Angry Video Game Nerd: Star Wars Games

With the dawn of Technology and the age of computers, it is becoming easier and easier to be famous. Some people make videos of their kids laughing and post it on you-tube, other people dance only in their underwear for the sweet taste of fame… and than it’s those who make Mascots out of them self’s. But within the people who create mascots… seems to be an uprising special group of people, those who I would call, Self-claimed critics… People that for some reasons plague a certain form of art industry. Some self-claimed critics rant about movies, other computer games… some are bad, some are good, but one thing is for certain… the internet critic business sure ass hell is growing fast. I think that it’s safe to say that “Angry Video Game Nerd” is one of the first… or well, one of the first who took this form of…

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Zoeller Comments on Faction Imbalances

During these times of game testing,  Principal Lead Combat Designer for Star wars: The old republic Georg “Observer” Zoeller,  is closely monitoring  the beta gamers play, to solve upcoming problems with faction imbalance.  If you remember the launch of World of Warcraft, most american servers had an over wait of Alliance players, and the European servers an over wait of Horde. So far it don’t seem to be a problem though. But as we all know things might change at launch.  Here is his forum post: “During Game Testing, we’ve been watching closely which class players decide to play at various times – such as: The first time they create a character 2 hours after that (player time, not real time) 6 hours after that 12 hours after that 24 hours after that 2 days after that … and so on. Imbalances are bad for business (especially for PvP), so we have a vested interest in achieving faction parity. We’re interested enough that we’ve even looked at the impact…

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Know your Legends : G0-T0

G0-T0 was a floating stealth-oriented expert droid whose primary function was to infiltrate, search, and destroy. His business originating from Nar Shaddaa, his success as an Exchange boss has helped establish his notoriety throughout the sector G0-T0 is a character in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. He is voiced by Daran Norris. The name “G0-T0” and the droid’s alter ego of “Goto” are presumably a reference to the infamous GOTO programming command, which, if misused, can unpredictably alter a program’s behavior. This led some fans to speculate that G0-T0’s dark side alignment within the game is a reference to the “GOTO is evil” belief expressed by proponents of structured programming. G0-T0’s appearance in the game was noticeably similar to the IT-0 droid from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope but with the red bulb on the lower half. In The New Essential Guide…

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3 new SWTOR Screenshots emerge

Gamespot recently posted a few new epic screenshot of Star Wars: The old republic. I really like the second one, were a Darth Vader kind of guy force chokes a foe. The first one is also incredible and makes me think of Empire Strikes back – the part were Luke and Leia looks out the window and the Millenium Falcon sets off to look for Han. Here’s their release with the images: Given that the previous attempt at a Star Wars massively multiplayer online role-playing game didn’t pan out as expected, perhaps we should temper our excitement, but we can’t. With BioWare at the helm, and its proven track record with Knights of the Old Republic (among other excellent RPGs) in tow, we have high hopes. Still, it will be interesting to see if players will actively embrace character classes that don’t use a lightsaber or the Force. So check them all out…

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George Lucas Still Makes a Lot of Money Off ‘Star Wars’ Toys

In 2010, Lucasfilm broke its record for the most revenue gained from toy sales in a year without a Star Wars theatrical release, raking in $510 million dollars worth of action figures, space ships, and other assorted hunks of plastic. The Hollywood Reporter points out that, though there were no Star Wars films in theaters, the popularity of the Cartoon Network’s Star Wars: Clone Wars maintained a certain pop cultural profile for the franchise. Keep in mind that this is purely toy sales, and does not include the myriad of other merchandise from a galaxy far, far away. When George Lucas negotiated his contract to write and direct the first Star Wars film, he insisted on maintaining the merchandising rights, including toys, and 20th Century Fox readily agreed. At the time, studios didn’t view toy tie-ins as a meaningful enterprise. Lucas corrected their thinking, and you’ll notice that almost every…

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Friday Update: Building Flashpoints Dev Diary

