars: Galaxy Of Heroes Event Calendar – November 2019

Here is a list of some of the upcoming events in Star Wars: Galaxy if Heroes for November 2019. As allways you have to remember that all dates are subject to change.  DISCLAIMER: ALL DATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Daily Login Character for November: Royal Guard Royal guard? thats weird in the middle of the transition from Episode 2-3 content to 8-9…. some event related with the emperors shuttle maybe? They had Emperor’s shuttle in the $20 pack they had in the store the last day or two. I’m not sure what kind of an event would require palps shuttle though… at least, not with the current content roll they’re on (as you acknowledged). I do anticipate a sith capital ship helmed by malak or nihlius to drop at some point, but… with kenobi just hitting the arena now and malevolence presumably on the way, that sounds weird to me. Anyways. Here it…

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Latest Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Trailer Reveals New Details and Prompts Questions

The official launch trailer for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is here and with it comes more info, new looks at gameplay, and a flurry of new questions prior to the game’s release date. Scheduled to hit the market on November 15th, Fallen Order is the first single-player Star Wars game seen in 10 years. An action-adventure title based in an era when the Empire has enacted Order 66 and eliminated nearly all of the Jedi Order, this game has already built up massive anticipation among fans and is currently available for pre-order. Fallen Order will launch on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. The newest trailer – simply titled “Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order – Launch Trailer” – gives a brief glimpse at the new worlds, new characters, and premise the entire game is based on. The video shows off both new cinematics and never-before-seen in-game gameplay action as…

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Vader Immortal: Episode III Due to Release This Month

While most of the Star Wars hype is currently centered around the launch of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, another game based on a galaxy far, far away is due out in just a matter of weeks – Vader Immortal: Episode III. Vader Immortal is a VR series following the workings of the infamous Darth Vader. Episode III will be the last installment of this particular VR trilogy. Venturing into VR was a big step for the Star Wars franchise to begin with. While it hasn’t been a massive commercial spectacle by any means, the Vader Immortal series has found a solid base in VR enthusiasts that want to immerse themselves and feel like a true lightsaber-wielding Jedi. Driven by a canonical and interesting storyline, great visuals, and addictive gameplay, Vader Immortal has won the hearts of thousands of die-hard Star Wars fans. Rather than go with the standard flow…

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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Interview Sheds Light on Game’s Dark Origins

In an interview with STACK, Respawn Entertainment’s narrative lead, Aaron Contreras provided further details about the backstory behind Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, gameplay info, and more. Why Fallen Order is Set Shortly After Revenge of the Sith When asked about the timeline of the game, Contreras stated that the Respawn team decided to roll with a period just a few years past Revenge of the Sith because they found it to be one of the most intriguing ages in the Star Wars franchise. Aaron went on to say that due to the Empire having immense power throughout the galaxy during this time and Order 66 being in place, this period paved the way for a story based on an emerging hero – one that has to stay off the Empire’s radar and fighting to flee persecution. Why Force Players to Utilize a Specific Character? Aaron also shed a little…

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EA Hints at New Star Wars Game Coming After Fallen Order

The official launch of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is right around the corner, yet EA has already alluded to the fact that they’re planning to drop yet another Star Wars title in 2022. Senior Analyst Daniel Ahmad of Niko Partners, one of the largest players in the Asian gaming market, pulled the leak straight from a recent earnings call from EA itself. The project is currently unannounced and unnamed, but is tentatively set to hit the market sometime in late 2022. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is an upcoming, single-player, active-adventure title due to release on Xbox One, PS4, and PC on November 15th, 2019. The game follows Padawan Cal Kestis as he attempts to flee from the purge of the entire Jedi Order that was set into motion utilizing Order 66, a law that demands that all Jedi be tracked down and eliminated. Cal was able to escape…

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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order – Launch Trailer

It’s finally here! The thing we’ve all been waiting for – an official launch trailer for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Now you can get a glimpse of the game for yourself and see what all the hype is all about. EA Star Wars released the official launch trailer today and you can see it below, if you haven’t already. I know we all have high hopes for a new, great Star Wars games already after the genre has seen a lot of disappointment but I, for one, have to say this trailer has me pumped. This game is definitely set to be one of the biggest launches this holiday season. Check it out: The galaxy awaits as Cal Kestis embarks upon an epic journey in hopes of rebuilding the Jedi Order. Fight for your survival, explore the mysteries of a long-extinct civilization, and become a Jedi on November 15….

