Servers will be updated with the new game update 2.10 2.10: Forged Alliances today. This new game update includes a new Flashpoint named “legacy of the Rakata. Bounty Contract week will also return, and Ranked Warzone arena Season 3 begins. Check out the full patch notes below. If you have any problems running the game after patching it, follow the five steps given here, stopping after each step to see if the problem is fixed. Highlights New Flashpoint: Legacy of the Rakata! The Forged Alliances storyline culminates on the remote, tropical world of Rakata Prime in this thrilling Level 55 Tactical Flashpoint. Bounty Contract Week Returns! Hunt wanted criminals in this returning event. The event begins September 9th at 05:00 PDT/12:00 GMT and ends September 19th at 05:00 PDT/12:00 GMT Welcome to Ranked Warzone Arena Season 3! Join the brutality in the Ranked Warzone Arena queue as we begin our…
Patch notes
Patch Notes – 9/4/2014 – 2.9d Patch Notes
As Elrik wrote earlier today, BioWare had to deploy a patch to fix some of the servers performance issues, players in Star Wars: The old republic have experienced lately. S Elrik wrote, it’s encouraging that Bioware was quick to take action to fix them. Below are the patch notes: There will be no download associated with today’s maintenance. General Applied multiple fixes in order to address server stability issues. Resolved an issue that would cause a guild to lose ownership of a conquered planet after a server restart. Ensured that the historical ownership of conquered planets is correct.
Patch Notes – 8/29/2014 – 2.9c Patch Notes
BioWare is adding a new patch today, that will fix the Conquest Flashpoints exploit, tha tsome players are using. Flashpoint Conquest Objectives are intended to be one-time only, not infinitely repeatable. The only Flashpoint Objectives that can be repeated are the Group Finder ones – and those can only be done when you have the Daily Mission for the Group Finder available. Below are the patch notes: General Flashpoint Conquest Objectives are now non-repeatable as intended. The Galactic Starfighter Invasion Bonus for Ilum now applies properly. I really don’t understand the point of this. PvP/GSF grinders are doing stuff and getting points all day long. This week we’re not getting easy points for the five-minute heroics AND they’re taking the Esseles/BT runs away? Might as well rename it “PvP conquest”.
Patch Notes – 8/26/14 – 2.9b Patch Notes
BioWare took down the servers for a few hours today to perform maintenance and add a patch that fixes the performance lag that annoyed many players. Below are the patch notes: 2.9.0b Patch Notes General Corrected an issue with Galactic Strongholds that caused reduced performance in some instances. Corrected an issue where a player’s Legacy Titles would appear blank.
Game Update 2.10: Forged Alliances PTS Update
BioWare applied an update to the PTS build of Game Update 2.10 yesterday. Below are the changes made in the patch. Classes + Combat Jedi Knight Sentinel Combat Hand of Justice now triggers 20/40/60 percent of the time when Ataru Form deals damage and no longer finishes the cooldown of Precision Slash. This effect can only occur once every 20 seconds. In addition to its other effects, Saber Storm now reduces the cooldown of Precision Slash by 1.5/3.0/4.5 seconds. Sith Warrior Marauder Carnage Slaughter now triggers 20/40/60 percent of the time when Ataru Form deals damage and no longer finishes the cooldown of Gore. This effect can only occur once every 20 seconds. In addition to its other effects, Sever now reduces the cooldown of Gore by 1.5/3.0/4.5 seconds. Jedi Consular Sage In addition to increasing maximum Force, Force Studies now also increases armor rating by 20%. Force Mend no…
Patch 2.9.0a Notes
BioWare will be patching some bugs today. Below are the patch notes: 2.9.0a Patch Notes General Corrected an issue that prevented a small number of players from logging in. Cartel Market The “Republic Voss Embassy Sign” item from the Gatekeeper’s Pack now grants the correct Decoration. Flashpoints + Operations Major Imos’ and Major Travik’s shields are now properly removed during their Assault On Tython encounters. Galactic Strongholds The Decorations “Arrangement: Speeder Station” and “Diagnostic Console (Medical) now grant properly when their item is used. Non-repeatable Conquest objectives are no longer reset by logging into a character that has not participated in the Conquest Event. Keys granted to others players now persist through log out, as intended. Missions + NPCs Players can now interact with Bakmar, the Republic Flashpoint vendor on Manaan. Image source
