TOR TV: Jedi Consular Beta play through.

I must have been living under a rock the last week, or maby I have just been in a constant swtor video overload, but I should have posted some videos from this guys earlier. I just came about this guy on youtube today. he goes about the name B.R. Brainerd, and in these videos he play Jedi Consular and do commentary. B.R. enters the world of Star Wars as a Jedi Consular, showing you the game’s opening cinematic, server selection, character creation, and gameplay! B.R. continues his foray into Star Wars: The Old Republic. After exploring the conversation mechanics in the game he ventures through the starting area, receives his first two quests, and engages in combat! We learn more about the abandoned Jedi holocrons as the main quest takes us to the Jedi Temple and a nearby Twi’Lek village. Hilarity ensues. B.R. completes a ritual ceremony for the Twi’Leks and gathers…

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EA Makes Right the Wrong of BF3 and Battlefield 1943

A few days ago I brought you the story of EA being sued by disgruntled gamers over their BF3 fiasco. It seems they are taking the issue seriously and have decided to remedy the problem. They have issued a statement on their website that all owners of Battlefield 3 on the PS3 will get a free copy of Battlefield 1943 starting this month. Full details on who is eligible and how to get your copy is available from their site. Do you think this is a good enough response to the whole debacle? Has EA taken the right steps to resolve the matter and smooth things over with gamers everywhere by correcting their mistake and quickly making the game available to those who originally thought they would get it via a promotion? It’s a nice little bonus to anyone who just bought BF3 and might not have even known about…

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Beta Patch notes: 0.742.16

Here are the latest patch notes for SWTOR. Only a Few minor changes is all Bioware did to prepare their game for the stress test today. Check out all the fixes below. Bounty Hunter Bug Fixes Neural Dart now properly functions to taunt enemies. Crew Skill Bug Fixes Crafting materials that are no longer usable will now display as “Obsolete Crafting Material” and the item description will now properly read “This item is obsolete. Sell it to a vendor.” Fixed an issue that would sometimes incorrectly display which Crew Skills a character has learned. Items Bug Fixes Players will now be properly notified when they do not meet the requirements to equip an item. Flashpoints and Operations Bug Fixes Fixed an issue that was causing players to freeze or see a black screen while in Flashpoints. Missions and NPCs Missions Republic Doomsday: Players will no longer see the environment disappear…

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Last Chance to Finalize Your SWTOR Guild

This is your last opportunity to finalize your SWTOR guild before Early Game Access begins! Phase 3 of our Pre-Launch Guild Program had begun a few weeks ago and according to the news reminder from the official SWTOR site, you are running out of time to finalize your guild. If you are a guild leader, now is the time to make sure you have everything in order for launch. If you have at least 4 members of your guild who have preorderd the game and you want to get guild early access, you will need to finalize the last details of the guild before it is too late. This is your last chance to: Make any changes to your guild Ensure your guild meets requirements for deployment into the game Designate your guild’s Allies and Adversaries Review and accept pending guild applications So what do you have to do? “It’s…

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Your guide to this weekend’s beta.

The purpose behind this final weekend beta, is to gauge performance of the game’s current server architecture. Previous betas have had some minor problems with performance, and this test will be the final chance for some meaningful feedback for launch scenarios. So, what can you do to help the most? Attempt to log in AS SOON AS YOU CAN. We want to hammer these servers to hell and back, don’t let up if you have the time to spare. Keep trying to connect if you have problems. Be ruthless. The more performance issues we catch during this beta mean that BioWare will know what to tackle before launch. Don’t start a post on reddit, or the official forums saying “the servers aren’t letting me log in””. Just keep attempting to connect, the server logs they’ll gather will tell them you can’t log in. Severe lag? Log out and use the…

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1.6 Million WoW players ‘could switch to Old Republic’ according to surveys

The battle between SWTOR and WoW rages on and as we get even closer to the launch date of TOR (December 20th) we continue to hear talk of WoW players who are or are not planning to jump ship and trade one game for the other. “Analyst house Lazard Capital Markets thinks World of Warcraft could lose between 900,000 and 1.6 million players following December’s Star Wars: The Old Republic launch”, as reported on Computer and Video Games. The stats aren’t really that surprising when you think about it. People are getting tired of WoW. It’s something we’ve written about many times and this also wouldn’t be the first analyst or expert to make such a prediction. The story explains: “A recent survey conducted by the firm in conjunction with Peanut Labs found that over 50 percent of 381 respondents have grown tired of Blizzard’s game.” This really isn’t a…

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TOR TV: Trooper lvl 1 – 5 playthrough with commentary

Jesse from OMFGaming have a new video up showcasing some SWTOR Trooper Gameplay. This time he plays the first 5 levels while commentating on it. As last time he get’s a little annoying at times, Like I don’t see why has has to use 8 minutes choosing how his character should look. While that being said, it’s still a great video, and not a bad way to spend a good hour. Especially if you want to play the trooper when Star Wars: The old republic comes out next month.