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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Gameplay – The Ultimate Preview

We know that we have not had a lot in way of great Star Wars games over the past decade or so. We’ve had a lot of canceled games, some weak games, and then of course, SWTOR. But now, we finally have a new Star Wars game – Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. So, is it any good? Will it finally be the Star Wars game we’ve been waiting on? Will it give us something besides SWTOR and Battlefront? Let’s take a look into everything currently known about Fallen Order in this great video from Quest Mode. It’s over 22 minutes long and it’s very thorough and worth the watch, especially if you’re playing or planning to play Fallen Order. Check out the video here: So, what do you think? Do you feel like you have a better understanding of the game? Do you think Fallen Order is going to…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Developer Insights: General Skywalker

The guys over at Capital Games has posted a new developer insight. This time they are talking with the designers of General Skywalker and how they went about creating this iconic character from the Star Wars universe.  Check i out Q: What makes General Skywalker special? Does he have any unique mechanics?CG_Prophet: Absolutely, Anakin Skywalker has been many things over the years; pod racer, droid builder, Jedi Padawan and even a legendary pilot, and now he’s coming to Galaxy of Heroes this week as General of the 501st! I’m super excited for him to finally come to the game. CG_ParkingInstructor: General Skywalker is unlike any other character players can get their hands in the game right now. He is an absolute boss, as he should be, and by that I mean he actually feels like playing a raid boss character in Galaxy of Heroes. He takes 2 actions per turn (like a raid boss)…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Tentative Title Update Next Week

Next week they guys over at Capital games are planning to launch a client update to address some of the technical issues from the Relics Update in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes . If you have been following the Dev Tracker, many of the bugs require a client update to fix and they need to do a full release to address them. Tentatively, they will start rolling out the update on 10/8 which means you can go to your app store to manually download the update once its available in your region or wait for the forced client update on 10/9. Complete notes will be posted when the update goes live but here’s a list of potential fixes for next week. CHANGES [PERFORMANCE] – Reduced the UI lag of ~1-3 sec that appeared after the Title Update [PERFORMANCE] – Fixed an issue on Android where the game would lag when scrolling through the…

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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order — “Cal’s Mission” Trailer

A few days ago, Electronic Arts and Respawn Entertainment shared a new trailer for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order comming this fall. The new trailer shows off our hero Cal Kestis and his mission: searching the galaxy for why the Empire will stop at nothing to eliminate him and all remnants of the Jedi Order. The new trailer also shows off a few clips of gameplay, including Cal facing off in a proper lightsaber battle against one of the Emperor’s Inquisitors (the dark Force users who were used to hunt down Jedi who survived the initial purge). Pretty awesome right ? For actual gameplay, check out this 12-minute clip revealed earlier this year. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order will be available on the PlayStation 4, Windows PC, and Xbox One on November 15th.

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The list of all Star Wars themed games

The Star Wars franchises is one of the most popular in the world. It has been on our television screens and cinemas since 1977 when the first movie was released. As time went by, the franchise has become one of the most watched, followed and having the largest fan base in the world. The characters were created by renowned George Lucas and adapted for the movies. In total the Star Wars franchise has 12 movies with a total box office earnings of $9.323 billion and presently distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. The popularity and success of the franchise has influenced the creation of numerous Star Wars themed games over the years. Fans of the franchise do not have to wait for the release of another part of the movies but can enjoy their favourite trilogy through these games. Since the 1990’s till recent times different Star Wars themed…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Game update september 2019

The guys over at Capital Games has launch the next version update for Star Wars: Galaxy of heroes – featuring Relic Amplifiers and the Scavenger! The Scavenger and Relics will be locked initially, so other than a handful of bug fixes (see below), there won’t be much to do for the first 24 hours . At that point, players will be required to update (if they haven’t already) in order to access the final features and fixes for this update. Here’s what you’ll see for Relics and The Scavenger today: The New Character Screen Locked Scavenger TableRelics (For the teaser video, see here.) Take your squad to the next level and power up your characters with Relic Amplifiers from the Star Wars universe! Each character has a unique Relic icon, signifying a new set of upgrades that provide stat boosts based on their role and aptitudes. Enhance the power of Relics…

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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order – Can We Trust EA?