Patch Notes – 8/19/2014 – Game Update 2.9: Galactic Strongholds Early Access
Patch notes for tomorrows game update is now ready. Check them out below: Highlights Galactic Strongholds Early Access! Subscribers can now purchase a Galactic Stronghold on Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine, Dromund Kaas, and Coruscant by visiting the Stronghold Directory on the Fleet or on the Stronghold’s planet. Guild Flagships now available! Guilds can now purchase a Flagship and use it to compete with other guilds and conquer the galaxy! Visit the Flagship Directory on the Fleet for more information. Battle for control with Conquest! Conquest events are now available in the Mission Log! Each week a new Conquest event will become active with new objectives. Complete your personal point target to earn special rewards – or if you’re in a guild with a Flagship, invade a planet and compete with other guilds for planetary domination. Special perks are available to those who conquer a planet by placing at the top of the Guild Leaderboard…
SWTOR PTS 2.9 Update #2 Patch Notes
The public test servers for Star Wars: The old Republic has been updated. To give a quick summary of the changes; some issues have been fixed, guild flagships are now available, and your guild can now partake in guild conquest. BioWare will be streaming on Twitch today at 1PM PDT were they will be showing off the Guild flagships embeded below. Here are the patch notes: Highlights Guild Flagships now available! Guilds can now purchase a Flagship and use it to compete with other guilds and conquer the galaxy! Battle for control with Conquest! Personal and Guild Conquest is now available! Participate in “The Balance of Power” Conquest Event to earn both personal and guild rewards. If your guild owns a Flagship, you can invade a planet and compete with other guilds for planetary domination. Special perks are available to those who conquer a planet by placing at the top of the…
PTS 2.9 Build 1 – Patch Notes
The public test servers are not yet ready, but it is now possible to download the patch. Eric Musco posted an update on the official forums on what to expect. Below his forum post, we have added the patch notes. As you will notice this week from the patch notes, not all of 2.9 is on PTS yet. The reason is that we want to make sure as much testing as possible is concentrated on both personal and guild strongholds. Here is what is available this week on PTS: Tatooine Stronghold Nar Shaddaa Stronghold Dromund Kaas Stronghold Coruscant Stronghold *All Strongholds available for both personal and guild use Stronghold decorations (including things like Legacy Storage) Public Listings Depths of Manaan Flashpoint Next week we will be implementing the following features: Guild Flagships Guild Conquests Personal Conquests Conquest Leaderboards In preparation for next week we want to let you know what you will…
SWTOR Patch 2.8.2 Notes
Patch notes for tomorrows update are now ready. Check it out below: 2.8.2 Patch Notes Highlights The Gray Secant has returned from its travels! Participate in the Relics of the Gree event from July 22nd 12:00 GMT to July 29th 12:00 GMT. Bounty Contract Week returns! The event runs from August 12th 12:00 GMT to August 19th 12:00 GMT. General The “Gen’Dai” Codex Entry is now obtainable by both Factions. Republic players are now able to obtain the “Sullustan” Codex Entry. Removed 6 Location and 1 Bestiary Codex entries that were erroneous and not obtainable through gameplay. System Messages are now moveable using the Interface Editor. The Camera Rotation Speed slider now correctly adjusts the speed from 0-100%. Ground textures no longer appear poorly when Texture Anisotropy is turned on if the computer’s graphics card cannot support the option. Cartel Market The Series 512 Cybernetic Torso now has the appropriate color scheme….