In BioWare’s Friday update for Star Wars: The Old Republic, World Designer Jesse Sky talks about building “Flashpoints”. So, what is a flashpoint and why might one want to design one? A Flashpoint is a galactic crisis, something so threatening that even the most stalwart heroes must bring allies. The Death Star was a Flashpoint. Luke and Obi-wan spent a few minutes LFG in the Mos Eisley Cantina where they enlisted the aid of Han Solo and Chewbacca. Together, they infiltrated a moon-sized battle station to rescue Princess Leia. Things didn’t go quite as they expected; difficult choices were made along the way. That’s a Flashpoint in a nutshell. In game terms, a Flashpoint is a challenging, cooperative mission that takes place entirely within an instance, which only your group can enter. While adventuring, you’ll be alerted to a crisis developing somewhere in the galaxy. That’s when you know it’s…

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While we wait: Amazing Fan Made STAR WARS Documentary

YouTube user ‘jambedavdar’ has crafted together -possibly the greatest ‘Star Wars’ documentary ever made! I don’t know how the documentary included with the ‘Star Wars’ blu-ray disk release can top this one. He includes video clips, audio from the cast and crew, alternate takes, bloopers, and text facts/insights into the development and creation of one of the greatest films ever made. As a lifelong Star Wars fan who has seen and heard countless interviews with the filmmakers and cast, I cannot believe how comprehensive this doc is. As you watch, on the top or bottom of the screen it’ll say where the video/audio comes from and he mixes in footage that I’ve never seen. And on top of all that, it’s not some ten minute short. It’s over two hours! Again, if you’re a Star Wars fan, hit the jump to be impressed:

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Video: VW Gears Up For Super Bowl XLV With Tiny Vader

Now included in the history of Super Bowl advertising: “Star Wars.” Lucasfilm, the production company founded by “Star Wars” creator George Lucas, has paired up with Volkswagen of America for a 30-second spot during the Super Bowl this Sunday. For those that don’t care one lick about the Super Bowl, the commercials have always helped pass the time. While there have been off years, this years bout between the Packers and Steelers should give Volkswagen the opportunity to shine. The spot portrays a small-size version of galactic villain, Darth Vader, using “the Force,” on a 2012 Volkswagen Passat, accompanied by the swelling music of the “Imperial March.”” Somehow there is also a baby involved. Coo. According to Tim Ellis of Volkswagen of America, “We’ve partnered with Lucasfilm for the all-new Passat ad, leveraging the emotional heritage of both “Star Wars” and Volkswagen to create a memorable moment. The ad is…

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EA: Star Wars: Old Republic can be profitable with 500000 subs

World of Warcraft may have more than 12 million subscribers, but that doesn’t mean Star Wars: The Old Republic needs to surpass or even approach those sorts of numbers in order to be profitable. During a conference call yesterday EA CFO Scott Brown talked about the number of subscribers BioWare’s upcoming MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic need to be profitable – and according to his comments on a recent conference call: it’s 500,000. “”At half a million subscribers, the game is substantially profitable, but it’s not the kind of thing we would write home about,” he said. “”Anything north of a million subscribers, it’s a very profitable business.”” Tackling World of Warcraft is certainly a daunting task. Achieving one million subscribers, though? That’s not in any way a given, but it’s most definitely an achievable number for a quality MMO — especially one carrying the Star Wars name. Brown…

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To Create A Guild You Need To…

You need 3 very important things to creating a solid guild in Star Wars: The old republic. First question, is there a guild that suits your needs? If yes than join that one there are plenty of chances for leadership roles within the guild you’ve joined without the extra effort of crating the guild from scratch. Second, what would make your guild unique? What would be different from any other guild that is created, you should think of this question before hitting the Create the Guild button. And last can you stick it out till the very end you need to invest a lot of time and hard work creating your guild till you have a Kick @$$ guild that people will be waiting to join the cause.  You may say “Now I don’t want to make a guild,” but these are just some points you should think about before,…

