The Guild Sphere: Imperial Security Bureau (ISB)

Today we feature the republic guild ” Imperial Security Bureau ” ISB is a small guild (around 23 members including alts) looking to increase in size to get ready for heroics and operations. They are a close group of dedicated players that like to have fun and help each other out. Many of the members have experience from WoW and have played MMOs for quite some time. Right now they are looking for some cool people who want to run the end game material and have a good time. All classes/levels accepted! They are always helping each other out whether it’s sending gear, running someone through a flashpoint or leveling alts together. Where did your guilds name come from? The guild name stands for Imperial Security Bureau. It’s those Imperials you see in the movie wearing the uniforms. Our guild consists of many people who are very into the Star…

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IGN Gives SWTOR a Second Look

You may remember reading a review on IGN a few weeks ago written by Nick Kolan on Star Wars: The Old Republic (we brought you the recap). Kolan had a lot of good things to say about the MMO but some of the commenters called him an idiot (commenters are prone to such things, ya know) so some of the other members of the staff decided to review it, too. They wanted to give readers a second opinion of the game. It’s a pretty fun read if you want to check it out for yourself. Here are a few of their comments. Anthony Gallegos – IGN PC Editor had this to say. “Maybe it was because I knew I’d be addicted, but I really was opposed to Star Wars: The Old Republic early on. So many of the early demos I saw of it made it seem like “just another…

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Announcing The Old Republic Guild Summit

Good news in from BioWare this week. They have announced the first ever SWTOR Guild Summit, hosted right here in Austin (where I just happen to be) in March of this year. Guild leaders from around the world will gather with developers from BioWare Austin to talk about the game and its future. It’s by invitation only but yours truly is hoping to be there (*cough* cough* BioWare) and if not, I will at least bring you all the updates as I find out about them. The update was announced on the official News feed for SWTOR: Guild leaders (or a designated officer in the event of a guild leader being unable to attend) will participate in Q&A sessions with developers, roundtable feedback discussions, and will get a preview of some upcoming game features. The goal of the summit is to facilitate an open discussion between guild leaders and the…

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Intergalactic Intel: Shadow/Assassin Tanking Guide

“So you’re a dps?” For someone who had no interest in playing Swtor, my friend had a ton of questions. “No, a tank,” I replied. “My friend looked at me. You’re a tank with invisibility?” “Yeah… Druids do the same thing in WoW, and remember Rogue tanks in BC?” “SWTOR is so weird…” Welcome back to another Intergalactic Intel! This week we’re going technical. We’re gonna sit down and look at what my opinion of the best Jedi Shadow/Sith Assassin tanking spec, what stats you should be aiming for and how to tank properly. This guide is for patch 1.1. This guide is subject to change. The spec: Assassin Shadow Kinetic Combat: Tier 1: Technique Mastery 3/3- This is THE BEST early talent for shadow/assassin tanking. It increases your internal and elemental resistance by 9% meaning you’ll be taking less damage from those specific abilities. We’re all about not taking…

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Escapist Magazine Zero Punctuation Reviews SWTOR

This week, Zero Punctuation reviews Star Wars: The Old Republic. Escapist Magazine did not have nice things to say about SWTOR. It’s a 5-minute, fast-paced rant about how much SWTOR sucks (in short) but self-admittedly is nothing more than a “preview” as he doesn’t spend enough time actually playing the game to give it a real review. Ben “YAHTZEE” Croshaw is notorious for not liking MMOs. In fact, his criticism was somewhat mild considering his distaste for the genre. It’s amusing, I’ll give him that, but I really don’t think he gave SWTOR enough of a chance. Since he doesn’t like MMOs, it feels like he just went into the game wanting to hate it and where do you get with an attitude like that, really? You get just what you ask for. Yahtzee chose a Smuggler as his class but doesn’t seem too impressed with it. My Smuggler is…

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SWTOR Developer Blog: Busting Bugs and Fixing Exploits

The developers of SWTOR announce they are in the business of busting bugs and fixing exploits to make the game more fun and fair for everyone. This is a big job in an MMO as large as The Old Republic but apparently, there’s a large team available to deal with these issues and to create new content for SWTOR. Rich Vogel, the Executive Producer of SWTOR talks about how servicing the “live game” comes first and that everything else such as creating new content comes later. He also explains how fixing some of these issues can be very tricky and how they go about determining which issues need to be fixed first. Here is some of what he has to say. “If an exploit is discovered that threatens players’ experience in the game or the in-game economy, we will usually try to create an Emergency Patch to fix that exploit….

