Non-playable Species

The Acolyte’s First Live-Action Selkath from KOTOR

Futuristic spaceport with characters and spacecraft hangar view

Star Wars fans, gather around! We’ve got a fascinating tidbit that’s sure to excite both long-time followers of the franchise and new enthusiasts alike. In a groundbreaking moment, the upcoming series “The Acolyte” will feature the first-ever live-action depiction of a Selkath, a species that made its debut in the beloved video game “Knights of the Old Republic” (KOTOR). Let’s dive into this thrilling revelation and explore why it’s such a big deal for the Star Wars universe. What is “The Acolyte”? Before we get to the Selkath, let’s set the stage with some context about “The Acolyte.” This new Star Wars series, created by Leslye Headland, promises to explore the darker side of the Force. Set in the final days of the High Republic era, “The Acolyte” will delve into the mysteries and secrets of the Sith, providing fans with a fresh perspective on the galaxy far, far away….

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Love in a Galaxy Far, Far Away: Exploring Cross-Species Relationships in Star Wars

SWTOR Update 7.4.1: Introducing Date Night Companion Missions

In the Star Wars universe, where myriad species and civilizations collide, relationships form the heart of both conflict and camaraderie. Among these, cross-species relationships stand as testament to the saga’s deeper themes of diversity and unity. What does it mean for a human to fall in love with a Twi’lek, or a Naboo senator to marry a Jedi from Tatooine? These relationships do more than just push the plot forward; they challenge characters and audiences alike to question the barriers of difference. This article dives deep into the world of Star Wars to uncover the dynamics, challenges, and triumphs of love that transcends species lines. The Cultural Tapestry of Star Wars The galaxy of Star Wars teems with life forms, each with their own unique cultures, languages, and philosophies. From the regal halls of Naboo to the rugged landscapes of Ryloth, the backdrop of these diverse settings fosters a rich…

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Species of Starwars: Geonosian

An insectoid species divided into castes, the Geonosians are native to the harsh rocky world of Geonosis. Geonosians construct immense, organic-looking spires within which reside their hive colonies. There are two main types of Geonosians: the wingless drones that mostly work as laborers, and the winged aristocrat, which includes royal warriors serving as scouts and providing security to the hive. All Geonosians have a hard, chitinous exoskeleton, elongated faces, multi-jointed limbs, and speak in a strange clicking language. Though labeled “warriors,” Geonosians do not have a standing military. They instead use their droid foundries to build armies for corporate interests wealthy enough to afford them—entities such as the Trade Federation and the Techno Union. Despite relatively simple minds, the Geonosians are adept at mechanical construction, and are contractors to many of the galaxy’s biggest manufacturing concerns. They are responsible for the construction of some of the largest feats of engineering…

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Species of Starwars: Devaronian

Devaronians are a horned humanoid species from the world of Devaron in the Expansion Region, a planet of low mountains and deep valleys linked by thousands of rivers. It is believed that they are descended from a race of primates that lived in the mountains of Devaron, and that their horns were a genetic mutation that proved useful in fending off predatory birds. The Devaronians are one of the most unique races in the galaxy, as their male and female sexes are so vastly different in appearance and temperament. The males are docile, non-aggressive creatures, completely hairless, with red-tinted skin and a pair of large horns growing from their heads. They take great pride in their horns, and groom them quite regularly. Female Devaronians are covered in thick calico fur that ranges in color from brown to white and are hornless. They are aggressive by nature, and tend to dominate…

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Species of Starwars: Gamorrean

Short, squat humanoids, Gamorreans are easily identifiable by their greenish skin and porcine features. On their home-world, they live in clans, where the male boars serve exclusively as warrior while the female sow tend the day-to-day affairs like farming, raising young and crafting weapons. Known for their physical strength and endurance, Gammoreans are generally considered a species of below average intelligence. Unable to speak Basic because of their physiology, most Gammoereans are still able to comprehend it and find a place in the galactic community as soldiers, guard or mercenaries. Due to their reputation for violence and brutality, they are often employed by crime-lords, gang leaders and various other criminal elements. The porcine Gamorreans tend to be heavy-set and stocky, standing about 1.8 meters tall and weighing in excess of 100 kilograms. Most tend to have green skin. Underneath their pig-like snouts, protruding from jowled cheeks are yellowed tusks. These…

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Species of Starwars: Duros

The Duros blazed some of the oldest trade routes and hyperspace lanes in the galaxy as they ventured into the unknown, millennia ago. This species achieved star travel before the founding of the Republic, and have almost entirely abandoned the soil of their homeworld to travel among the stars. They rank alongside the Corellians as the most seasoned space travelers in the galaxy. One of the Duros’ earliest colonization efforts was on Neimoidia, and over the millennia, the Neimoidians became a genetically distinct offshoot of the Duros race. The Duros were humanoids with smooth blue-green skin, red eyes, lipless mouths, long thin noseless faces and green blood. Olfactory organs beneath their eyes were responsible for their sense of smell. Both females and males were bald, though both genders were easily distinguished. Their large red goggle-like eyes also had slit pupils. Duros females laid eggs as they are descended from ancient…