SWTOR 2.8.1 Patch Notes
Servers are going down tomorrow for maintanence, and during this Patch 2.8.1 will be implemented. Below are the patch notes: Highlights Reap the Spoils of War! The second phase of the Spoils of War event has begun and Warzones now give double Commendations and Credits! Get in there and go berserk! New Cartel Market Pack! The Club Vertica Nightlife Pack and Hypercrate is now available! Bounty Contract Week returns! The event runs from July 8th 12:00 GMT (05:00 PDT) to July 15th 12:00 GMT (05:00 PDT). Progress faster with a Double XP Week! Get twice the experience from July 1st 07:00 GMT (00:00 PDT) to July 8th 07:00 GMT (00:00 PDT). General The High and Very High graphic presets for Shadow Map Cascades and Shadow Map Resolution have changed: High is now 1024 Resolution (down from 1280) and 4 Cascades (down from 6). Very High is now has 6 Cascades…
Scheduled Maintenance: July 1, 2014 – Patch 2.8.1
On July 1st, all game servers,, and the launcher will be unavailable while BioWare perform scheduled maintenance. Game Update 2.8.1 will be implemented during this downtime. Details are as follows: Date: Tuesday, July 1st Duration: 7 hours Time: 1AM PDT (8AM GMT) – 8AM PDT (3PM GMT) During maintenance, all updates and additional information will be posted on the official Twitter account. Time Zone Start Time Scheduled End Time UTC Offset HST Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:00 PM Tue Jul 01, 2014 05:00 AM -10 hours AKDT Tue Jul 01, 2014 12:00 AM Tue Jul 01, 2014 07:00 AM -8 hours PDT Tue Jul 01, 2014 01:00 AM Tue Jul 01, 2014 08:00 AM -7 hours MDT Tue Jul 01, 2014 02:00 AM Tue Jul 01, 2014 09:00 AM -6 hours CDT Tue Jul 01, 2014 03:00 AM Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:00 AM -5 hours EDT Tue Jul 01,…
Patch Notes – 2.8.0a
Patch 2.8a is now available for download. Below are the patchnotes: General Group Finder’s Operation queue has been set to 8-Player (down from 16-Player) in order to decrease server load and resolve widespread connectivity and instancing issues. Addressed a bug that caused Legacy cooldown unlocks to not apply properly for certain Abilities. So back to nobody using GF for operations 🙁 I had nothing but positive experiences running DF and SNV using it, capped out two of my characters at the beginning of the week. I was even bringing out my tanks, which are usually too much of a pain to gear but are fine with the bolster and ultimate comms showing up everywhere now. They better bring 16man back
Scheduled Maintenance: May 20th, 2014 – Patch 2.7.2
On May 20th, all game servers,, and the launcher will be unavailable while BioWare perform scheduled maintenance. Game Update 2.7.2 will be implemented during this downtime. Details are as follows: Date: Tuesday May 20th, 2014 Duration: 5 hours Time: 3AM PST (10AM GMT) – 8AM PST (3PM GMT) During maintenance, all updates and additional information will be posted on the official Twitter account. Below are the patch notes: 2.7.2 Patch Notes General Preferred players no longer have Chat restriction, as intended. Cartel Market Emotes and Moods can now be unlocked in Collections. Jori Daragon’s Loincloth no longer causes missing textures on the wearer’s legs. Flashpoints + Operations Corrected an issue which unintentionally granted Energy Spheres immunity to Challenging Call and Threatening Scream during the Dread Master Brontes encounter in Dread Fortress. Warzones The Lingering Sludge affect from the Toxic Sludge Pipes in the Quesh Huttball Pit is now applied to afflicted…
2.8 Patch Notes from PTS
The first patch notes for Game update 2.8 is online. These notes are only indicative of the current patch to the PTS, and will be expanded upon as we get farther into the testing process. Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ PTS Game Update 2.8 Last Updated: May 1st, 2014 All content and features on the Public Test Server are not final and are subject to change. Highlights Nightmare Mode Dread Palace is now available! Return to Oricon to face off against Dread Masters Bestia, Tyrans, Calphayrus, and Raptus, who are now more powerful than ever before! General Added a high resolution shadow map option for high-end machines. This enables more detailed shadow rendering over a longer distance. Classes + Combat General Fixed an issue that would occasionally allow abilities to affects targets, even if those targets had a 100% or greater chance to defend against attacks. Jedi Knight Sentinel Watchman Merciless Slash now deals more damage…
Patch Notes – 4/29/2014 – 2.7.1 Patch Notes
Patch notes for tomorrows maintenance is up. BioWare is pushing a pretty solid set of fixes, some longstanding issues have finally been resolved. I am curious for additional detail on the shadows fix. I have noticed a lot of jaggy shadows when I am running everything near max. Check it out below: Highlights Ranked Warzone Season 2 has started! Season Two has opened for combatants! Giradda the Hutt summons you to join the Ranked Warzone Arena queue and compete for glorious rewards (to be announced later). Ratings have been reset for this occasion and, in the mighty words of Baron Deathmark, “Get in there and go berserk!” Season 2 Leaderboards Now Live! The Ranked Warzone Arena Leaderboards have been updated for Season Two! Season One has been archived and is still able to be viewed. Ranked Warzone Missions! Ranked Warzone Arena Daily and Weekly Missions are now available from the PvP Mission Terminal….