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Mass Effect 3 Voice Actors

Martin Sheen, Freddie Prinze, Jr, Seth Green and more join the ranks of Mass Effect 3 voice actors. Tricia Helfer plays EDI and there’s Jessica Chobot with a cameo as a news reporter. Check out the video below to learn more and see clips. It’s easy to see why so many people are geared up and excited for ME3. They’ve also said that it was scripted so that you don’t have to have played ME1 and ME2 to jump right into the 3rd game and know what’s going on. Pretty smart on their part, for sure. This is a great time to remember why we’re playing SWTOR and why we love it- because of the story and the voice casting. Even if you’re already a Star Wars fan, it takes a little something extra to really make a game stand out. BioWare goes that extra mile with the voice acting…

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SWTOR is Growing- Now More Subscribers than Ever!

I wrote yesterday about how some observers think SWTOR is sinking and that its subscribers are dying off. There are gloom and doom prophecies and even a haters Facebook group but no one really knew for sure how well the game was performing. However, the numbers are now out and it looks like SWTOR isnot doing so bad. In fact, they have more subscribers than ever before andboast 1.7 million active subscribers. DualShockers shared some insight on the story today. Electronic Arts had its Q3 2012 Fiscal Earnings Conference Call and CEO JohnRiccitello explained that SWTOR is actually doing quite well after all. He explains: “Star Wars: The OldRepublic is developing a committed community of players withmore than 1.7 million active subscribers and growing.” And the game also sold more than 2 million copies. This isbetter-than-expected results from the popular MMORPG, something that EA reallyneeded as skeptics feared their stock value would…

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Are SWTOR Sexual Encounters Shallow?

An article on explores the notion that BioWare is becoming a bit crass in their approach to sexual encounters in their games. Many actually agree and the article explores some scenes that eventually lead to sex (if you choose the appropriate options) in the game. It’s not the sex itself that is bothering some players but rather the way in which it is embedded in the story line. Do your own Google search for more “interesting” pics. The writer explains: These are just some examples of the stranger notches on BioWare’s bedpost since the launch of Star Wars: The Old Republic. Despite the studio’s effort to create “real human relationships”, TOR is a juggling act between two different approaches to mature content, and only one of which follows in line with BioWare’s typical style. It then explains further: The Old Republic maintains the same companion relationships that exist in…

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May the schwartz be with you: 2012 Volkswagen Game Day Commercial

It’s been 12 days since Volkswagen unleashed “The Bark Side” and started building up anticipation for the sequel to last year’s beloved “The Force” commercial. With four days to spare until Super Bowl XLVI, the car company has released an extended version of “The Dog Strikes Back.” It’s one of three 30-second VW ads that will air on game day and features not only an adorably chubby pooch but also a final-act twist worthy of “I am your father!” Watch below.

Read More Reviews SWTOR after Level Cap

What happens when you reach the level cap in an MMO? This is what many refer to as the “endgame experience”. For many gamers, they never reach this level cap, especially if you’re not a big MMORPG fan. Some gamers pick up an MMO and grow bored of it before they reach this cap. Still others, accustomed to the WoW-style of play, will power level to the cap and then try to experience all the end game aspects before growing bored and moving on to a new game. One self-professed non-MMO fan has made it to the level cap in SWTOR and this just might be saying something about BioWare and their ability to create a game that all types of gamers can get into. A review over at explains: As I’ve mentioned time and again, MMOs are not my favorite genre. While I was a big, big fan…

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Bounty Hunter Mercenary Build – High Damage Build For Leveling

As we promised yesterday, we are going to continue posting the builds has put together for us. This time we are going to show you a The Bounty Hunter Mercenary build. As I also mentioned yesterday, you need to buy there guide ( it’s worth it) to get the full advantage of there guides. It is available here. The Bounty Hunter Mercenary class is more of a defensive class but they have made this build so you get max damage for those of you that are trying to level up fast.

