We are running behind these days here at swtorstrategies, and I apologize for that. But yesterday, Associate Producer for Star Wars: The old Republic, Andrew Horwitz, posted a new developer blog about the The Class Story Leveling Event, that is going on right now.
If you pre-ordered Shadow of Revan and stay an active subscriber, you will earn 12x XP from class missions – enough to play through the game all the way to level 55 playing only epic story missions. Training new abilities will be free for you, which means you’ll have all the extra credits you need to buy a nice new speeder. What better way to prepare for the new expansion?
The event will run until midnight on December 1st, at which point XP rates for class missions will return to normal for all players.
How it Works
If you pre-order the Shadow of Revan digital expansion, and you are an active Subscriber, you will receive a boost to the amount of XP gained from Class missions. This will allow you to advance to Level 55 at an expedited rate while enjoying your Class story missions (the exact multiplier is 12.32).
Legacy Class XP perks and Cartel Market Class XP consumables do not stack on top of this boost. Guild XP bonuses and General XP consumables from the Cartel Market do stack on top of this boost.
Check out the full blog post over at the official swtor website