Normally speaking, when there’s a brand new Star Wars game on the horizon, it’s a time of great excitement for all of us. As much as we all love (and will continue to love) Star Wars: The Old Republic, it never hurts to have another game or two to play. As we already know, the final few months of this year will bring us Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. They’ll also bring us the Star Wars: the Rise of Skywalker movie, which is just as exciting, but we focus on games on this website. We’ll leave the movie hype to somebody else! Everything we’ve seen about Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order looks fantastic. The graphics look great. The promises we’ve been made about gameplay sound outstanding. We have every reason to be placing pre-orders already – but why are so many of us reluctant to do so? The answer might…

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5 Unreal Engine Star Wars Fan Games

You know we love fan-created Star Wars stuff here. While some of it is very amateur, honestly, it’s all a lot of fun. Maybe that’s because only true Star Wars fans can appreciate it. The Retro Gaming Magazine has five great Unreal Engine Star Wars fan games you are going to want to hurry and check out before they get shut down by Disney/LucasArts. On the list? Star Wars Dark Forces Star Wars Dark Forces 2 Star Wars Rogue Squadron Star Wars Episode 1 Racer Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (already shut down, sadly) This one was a real heartbreaker because we (and many of you) were big KOTOR fans. I was so excited to tell you about this project and then LucasArts came along and gave it the ax. Are there any Unreal Engine remakes or fan games you’d add to the list? Let us know about…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Introducing new Senior Producer, Mark Dickenson

Capital has hired Mark Dickenson as new Senior Producer for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. Mark has been working in the gaming industry for many years and brings his expertise as a veteran producer to Capital Games. He’s not a new face around the studio as he was previously working on Capital Games’ next project. Here is an inteview: You recently became the Senior Producer for SWGOH, tell us a bit about yourself!MD – Well, that’s a big question. I’m a gaming industry veteran and earned my first video game paycheck back in 1987. That was actually working as an independent developer on a science fiction role playing game (Hard Nova) that was published by EA. Since then, I’ve worked for a number of video game companies including 3DO, LucasArts, & Telltale. It may sound like a cliche, but I am extremely passionate about video games – both developing &…

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Lego Star Wars: Rise of TT Games

We’ve been talking about this new Lego Star Wars game and I’ve gotta tell ya, I am excited about it! Traveler’s Tales has been bringing us great Lego games for a very long time now. In fact, they’ve been putting out at least one per year for more than 15 years now. Some of those years, the UK developer put out as many as three Elgo games. They’ve made games on all your favorite famous IPs and franchises and it has been a long, glorious ride. While Lego has made their presence in video games before this, but it was the release of 2005 Lego Star Wars: The Video Game that really launched the Lego game fad. In the time that has passed since that first game, they’ve sold of 200 million copies of Lego games and over $2 Billion in revenue. TT Games will see itself come full circle…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Event Calendar – August

Here is a list of some of the upcoming events in Star Wars: Galaxy if Heroes for August 2019. As allways you have to remember that all dates are subject to change.  Daily Login Character for August: CC-2224 “Cody” Please note that the team are working on updates for Grand Arena Championships and still determining when Championships or Exhibitions will return. There will be an official announcement in the next couple weeks regarding if we will take a short break from GAC or ready resume right away. I think Padme and Malak will both be sometime in August as well. They just didn’t want to put it on the calendar to give folks time to prepare. Basically, the event calendar is useless. They won’t be giving us information for anything worthwhile in advance. They will do the same thing with Malak that they did last time, 1 day or warning and…

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