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Technorati Blogger Says Star Wars is Sinking Fast

Are you happy with SWTOR and the post-launch outcome thus far? While many gamers are completely satisfied, there are others who feel let down by the game and EA has been facing some problems lately in terms of broker concerns. But is it really as bad as it sounds? A Technorati blogger thinks SWTOR is sinking fast and has this to say about the sinking ship: And there is quite a bit of solid evidence that people are abandoning ship. But what about those who say there is no problem? Many are calling it the TORtanic, and this is the fated maiden voyage. But let us explore how and why this game is failing so hard and fast. Hmm.. I’m not sure I completely agree with his evaluations but he might have a few good points. First, he explains that the initial launch sales boomed the game to an unreachable height…

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Imperial & Civilian Pilot Sets added to S-1A0

Are you looking for more armor sets? Imperial & Civilian Pilot Sets were added to S-1A0 after the patch. Some players are still complaining about the customization of the armor sets in the game. Personally, I think the Imperial sets look pretty good compared to some of the other sets. What do you think? There is also some discussion on the official forums about where and how you get Imperial and Civilian Pilot Sets in the game. So now that you’ve seen the sets, what do you think about them? Thoughts?You can also check out the Sith Social Armor Set here and more Level 50 Gear Here.

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Emmanuel Lusinchi Says Shame an Anger Aided Development of SWTOR

Speaking at the Vancouver Game Design Expo, the Associate Lead Designer of SWTOR Emmanuel Lusinchi had some interesting things to say about the development of the game. He described his experiences summarized from six years of development on Electronic Arts’ high-profile MMO, what many consider to be the most expensive MMO to date. Venture Beat shares the story: Lusinchi started his insightful and entertaining lecture off with the advice “You are not working enough on your development tools”. He emphasized the return on investment for tool optimization because of the development time-savings, especially in the MMO genre, where content creation continues long after the game launch The more I hear from this guy, the more I’m starting to like him. He went on to cover lessons two and three of communicating with the fan base: “Everything you say can – and will be – used against you” Yup, sounds like…

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1.1.1 Patch Notes — 1/31/2012

As we all know BioWare took down the servers for some weekly maintenance today. As always they took the time to upload a new patch fixing bugs etc. Normally I don’t mind the maintenance as I work while the servers are down, but this weeks I’m on vacation so I was quite sad that I couldn’t level my Trooper. Then I thought I would catch up with some good old World of Warcraft – only to find out that the servers was down there to: Anyways. Below are this weeks patch notes.  Enjoy! Classes and Combat General Fixed a bug that could cause the Global Cooldown to appear as if it has been cancelled when it is actually still in effect, resulting in a feeling of unresponsiveness to input. Corrected an issue that could cause an ability icon to appear usable but be unresponsive to clicks or keypresses for several seconds. Players revived by other players, including…

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The Sith Inquisition: Sorcerer Healing Build

The guys over at has created a video showing some excellent builds. Over the next few days, we will be showcasing some of the best builds they have come up with, but if you want the full advantage of  there guides, you have to buy the swtorsavio guide, which is available here. Here is a build that you can use if you are playing as a healer with the Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer. Please read the notes about this build: Dark Heal – First healing skill that you pick up and later on should only be used if you need to stop someone from dying fast. Dark Infusion – use Infusion to replace Dark Heal as soon as you can as you are leveling up, again the only time you need to go back to Dark Heal is to stop someone from falling and emergencies. You can also use Static Barrier as well as Dark Heal to help tanks. Once you…

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We all know how damn frustrating it can be to get them datacrons. Especially the datacrons located on Taris ( if you don’t have a guide for it of course ) . Like the guides for datacrons we have right here. Anyways here is a hilarious short video, showing all the struggles two heroes have to go through, to get  the +2 cunning datacron. warning foul language ahead. Interested in SWTOR Movies? We have new movies most weekdays here on swtorstrategies! Have suggestions for movie we ought to feature? Get in contact with us here

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SWTOR White Saber Crystal Uncovered