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‘Dragon Age Legends’ hits Facebook ( Do we get to see SWTOR the Facebook game to? )

Registration for the closed beta trial is open for Dragon Age Legends, a new Facebook game from BioWare, the makers of Dragon Age: Origins and the upcoming Dragon Age II (out March 8). The game introduces the Free Marches, the primary setting for Dragon Age II. Players who complete specific goals in the Facebook game will be able to earn up to five exclusive items that can used in Dragon Age II, as well as the Jade Empire-inspired Death’s Hand Armor for their Dragon Age Legends character in the Facebook game’s open beta. Early buyers of Dragon Age II playing the beta can also get early access to the official launch version of the Facebook game, set for later in March. And those who buy Dragon Age II and log in before March 15 will get the Dragon Age Legends BioWare Signature pack the next time they log into the…

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What Is The Max Level?

A lot of people are wondering, what is the level cap to the SWTOR? Before people believed that the level cap could be between 36 to 71 in Star Wars: The old republic but, stated by Damion Schubert the level cap is indeed level 50.  Who knows if that will be the case when the game is actually is released. I guess it will leave much for expansions and it will be easier to reach that level, I’m guessing and I will play through a lot more character. And here is Gabe talking about multiple level 50 PvP:

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How Stuff Works: Bacta Tanks

A miracle of modern medical technology, the bacta tank is a mainstay in both Imperial and Republic medical wards. The containment cylinder fills with rejuvenating bacta fluid that is capable of healing even the most grievous wounds. The translucent red fluid nurtures the growth of a bacterial medium that seeks out traumatized tissue and promotes regeneration and growth to rapidly heal wounds with minimal or no scarring. Medical droids closely monitor the patient, who is suspended in the fluid. Bacta could be administered through disposable bacta patches, injection, or by submersion in a bacta tank. Bacta was also used in portable lotion form. The method of administration depended on the severity of the wounds. Bacta must be applied in a solution of clear synthetic fluid which mimics the body’s own vital fluids. Bacta had a smell that was described as ‘sickly-sweet’; immersion in a bacta tank could leave one with the…

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New Trooper Gameplay Compilation Video

The guys over at RedRancor has put together an awesome Trooper gameplay compilation video. All material has been around in the Star Wars: The old republic community for a while but it’s always nice to watch some trooper action. I finally have the Fourth installation of the Gameplay Compilation series completed.  This time, I’ve chosen to display the Trooper in action, with selected gameplay footage from all officially released video thus far in pre-beta. So Without any further ado:

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Know your lore: Tulak Hord

Tulak Hord was a Dark Lord of the Sith that ruled sometime during the early Sith Empire, after the use of lightsabers became prevalent. Hord wore a claustrophobic black mask, making him a fear-inspiring sight. There is some disagreement as to when precisely Tulak Hord lived. Kreia seems to imply he was an ancient Dark Lord from the first Sith Empire, yet she also calls him a lightsaber master, and it is widely believed by fans that the Sith did not use such weapons until they re-established contact with the Jedi and the Republic after the Great Hyperspace War. It is unknown how Hord died, but his power was so considerable that a burial chamber was built in his honor in the Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban. In later years, both Revan and the Jedi Exile visited his tomb, though the entrance was blocked and the tomb looted…

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Funcom and EA to Co-Publish ‘The Secret World’ MMO

Even though Funcom Games Inc. has produced many award-winning video games, top-level executive Miguel Caron said the company has had trouble translating those accolades into dollars. “We’re really known for the quality of our games,” said Caron, the CEO of Funcom Canada, from the company’s studio on Ste. Catherine St. W., at the corner of Bishop St. “Commercially, we haven’t seen the correlation of that quality.” Caron said while its 2008 massively multiplayer online game Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures received many accolades, including a Grammy Award for its music, the company was disappointed with how it performed compared with the leader in the world of MMO. “”We thought it could have taken a chunk out of World of Warcraft,” Caron said. World of Warcraft has grossed nearly $2 billion in revenue, compared with Conan, which has brought in less than one-10th that number. That’s why Funcom Games Canada Inc….

