Author: Soeren Kamper

E3: Gameplay Demo and Q&A with Daniel Erickson

This is what everyone has been waiting for from E3- at least all of us SWTOR fans anyway. Daniel Erickson hosted a live demo session using a level 26 Bounty Hunter questing on Tatooine from the E3 floor. Those there could experience it live with full graphics. As he was playing, community members were able to ask questions to Stephen Reid via Cover it Live. There is a live stream you can listen to for yourself. Here are some of the highlights covered in this Q&A session: Anchorhead is the main Republic outpost on Tatooine. Tatooine is a mid-20’s planet and is the first planet where Republic and Sith can openly clash. Bounty hunters will get a Jawa companion named Blizz. Speeders will be available as mounts. No Ewoks will appear in Star Wars: The Old Republic. When you die, you can either respawn at a med center or use…

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E3: Frank Gibeau Interview

Frank Gibeau, The President of EA, sat down to talk Old Republic, Battlefield 3 and much more during GT.TV’s All Access Live Coverage of E3 2011. It’s Obvious that Mr. Gibeau doesn’t follow SWTOR that closely as he says the game has 6 classes etc. but I guess that’s ok when your CEO for a firm as big as EA. He does spill a few beans though as he mention the game already have thousands of beta testers already and they will be beta testing all summer long. He also confirms yet again that the game WILL come out this year. The part about SWTOR is in the beginning of the interview so knock your self out below:

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BioWare Pulse ep2 – SWTOR & Mass Effect at E3

BioWare have it’s own online show named Pulse now. The show is available via EA’s new online service and EA’s official Youtube channel, and is published each Monday. The second episode of the show was released this week, and has an interview with BioWare Co-Founder Dr. Greg Zeschuk. The interview was made immediately after the EA press conference held a last Monday, so it’s up to date stuff! In the interview the doctor talks about what we get to see at thus years E3, as well as his own personal faction preferences in the game. The SWTOR section of the movie starts around 3:40. Check it out below:

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E3 Atmosphere Footage

Stephen Reid posted a few pics from the EA Booth on his twitter profile yesterday. Non of the pictures showed off that much of what attendance could expect. But it’s obvius that EA is marketing the game as one of the main products this year. Here they are: Luckily the guys over at did a short film about the booth which you can watch below: Jeff from TorWars also got the chance to interview a few hot chicks fans about their expectations of the game and to quote the left blond ooouuuhhh – or something like that: Finaly the guys at did a short video showing the atmosphere at the EA Booth. Edit: TorWars just uploaded this one also. I don’t think any explanation is necessary:

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E3: gameplay footage day 1

First day of E3 is long gone and it’s time to recap on all the gameplay videos that hit us yesterday. GameSpot has around seven minutes worth of footage to go over. These are raw, unedited gameplay clips and as such they don’t look as ‘pretty’ as the previous gameplay trailers we’ve seen, but they do give us a little more insight into how the gameplay, particularly with groups, will play out. Check out the background music in the clips, they are absolutely killer! Gamespot Tanks perspective: SWTOR Life – Tatooine Sith Inquisitor Gameplay   Swtor-Life had some time to play the Sith Inquisitor on Tatooine, so naturally some Krayt dragon’s had to die 🙂 The video is captured by camera, but still nice watch. Ask A Jedi – Tatooine Gameplay   The guys over at Ask A Jedi also got some video footage from Tattoine. This video showes some nice footage of player transportation and the player map, as well as some…

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E3: Operations Preview Trailer & interview with Gabe Amatangelo

Gametrailers did an interview with BioWares Gabe Amatangelo during there live stream from E3.The interview is really interesting as it covers the newly announced Raids and endgame content we can hope to see in Star Wars: The Old Republic. The video Also includes the trailer for the Eternity Vault—initially only being shown to the press which is the first announced raid, referred to as an operation in SWTOR. Check it out below: Update: Here is the Operations trailer alone, if you don’t want to watch the interview:

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SWTOR Info Released at E3 Conference: Recap

E3 is happening this week and if you’re not there or not able to follow the action live, you’re ok because we have all the daily recaps and highlights right here for you. Here’s a Monday/Tuesday review: Stephen Reid officially posted on the forums about the “Return” trailer and also about the new Origin service and the “Choose” trailer. Stephen Reid officially posted that there will be no release date and no beta information or dates released at E3 2011. Stephen Reid confirmed that they still plan a late 2011 release for SWTOR. The “Return” trailer is the intro cinematic that you will see when you play the game.  BioWare released a dozen of new screenshots at this year’s E3 conference. The screenshots features Tatooine, new player vehicles and what looks like a new Raid operation named Ulgo. Bioware has released some new gameplay footage, never seen before. The gameplay…

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E3: Stephen Reid Updates – No release date and NO preorder details

In a post on yesterday, Stephen Reid confirms that there will be no release date and no preorder details at E3 2011. While I’m not really surprised, it’s still great to have the official word so we’re not sitting on the edge of our seats waiting. Reid says, “While I know many of you believed a release date announcement was going to happen – which is understandable – as I’ve said before, an announcement of that size will effectively be ‘pre-announced’, and we will not ‘bait and switch’ you. We aren’t going to lay a trail of subtle clues that lead to a release date announcement. We’ll be obvious. We’re just not there yet.” Reid also had some words about the trailers and the release of “Return”. “’Choose’ was always going to be shown at the E3 press conference. Unfortunately for us, we had a timing issue which put…

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Razor SWTOR gear!