At first, SWTOR coveted the magenta crystal but now there is a new favorite item in a galaxy far, far away. One high level character has been seen sporting around with a sparkling white lightsaber. The owner of this whitesaber, Catch Deathwalker, posted about it on the official forums: I would like to let everyone know that the live servers still do have the white crystals. It’s a server first for us on Prophecy of the Five… might be a game first after live? Edit: So you can see the stats. There was an instant buzz about the crystal as everyone wanted to know where Catch got it (of course) but later in the day, staff dropped in with some startling (or not-so-startling) news about Catch and his flashy lightsaber. This was released by BioWare staff: We’ve done some investigating and discovered that CatchDeathwalker did not obtain the white crystal…

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Ilum Datacron Locations

Ilum was the ice planet home to many of the Adegan crystals used in the construction of Jedi lightsabers. The caverns containing the crystals were long ago turned into a Jedi temple. Unlike the crystals of other planets, the crystals of Ilum could only produce green and blue lightsaber crystals. Ilum was first discovered in 22,800 BBY when a Jedi, navigating hyperspace in the Force, felt a strong pull deep from the Unknown Regions. Following the sensation, the scout had found a world rich in Force-strong crystals. The mystique of the discovery added it to the ceremony of lightsaber construction. Read more about Ilum here and check out the Datacron guide below: Don’t forget to check out constantly growing list of guides for Star Wars: The old republic 83) Aim + 4 Datacron Coordinates: X 920, Y 1072 This Datacron is located in far southeastern Ilum, to reach it you will need to…

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The Guild Sphere: Imperium

In today’s Guild feature,  Zyraal from the Guild Imperium took the time to answer our questions. Imperium are curently looking for active members on Zaalbar US-West PvE, so If you’re a mature, fun-loving, well-spoken/typed(don’t have to be a grammer nazi, just not putting “ne1 want 2 go on sum runz?”) adult with a sense of humor, you might belong in this guild. If you like running ops with a “Come on guys we can do this” attitude instead of putting people down, you might belong here. If you’d rather help than criticize, and have patience if someone doesn’t understand immediately, you might belong here. If you have a slow or non-existant temper, you might belong here. Check out the interview below: Where did your guilds name come from? It actually came from the motto of a previous guild I ran, “ex tripidum imperium” or “From Joy, Power. We all play games to have fun…if you…

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TOR TV: “Looking for Group” *Cold Repulbic Mixtape* by Richie Branson

Richie Branson made this Hillarious rap song about “looking for a group” in SWTOR. The song is all about the pains of looking for a group when you’re not a healer. Track samples the sith inquisitor theme music composed by Mark Griskey and co. Richie plays on the Ven Zallow RP-PVP as a sith assassin named “Branson” and “Kazen””. Shoot him a message if you’re playing! Check out more music at Interested in SWTOR Movies? We have new movies most weekdays here on swtorstrategies! Have suggestions for movie we ought to feature? Get in contact with us here

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What Do Storm Troopers Do When Not at Work?

The life of a Storm Trooper must be tough. Have you ever wondered what they do when they get a day off? What about spending time with the family, celebrating the holidays or even doing the laundry? Yes, Storm Troopers are people , too and one photographer has captured so many beautiful life moments of Storm Troopers just well… doing what they do. Sometimes they hang out with their children. Sometimes they play in the snow. They even fight in protest against SOPA and PIPA. Kristina Alexanderson, Storm Trooper photographer catches them in their weakest moments, their strongest moments and everything in between. She shows us what it is really like to live the life of a Storm Trooper. Some of what you see may shock you, some may inspire you but all will impress you. See more at Kalexanderson’s photostream on Flickr.

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Is SWTOR Bringing Back Retro Sexism Issues for Women Gamers?

Is SWTOR bringing back retro sexism issues for women gamers? One self-professed female gamer thinks so but can she back up her accusations? L.A. Harte, of Yahoo! Contributor Network takes issue with how SWTOR portrays females in the game. When I first saw the title, I thought she was going to accuse BioWare of objectifying women or some such… it wouldn’t be the first time such accusations have been made on a video game. But what she was actually complaining about took me by surprise a bit. She says: “Female characters in most MMORPGs including World of Warcraft, (and even the spin off cellphone app game Order and Chaos), provide us with a beautiful but strong woman — Star Wars The Old Republic falls very short.” Um… so WoW has beautiful female characters and SWTOR doesn’t? I’m betting L.A. Harte plays a Night Elf. So anyway, just how does she…

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