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While we wait: Ryan vs. Brandon 2

The Complete, official version of Ryan vs. Brandon 2 is done. I must say it’s entertaining. This was an awesome way to spend a few minutes before seeing the clone wars tonight. The video has great production value; the swordplay was very creative and the FXs seemed professional to my untrained eyes. The actors/fighters were pretty good and their performance was, IMO superior to many fights we’ve seen in the prequels notably. Only downside I can notice is that, like with the SW sextology, most of the strikes do not target the opponent but are simply made so that they can be acrobatically parried. There’s not efficiency to it. It’s one of the most annoying things about the prequels (that Anakin vs. Obiwan swinging contest gif that was on reddit a couple of weeks ago illustrates this perfectly). If the prequels were to be remade I wish the swordplay would…

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TORWars Chats with SWTOR’s David Bass

The crazy guys over at Torwars had a chat with BioWare’s Senior Community Coordinator for Star Wars: The old republic,  David Bass. The interview has been broken up into two Q&A Sessions were Mr. Bass answers questions about him self and the community in the first part, and answers more concrete gaming related questions in part two. Here is a snip: TORWars: Will we see content rolled out in regular patches as well as in boxed expansions? David Bass: We will absolutely roll out patches on a regular basis post-launch. It’s extremely important that we get feedback from players from the first moment they get their hands on the game, as that will help drive future patches once we release.

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News about SWTOR Flashpoints + new video

BioWare has never been shy about adding elaborate stories to their games and Star Wars: The Old Republic may be their most ambitious attempt to date. GameSpot recently got the chance to speak with World Designer Jesse Sky about the game’s Flashpoint gameplay. The interview features a look at the fortress mission on Taral V, which a full group of four players can play through in about 90 minutes. Along the way, players can discover things that may change the way that their adventure plays out. In the below video we’re introduced to the flashpoint Taral V, a Republic-based adventure in which you will be infiltrating an Empire facility to steal a specialized computer: Jesse summarize the contents of Taral V like this: The emperor is holding a powerful Jedi captive in his personal prison–a massive space station at the heart of the Maelstrom Nebula. Only a Gree computer is…

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The Empire Farts Back

Our friend OneMinuteGalactica is at it again. This time he has gone and farted up Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.  If you enjoy this you are juvenile and immature. If you hate this you are pompous and need to loosen up a little bit. As rude and as crude as fart videos are…. who doesnt love the superb matching of the faces with the sounds of disgusting bubble farts?

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Damion Schubert On The Death Penalty

The death penalty of various MMORPGs is a topic of interest to many people – I’ve seen a number of thought provoking posts, and what is a more cheerful topic than death of your virtual avatar. Yesterday Damien Schubert made a great post about this issue on the official Star Wars: the old republic forums. In summary, the death penalty of a game is a powerful tool which strongly influences how much risk the players are willing to take. Theoretically you could make a game with permadeath, where when your character dies, you need to roll a new one. Obviously in such a game you would see people not even daring to attack to bunny without a group. Given how many fights you do in a MMORPG, even a 1 in 1000 chance to die would be far too dangerous. In games with corpse runs and lots of xp loss,…

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The Old Republic To Be Released This Fall?

According to, the long awaited release of Star Wars: The Old Republic is now schedule for September 2011, not Spring 2011. This is not confirmed by Bioware yet though,  but looking at the current state of beta, I’m not surprised if it’a true. Still I have to say that I am very sad that I can’t get it now; well this does give me a bit more time to buy a new gaming computer for all the new specs my computer now can barely dish out. Still, I am very sad. I am going to play the heck out of this game unlike WoW I will have hundreds of really powerful characters by the time BioWare releases something new and with that I won’t have a life anymore, lol.  This game is predicted that it will last as long as the rest of the decade. I’m happy for all of us, Yay! 

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