2011 E3 has another great announcement- Razer will be bringing us Star Wars: The Old Republic accessories! I’m a big Razer fan, currently using Razer accessories so I was pumped to check this out. In preparation for the release of TOR later this year, Razer has announced a TOR-themed LCD keyboard, mouse, gaming surface and a 5.1 headset. The SW:TOR gaming keyboard has neat features such as a touch-sensitive LCD track panel and 10 dynamic keys similar to what you will find in the upcoming Switchblade MMO portable. It has fully programmable gold backlit keys, a 7-foot USB cable and multi-color LED illumination so you can enjoy your game from anywhere. What are you going to have to pay for this puppy? It’s set to retail at $199.99. The mouse will look familiar if you’ve seen Razer’s original MMO gaming mouse with 17 programmable buttons, wired and wireless capabilities and…

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E3: Star Wars The Old Republic Producer Insight 2011

One more video was released yesterday. This time Corey Butler who is producer for Star Wars: The old Republic, gives some insights to the game. Corey gives a brief overview of SWTOR and in particular the voiced content of the game. Corey also talks about Raids/operations were he use the term “multi-party” – a new word I haven’t heard before from BioWare, but don’t give any further details on whether there will be multiple raid sizes like 5-man raids, 20-man raids etc. We also get a few words on personal starships, that will give us access to the galaxy map – very similar to the same system in Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 Check out the full video below:

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E3: ‘Return’ New SWTOR Cinematic Trailer Unveiled

Finally it’s here, the info we’ve been waiting for- another peak at SWTOR! If you weren’t already dying to play this game, then you will after this 6-minute cinematic. “For over a thousand years, the Sith were thought to be extinct after a grave defeat in an ancient war. But a select few survived, fleeing to unknown regions to escape Republic forces. In the centuries since, the Sith have prepared; rebuilding their Empire for the day they would make their return to reclaim what was once theirs and take their revenge on the Republic. Watch the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Intro Cinematic Video to see the dramatic reappearance of the Jedi Order’s most ancient and terrible of enemies. At the EA E3 2011 Press Conference, we saw a mashup of all three trailers so if you’re wondering where that new footage came from, it was from this official, intro…

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E3: Microsoft and LucasArts unveil Kinect Star Wars

If you’re following the E3 press conference today, you know that Microsoft and LucasArts have officially revealed Kinect Star Wars. If you’re not following, that’s what we’re here for! Star Wars fans everywhere now have a game that puts you into the action –literally! If you’ve ever really wanted to be a Jedi (not counting that plastic light saber you wield in your living room), then here is your chance. At the E3 Expo in Los Angeles, exciting news and great new games are being unveiled. There’s a trend with the Kinect this year but my favorite game so far from Microsoft is definitely Kinect Star Wars. Built around the Kinect technology where “your body is the controller”, you can now hurl, smash and crush enemies without ever touching a game controller. Wield your lightsaber with just the flick of a wrist and move objects telekinetically with hand motions. You…

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Know your lore: Uthar Wynn

Uthar Wynn was a Sith Master and the leader of the Sith Academy on Korriban during the Jedi Civil War. His Sith Apprentice was Yuthura Ban. Uthar Wynn was created as a villain for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Wynn was voiced by veteran voice actor Tom Kane. Wynn later received an entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, which was released in 2008. There are multiple choices for the player to make in Knights of the Old Republic regarding Uthar Wynn’s fate. Revan could side with Ban and kill Wynn. Once completed, Ban would turn on Revan. After her defeat, Ban would plead for mercy and Revan would spare her life and allow her to assume the position of the Academy Headmaster. A second choice involves Revan not allying with either Wynn or Ban; both Wynn and Ban attack him and are killed. A third option has…

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SWTOR Releases a New Advanced Classes Page

If you’ve been wondering about the Advanced Classes in SWTOR and what they will be like, you don’t have to wonder any more. Just after the interview with about Advanced Classes, releases the news today of their new Advanced Classes page. This redesigned page gives you more information about Advanced Classes and the unique skills and abilities that your character will have that allow you to customize your character to your very own unique playstyle. You can use this new page to learn more about each of the Advanced Classes more in-depth than ever before to help you make a decision about which you want to play. You can use this new page to find out about the different skill sets that will be available to your class as you level up in SWTOR. Choose from: Sith Warrior Bounty Hunter Sith Inquisitor Imperial Agent Jedi Knight Trooper Jedi…