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Species of Starwars: Arcona

The Arcona are a species of intelligent, limbed serpents native to the planet Cona. Their desert world is devoid of free water, but has dense concentrations of ammonia. The Arcona evolved claws to get at the water pods concealed beneath the rocky soil of Cona, and ammonia is employed in a supplementary circulatory system used to rid waste from their bodies. The Arcona’s eyes, set wide apart on their anvil-shaped heads, have thousands of individual receptor cells that register color, but give no delineation to form. It is the bulbous, diamond-shaped heat-sensing organ set between their eyes that brings their blurred multicolor world into focus. The Arcona sense of smell is based on their long, flickering tongue that collects molecules for analysis. Arcona live in loose, family-based collectives called nests that are ruled over by the Grand Nest. The society arose from the need to protect the young Arcona. The…

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Species of Starwars: Nikto

The Nikto were a reptilian humanoid species from the planet Kintan in the Si’Klaata Cluster with many subspecies. They have tan, leathery skin and flat faces with multiple breathing holes on their cheeks and jawbones. Radiation from a nearby nova is believed to have sparked rampant mutation among the animal life of Kintan, and has resulted in the Nikto species encompassing a number of distinct sub-races. Four small horns protrude from the Nikto’s forehead. Nikto can be found throughout the galaxy, often involved with shady activities in the galaxy’s fringe. Of all the “client species” of the Hutt Cartel, the Nikto are regarded as the most dangerous, especially due to the actions of a fanatical and fatalistic cult that has long plagued the Nikto people. The Kajain’sa’Nikto, or “Red Nikto” are probably the most common. These desert dwellers are characterized by reddish pigmentation, small horns along the forehead and orbits of the…

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Species of Starwars: Weequay

Often quiet and enigmatic, Weequays can be found throughout the galaxy, from the lower levels of Coruscant to the distant desert flats of Tatooine. They are a humanoid species with coarse, leathery skin and bald heads. By tradition, a Weequay wears a braided topknot on one side of his or her head. Hailing from the arid world of Sriluur on the remote Sisar Run, Weequays are a laconic people deeply rooted in ancient traditions. Much of their culture is structured around the reverence of a pantheon of gods, one of the foremost being Quay, the God of the Moon. The Weequays keep a wide array of trinkets and totems to facilitate communication with their gods. Swindling off-worlder entrepreneurs have taken advantage of this cultural trait, and infested Sriluur with countless useless baubles said to divine the intentions of the deities. Weequay society is clan based, and a Weequay’s identity defers…

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Species of Starwars: Neimoidian

  If there’s money to be had, a Neimoidian will be nearby. So says a common spacer stereotype, justified by the species’ reputation for excelling at business. Neimoidians are a species of green humanoids native to the Star Wars galaxy, closely related to Duros. Neimoidian society is said in certain behind-the-scenes books to be very highly Social-Darwinian, with many more Neimoidians being born than survive to adulthood. It seems that there is at least some purposeful withholding of food from the aquatic larvae in order to encourage survival of the strongest and most cunning. In 25,000 BBY, a Duros colony was established on Neimoidia. Due to the distinct features of Neimoidia, including a gravity which was greater than Duro, the Duros colonists became a separate species from their genetic cousins, thus starting the Neimoidian species. During an expansionist period in the Galactic Republic era, the Neimoidians colonized several worlds. The…

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Species of Starwars: Jawa

Jawas are diminutive humanoids from the rim world of Tatooine, often described as “rodent-like”, and speaking in a randomly variable language that is very difficult for outsiders to decipher, when they want it to be so. Little is known of their physiology, but they are believed to be natives of Tatooine, along with the larger “Sand People” (also known as Tusken Raiders). Some xenologists have theorized that Jawas have human origins. The normal body temperature of a Jawa is 116 degrees, and the only feature usually seen of a Jawa is a pair of glowing amber eyes peeking out from under its cowl. They are best known as scavengers of the desert, traveling in huge, lumbering machines known as sand crawlers, legacies of an earlier era when Tatooine was home to massive mining operations — When the corporate mining operations closed, the tracked mining/processing vehicles were left behind, and claimed…

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Species of Starwars: Quarren