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The Guild Sphere: Vivid

It’s Thursdays and time for this weeks second guild feature. Today the guild, Vivid — a fine US East guild —  took the chance to answer our questions. The guild will focus on the depths of hardcore raiding and competitive PvP. Although they have a strong passion and desire to fullfill these goals, at the core of it all, they are all friendly nerds, who love a personable environment and STAR WARS! If you want your guild to be features on get in contact with us here.  Check out the interview below, and have a happy thanksgiving, if you are celebrating it in your part of the world! Where did your guilds name come from? When we originally sat down and thought about developing a guild, the three of us collaborated and decided we needed a strong, meaningful guild name. We chose Vivid because it’s powerful, short, and unforgettable, like…

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SWTOR for the Holidays

If you’re looking for a popular game choice this holiday season, is there really any surprise that SWTOR tops the lists? Entertainment Weekly has named STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™ one of their 15 Must-Have Videogames this holiday season and The New York Times has placed STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™ on their 2011 Holiday Gift Guide! With the timely release of SWTOR slotted for December 20, 2011, it’s the perfect opportunity for family members of Star Wars fans or MMORPG lovers to snag a copy of the anticipated game for Christmas. It’s also a great opportunity to do something with that cash or gift cards you get for the holidays. I think it’s a safe bet to say that we will start seeing SWTOR show up on even more holiday wish lists and “best of” lists as we draw closer to the holiday season. For those who have preordered,…

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“BioWare Bets Big With the Old Republic” Says Fast Company

Star Wars: The Old Republic is scheduled to launch December 20, 2011 and BioWare’s expectation for its future is huge. With all the time and energy put into this MMO, BioWare bets big that it’s going to be a big hit. The SWTOR headquarters is located in Austin, Texas. This seems fitting to some since the Lonestar State has the slogan “everything is bigger in Texas” and SWTOR is one of the largest MMO to ever be released. Fast Company tells us how BioWare bets big with SWTOR. Is it a bet that will pay off in time for the company? BioWare has put 6 years of testing and debugging into the game and logged 4.6 million hours of beta testing. They are now ready to see if the efforts they’ve put into the game are going to pay off. Will gamers respond to this MMO the way they expect…

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Massively Has Some Early Thoughts on SWTOR: SWTOR Preview

Massively had a few things to say about SWTOR and they offered us all this “early thoughts” piece the other day. As far as first impressions go, this one was fair and many gamers want to hear the An excerpt: “I was taken aback by BioWare’s lifting of the NDA on Star Wars: The Old Republic last Friday. Few of us saw that coming. I highly suspect that wasn’t when the devs originally intended to drop the NDA.” Ok really Massively? Because I predicted that one the day before it happened…   But anyway, on to their impressions:   “I am happy to tell you that I have a Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor on Dromund Kaas and Smuggler on Nar Shaddaa with a peppering of other characters on various other planets. I have PvPed alongside one of the best PvPers I’ve ever met, and I have plenty to talk…

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Analyst Downgrades Blizzard Stock in Anticipation of SWTOR Launch

  Could Blizzard lose more fans as the SWTOR launch date approaches? It’s been called a WoW-killer before but one analyst believes Blizzard stock might take a hit as SWTOR launches.  Earlier this month, Activision Blizzard revealed that WOW subscriptions had fallen by 10 percent since March, dropping to 10.3 million worldwide. Now Gamespot reports that age and increased competition for the MMOG market can cause Blizzard to lose more stock. This article explains:   In an investor note today, Lazard Capital Markets analyst Atul Bagga expressed pessimism over WOW’s ability to reverse its negative trend. In the process, Bagga downgraded Activision Blizzard’s stock from “buy” to “neutral.”    Bagga’s move was primarily motivated by a Lazard Capital Markets survey of online players, which was conducted in conjunction with Peanut Labs earlier this month and polled 381 online gamers. The study found that WOW’s age, as well as increased competition,…

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TOR TV: Various Level 50 Mercenary Bounty Hunter videos with commentary

Here is a few videos showing some beta gameplay. The first video is a video of a Level 50 Mercenary Bounty Hunter doing PvP in Star Wars: The Old Republic. The video have has some insightful commentary that I personally enjoyed. The guys that made the video is using real PvP situations to illustrate the classes strengths and weaknesses. If your thinking about creating a Bounty hunter with tne Mercenary tree, I also recoment you to check out this short video. This video is A beta overview of the Bounty Hunter Mercenary advanced class’ main damage dealing spec, the Arsenal spec, at level 50 in SWTOR with gameplay footage. This is the same as the Commando Gunnery spec, with different ability animations and names And finally here is a video of a Level 50 Mercenary Bounty Hunter (Arsenal spec) soloing 2 named boss-level mobs at the same time, wich hopefully…

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Die Hard Game Fan brings us 10 Thoughts on SWTOR

We keep an eye out for great SWTOR reviews, previews, news and more to help you stay updated before the launch and to be your one-stop source after launch for useful information. That’s why when we come along a post like the one by Ashe Collins over on Die Hard Game Fan, we want to share it with you. Collins gives us 10 thoughts on SWTOR. This was from the perspective of someone who only got to play for a small portion of the game and what it has to offer so we’d call these ‘early impressions” more than anything else but sometimes it is those early impressions that make the difference between whether or not someone wants to buy the game. Each of the 10 thoughts are listed with additional info as to why it made the list. Check out the full article to read all the details. 10…

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Will the Novelty of SWTOR Stand the Test of Time?