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BioWare’s Zoeller: In-Depth Advanced Classes Reveal

For fans wanting to know more about advanced classes in SWTOR, Bioware’s Gerog Zoeller is giving more details in an interview with This is exciting news as the interview contains exclusive, in-depth coverage and reveals of the advanced classes that has not been previously revealed. In the interview, asks Zoeller the following questions: How will players get to the advanced classes system? Once unlocked, how much customization will players find within the advanced class they choose? The Sith Warrior can become the Juggernaut or the Marauder, can you give us some examples of skills that make up these two advanced classes? The Bounty Hunter has a similar design with the Mercenary and Powertech, can you tell us about skills that define the offense and defense of these two specializations? The Jedi Knight offers players the Sentinel and Guardian, what are the main differences when playing these classes? What…

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The Lost Suns Comic Now Available

Issue one of Star Wars: The Old Republic – The Lost Suns will be available in comic shops from June 8th! The announcement was made today in the news section on To gain more information on the series for fans, they interviewed Alexander Freed about the comic. Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ – The Lost Suns is a five-issue miniseries from Dark Horse Comics. It covers Theron’s mission and the fallout that comes after. It was written by BioWare Senior Writer Alexander Freed. You may remember him as the author of the previous Dark Horse Comics series Blood of the Empire. The comic series has art from George Freeman and Dave Ross, with covers by Benjamin Carré. Even if you are not a previous fan of the comics, this series ties directly into the storyline of Star Wars: The Old Republic and has events happening at the same time…

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LucasArts Promising Better Star Wars Games

LucasArts is promising fans they will stay true to form and create better Star Wars games. This couldn’t come at a better time as SWTOR fans are super pumped about the new MMO. But technically, TOR is not even a LucasArts game but a BioWare game. It’s been some time since LucasArts created a great Star Wars title in-house and fans are happy to hear that the company wants to turn that around. Paul Meegan LucasArts main man The new president of LucasArts, Paul Meegan stated that he wants LucasArts to be known once again as a decent game developer and his plan to do so is to focus on top-quality Star Wars game titles. In his first interview since becoming president of LucasArts almost a year ago, he talks about what he wants from the future of LucasArts. “LucasArts is a company with tremendous potential,” Meegan said. “I think…

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Awesome Star Wars Crayon Art

Just a mini-post to draw attention to this brilliant little bit of Star Wars geekery posted pretty much everywhere on the net in the past week – in case anyone missed it – and discovered by yours truly at Dorkly (kings among geeks, those guys). The sculptures have been credited to an artist called Steve Thompson, who probably has too much time on his hands, but thank God for that!

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E3 Details Revealed

There’s little doubt that Star Wars: The Old Republic will be one of the more anticipated titles at E3 2011. But what does BioWare have in store for fans at this year’s E3 gaming convention? Yesterdays update sheds a little light on what the developer has planned for the event and offers a sneak peek at what fans can expect to see during this year’s EA press conference and it involves a new threat that has yet to be revealed on the planet of Belsavis. The last two years have yielded a new CG cinematic trailer and there’s no reason to think that this year will be any different. Gamespot has posted a pre E3 trailer wich also looks amazing. Check it out here: If you’re not attending E3 this year, you can still catch the press conference on Spike TV or via live stream on, on Monday, June…

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The Old Republic Downloads to be Exclusive to EA’s “Origin” Service

Will Origin Top Steam? I have been a Steam gal since 2005. I love the majority of the games released on Steam and I love access to old-school favorites and new releases all from one platform. When rumors first started that EA was building their own similar platform services, I thought it was a great idea, although I was still skeptical about whether or not they would truly compete with Steam when Steam has such a big head start. Launching with Star Wars: The Old Republic is as good a way as any to ensure they have the best possible chance of catching Steam in terms of users. The news was released today that TOR downloads will be exclusive to EA’s Origin Service which should be explained in more detail officially at E3. As of 11:24ET, Origin is officially online if you want to check it out for yourself. And…

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E3: BioWare Teases their Star Wars TOR Booth on Spike

During GameTrailers TV on Spike, BioWare teased their booth at E3 2011, which fans everywhere are anxiously awaiting. The booth had a giant poster that advertises The Old Republic, which some have seen before at other events. There is also a line queuing area. But that’s all the info you get… It’s no secret that BioWare is being extra secretive about SWTOR and for great reason. Still for some players, the cat-and-mouse game is getting annoying. Some are ready for a release date already and still others just want any little tidbit they can get on the game. While many suspect there will be an official release date at E3, there is no real evidence to suggest this. Some believe there will not be a release date when there has not been info about end game content released yet. From reading the yellow posts on the forums, I’m not so…

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