Quarren, or “Squid Heads” as they are sometimes rudely called, are an alien species characterized by the four tentacles that protrude from their jaws. They have deep turquoise eyes, and each hand is capped with finned or suction-cup tipped fingers. They are capable swimmers, and like the squids they resemble, they are able to spit out clouds of ink as a defensive measure. Quarren hail from the planet Mon Cala, a world they share with the Mon Calamari. The Quarren evolved in the depths of Dac’s oceans. When they were first discovered by the Mon Calamari (who evolved in the shallow parts of the ocean and on Dac’s few islands ), there was conflict between the two species. Circa 4,500 BBY, the Quarren attacked the Mon Cals. However, the Mon Calamari, though less aggressive by nature, had much better technology, and won the war. In order to prevent future wars,…

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Species of Starwars: Tusken Raider

  Tusken Raiders are a reclusive, xenophobic people, resentful of the centuries-long history of encroachment upon their homeworld of Tatooine by aliens. Like the Jawas, whom they hold in disdain and are often violent toward, they have a tradition of keeping their faces covered, such that no one really knows just what a Tusken Raider truly looks like under all those bandages, and those face masks made of scavenged scrap. Tusken Raiders, also known as Sandpeople, acquired their name by their first siege on Fort Tusken during the Old Republic era. Their language is throaty and raspy, and their voices made all the more terrible by the hand-crafted face masks they wear to shield them from the blasts of wind-borne sand, and to retain precious moisture, which is in scant supply in the desert. Their clashes have been many with the inhabitants of Tatooine, though they are not particularly brave…

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Species of Starwars: Sullustan

Sullustans were a species of small humanoids from Sullust. As skilled pilots and navigators, Sullustans, also known as Bomewrights, were common sights for spacers and at busy spaceports. Biology and appearance Standing 1 to 1.5 meters tall, Sullustans live in vast subterranean caverns beneath the surface of their homeworld. Sullust is a volcanic planet, with a harsh atmosphere. The underground caverns teem with small life-forms that the Sullustans hunt for sources of food and clothing. The few predators that wander the planet’s surface rarely venture underground. Sullustans speak a chattering language and are known throughout the galaxy as capable pilots and navigators. Sullustans have perfect direction sense and memory, allowing them to remember the paths they have traveled, and maps they may have seen. This sense is a necessity in the labyrinthine caves of Sullust. The people of Sullust have achieved a high-level of technology, and their underground cities are…

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Species of Starwars: Gran

The Gran were a sentient species native to the planet Kinyen, though they had colonies across the galaxy, including settlements on the planets Hok and Malastare. Physiology They could easily be identified by their three eyes and their goat-like snout. Female Gran had three breasts. The Gran had excellent vision, able to resolve more colors than most species, and even able to see into the infrared. Gran had two stomachs, having evolved from herbivorous grazing animals who lived in herds on the mountains and highlands of Kinyen. Gran were also able to sense one another’s emotions and disposition by noting subtle changes in body heat and skin color. Society The peaceful nature of Gran society was a reflection of their homeworld, Kinyen. Kinyen boasted large and rolling grasslands, a dense and beautiful forest, and one of the longest and clearest rivers in the Sumitra Sector. The beauty of this planet,…

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Species of Starwars: Bothan

Bothans is humanoid species identified by their short builds and fur-covered faces, Bothans are widely known as proficient and intrepid spies. However, members of the species have also become fearless leaders, relentless warriors, courageous pilots, and brilliant scientists. As a species, Bothans have been mastering the art of information-gathering for many years. The resulting Bothan spynet is among the largest and most renowned intelligence organizations, with operatives stationed throughout the galaxy. In fact, spying has become the Bothans primary industry. Since the outbreak of the Galactic Civil War, the Bothan spynet has primarily benefited the Rebel Alliance, although both the Empire and the criminal underworld occasionally make use of Bothan spies as well. Due largely to their reputation as spies, Bothans are often regarded as power hungry, manipulative, cunning and paranoid. But Bothans are also well-organized, keenly intelligent, and very loyal. They live orderly lives, place great emphasis on family…

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Species of Starwars: Rodian

The Rodian are a bipedal race with tapir-like faces and multifaceted eyes, native to the planet Rodia, which is located in the Tyrius system. The skin of a Rodian is green in color, and there is very little physical variation within the species. Thus, non-Rodians often cannot tell two Rodians apart. The Rodian race has ears that swivel in their sockets, allowing them to hear in several directions. There is a ridge of spikes which crests their skulls, and their long, flexible fingers are tipped with suction cups. They are a race of hunters by nature, and bounty hunting seems to hold a place of high esteem. As a race, they evolved as hunters, surviving their planet’s tropical environment and establishing a series of war games which lasted for thousands of years. When an Old Republic scout team landed on the planet, the Rodians were there to meet them, armed…