As we draw close to the biggest beta weekend in the history of SWTOR, we take some time to look at all the things that make SWTOR great. It’s an awesome game from a popular title wrapped up in a pretty bow with all the bells and whistles. The amount of polish that has been added to the game is the one thing that sets SWTOR apart from other MMOs that have come before and will likely come after as well. Without this polish and the Star Wars name, it’s just another MMORPG and for many gamers, that’s nothing so special after all. It’s the little details that make all the difference in SWTOR. The voice acting, the animation and of course, the story are all things that make this game stand out from so many others in the market. They make you feel that your character is more important…

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EA Being Sued for Battlefield 1943 Broken Promises

Gamers don’t take kindly to being let down. Broken promises over Battlefield 1943 have landed EA in the middle of a lawsuit. US law firm Edelson McGuire has filed a class action suit against EA on behalf of unhappy PlayStation gamers in a bid to get them the free copy of Battlefield 1943 they were originally assured they would receive, Kotaku reports. The promise was made at E3, where Sony executives promised to bundle Battlefield 3 with copies of the new Battlefield 1943. Gamers who bought the game expecting to get Battlefield 3 were highly disappointed. The suit alleges that EA “misled and profited from thousands of their customers by making a promise that [it] could not, and never intended, to keep”. However, the lawsuit is about more than just the broken promise. It also cites the late announcement of the matter, which was made after many customers had already…

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After the NDA: video extravaganza

The NDA is gone, and we can finally start posting ingame videos without getting daily “greeting cards” from the EA law department. Now  all the people whit out guts are posting vidoes like crazy men. One of them is Awall from who have posted ( with commentary) more then 3 hours of beta footage. Check out some “Boom Sucka!” below: Boom Sucka!” 1 – PvP Commentary, Hutball, Bounty Hunter Powertech ft. Awall! Jedi Knight Playthrough #1, ft Hengest! Jedi Knight Playthrough #2, ft Hengest! “Boom Sucka!” 2 – PvP Commentary, Hutball, Powertech, Sorceror ft. Awall + MBD! Bounty Hunter Playthrough #1, ft. Ned! – WAY Jedi Knight Playthrough #3, ft Hengest! Jedi Knight Playthrough #4, ft Hengest! Jedi Knight Playthrough #5, ft Hengest! Jedi Knight Playthrough #6, ft Hengest!

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The Guild Sphere: Death’s Fist

Another week have started, and another Guild took the time to answer our questions. Being an old SWG gamer my self, it’s nice to have a chat with some old timers again. So with no further ado, I bring you Death’s Fist: Where did your guilds name come from? Originally we were going to call ourselves Revan’s Fist, after a guild that existed for a few months on the Corbantis server in SWG. I was a PvP officer in the guild, and always thought it was a great, unique name. However, when we went to create our guild on, it wouldn’t let us use Revan. So after some quick brainstorming we came up with Death’s Fist – still a unique name with an edge to it. Can you give me a quick 2-3 sentance description of your guild? Death’s Fist is an international, adult guild that will focus on…

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Beta client is now available to download!

The Beta client for next weekends beta testing is now available for download. If you haven’t gotten the mail yet, you can go to and get it. Some people have experienced a problem with the client, as the orange bar below downloading, fills up immediately. This orange bar tracks the total download, the bar above it tracks the download of each piece. So there’s a chance that – if it’s going wrong – it can fill up for a second time before the actual process is done. Restarting the launcher a few times seems to Fix this. If it fills up right away and you leave it be thinking you can come back in a day to the downloaded client you could actually come back to find it redownloading itself for the third time without actually installing. Another issue is that people “down under” get an error message along…

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Can You Crack It?

Don’t Let Hackers Get Your SWTOR Account Gamers are super pumped about SWTOR and the upcoming release on December 20th. As we all prepare for the game of the year (or game of the century, depending on who you ask), it’s important to make sure your account is protected. BioWare has warned gamers about hackers and how you can protect your account in their news post. They are also asking gamers to change their passwords in order to meet with new security settings and requirements. The reminder is great but this is something that gamers should be doing anyway, for their own protection online. It’s also recommended that you change your password frequently to something only you would know, do not use the same password that you use for other accounts (if one gets hacked, they will all be compromised) and do not share your password with anyone- not even…

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