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Species of Starwars – Bith

Bith were a highly advanced craniopod species native to the planet Clak’dor VII. They had pale skin, large heads and eyes, and long fingers. Bith had acute senses of smell, high manual dexterity, and could sense the tonal qualities of sound as well as other races sensed colors. They could also see microscopic details of nearby objects, but were extremely nearsighted as a result. Bith never slept unless utterly exhausted. Bith were one of the galaxy’s most ancient races, with a history going back millions of years. Their society was highly regimented, with everything from mate selection to political leadership controlled by sophisticated computer programs. Bith were also unable to reproduce naturally, instead relying on artificial conception and gestation. Mates brought genetic material to a Computer Mating Service for analysis against prospective mates. Bith children were created from genetic material from two parents, which was combined, fertilized, and incubated for…

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Species of Starwars – Mon Calamari

An amphibious species with fishlike faces and huge eyes, the Mon Calamari are among the galaxy’s most peaceful and intelligent beings. They are a colorful species, with skin tones ranging the full spectrum of known hues. Many Mon Cal are also marked by vibrant spots or stripes. The Mon Calamari are native to a watery world of the same name. They can survive underwater for long periods of time and are powerful swimmers. The Mon Cal are also psychologically attuned to their environment. When visiting wet, cool planets they become very energetic and cheerful; in contrast, they may be quite depressed and languid on hot, dry worlds. The idealistic Mon Cal enjoy a progressive society that promotes the values of justice and peace. They are tireless explorers, but seek out other planets for knowledge rather than conquest. As individuals, they may seem soft-spoken, gentle, determined, and generous. They control their…

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Species of Starwars: Wookies

The Wookiees, whose name for themselves translated to the People of the Trees, were a species of hairy bipedal humanoids that were inhabitants of the planet Kashyyyk. Biology and appearance The Wookiees’ natural habitat was the dense forests of the planet Kashyyyk (though one source does contend that they were immigrants to this planet). Kashyyyk was covered with massive wroshyr trees, in which the Wookiees constructed their homes and cities. Reportedly, Wookiees were descended from tree-climbing mammals. They had the ability to easily learn most languages. However, Wookiees lacked the vocal structure to speak anything other than their own languages. Adult Wookiees were tall, in excess of two meters in height, and were covered with a uniform, mid-length coat of thick hair in various shades of brown. Although albino Wookiees were rare, they were not unheard of. However, such a birth was generally held to be a bad omen, as…

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Species of Starwars: Trandoshan

Bioware just released a bunch of new screenshots for their Inhabitants section. The first one that caught My Eye was the above  screenshot of a Trandoshan. I personally used to play this race in Star Wars galaxies, so I thought it would be natural for us to cover this Species in this weeks “Species of Starwars“. Trandoshans (T’doshok in their language) were large, bipedal reptilian humanoids from the planet Trandosha (or Dosha). They had super-sensitive eyes that could see into the infrared range and the ability to regenerate lost limbs, although very slowly, and were anatomically built heavier and stronger than most humanoids, including Humans. They would also periodically shed their skin. Unlike some other reptilian humanoids such as the Barabels and the Ssi-ruuk, Trandoshans had no tails. The Trandoshans were a warlike species who allied early with the Empire, taking Wookiees as slaves. As a species, they were renowned…

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Species of Starwars – Ithorian

The above picture was one of the early pictures released by Bioware. The picture is of Ithorian witch became a playable race in Star Wars Galaxies in the “jump to lightspeed” expansion. Ithorians were a mammalian herbivorous sentient species from the planet Ithor. They were commonly called “Hammerheads” by less sensitive beings because of their long, curving neck and T-shaped head. They found this nickname offensive. Biology and appearance Ithorians had two mouths and four throats, allowing them to speak in stereo. Female Ithorians had two humps on the back of their head, while males had only one. They had glossy, usually brown flesh. They stood roughly between 1.8 to 2.3 meters (5ft 10in. to 7ft 6in.) from eyestalk to toe. Their reflexes and coordination were somewhat slower than that of average humanoids. In addition to allowing them to speak their unique stereophonic language, the Ithorians’ four throats also had the…

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Species of Starwars: Kel Dor

In one of the first screen shots ever published by Bioware, we se a bad ass looking “Kel Dor” This time in Species of Starwars we will take a closer look on this amazing species. The Kel Dors, sometimes referred to as Kel Dorians, were a species hailing from the technological planet Dorin. They required masks to protect them when in oxygen-rich atmospheres. They were also known for the unique Force-using traditions of the Baran Do Sages. One famous Kel Dor was the Jedi Master Plo Koon, who was a member of a famous Kel Dor Jedi family. Sha Koon, a Jedi Knight, was Plo Koon’s niece. Biology and appearance The Kel Dors were a tall race, typically of the same height and weight as Humans. Their skin ranged in color from peach to a crimson red. Most had dark, black eyes, although some were born with silver irises, a…

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