Patch 2.6.2 Notes – 3/18/14
Patch notes for tomorrow’s servers maintenance is up. Check it out below: 2.6.2 Patch Notes General Players who activated the Makeb datacrons prior to 2.6.1 will have the Codex entries retroactively granted. Cartel Market The Charcoal Dewback can now be unlocked through the Collection. Corrected the appearance of the Wastelander’s Gloves so that the metal attachments appear on all body types. The Indomitable Vanquisher’s Saberstaff no longer has a gap between the hilt and the blade. The Scrublander’s Gloves and Wastelander’s Gloves now correctly display on all body types, and their icons have been updated to reflect the correct appearance. The “Emote: Chair 1” unlock available from the Rare Reputation Vendor in the Cartel Bazaar (an ICE Reputation item) now correctly unlocks the emote. The Infiltrator’s Compact Sniper Rifle and the Vindicator’s Lightsaber are no longer missing weapon proficiency requirements in their Cartel Market descriptions. The Korrealis Duke has returned…
PTS Update – March 13th, 2014
The public tester servers were down for a few hours today. During that Time, BioWare added a new patch. The changes are listed below: General Season 1 rewards will be sent out to players who qualified with a Group rating. Classes +Combat Jedi Knight Guardian Focused Defense has been redesigned: It now empowers you with 10 charges of Focused Defense, lasting up to 30 seconds. Whenever you take damage a charge of Focused Defense is consumed to heal you for a moderate amount. This ability can be used while stunned or otherwise controlled but cannot be used while above 70% health. Cooldown increased from 45 seconds to 2 minutes. Sith Warrior Juggernaut Enraged Defense has been redesigned: It now empowers you with 10 charges of Enraged Defense, lasting up to 30 seconds. Whenever you take damage a charge of Enraged Defense is consumed to heal you for a moderate amount….
2.6.1a Patch Notes
Servers are back up, and here today’s patch notes: 2.6.1a Patch Notes General Resolved an issue so that the Bounty Contract Week and Double XP Weekend events will begin correctly. Bounty Contract Week will run March 11th-18th, and the Double XP Weekend will run March 14th-17th. Missions + NPCs The Bounty Hunter Class mission “Albea’s Bounty” now properly resets when the mission “My Sponsorship” is reset. Apparently People were exploiting the The Bounty Hunter Class mission “Albea’s Bounty” to get tons of XP. I have no clue how it worked, but I am thinking of an exp exploit where you can keep on resetting “My Sponsorship” to do it over and over. My guess “My Sponsorship” is something that gives a lot of exp for the time needed to complete it while “Albea’s Bounty” doesn’t (they are in a logic loop of some sort).
PTS Update – March 6th, 2014
A new patch was applied to the PTS on 3/6/2014. The new changes are below, and have been merged into the existing patch notes. You can check out the existing patch notes here. General New options for the Ground Target Area of Effect reticle: Sticky Ground Target Reticule – When active, this option makes it so your Ground Target Reticule doesn’t disappear if the cast fails. Example: Bounty Hunter attempts to activate Death From Above, but their target location is out of range. With this option active, the GTAoE reticule should persist and allow the Player to instantly attempt to recast. If this option isn’t active, then the reticule should disappear and the Player will have to click to cast again. Quick Ground Target Activation – When active, pressing a hotkey that belongs to a GTAoE twice should cast the ability at the feet of the Player’s target. Example: Player has…
PTS Game Update 2.7: Invasion Patch Notes
Game Update 2.7: Invasion is now available on the Public Test Servers. You can find the patch notes for the current build below. If you haven’t done so already, check out our post on the data mining of the patch. You can check them out here and here. Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ PTS Game Update 2.7: Invasion Patch Notes Last Updated: March 3rd, 2014 All content and features on the Public Test Server are not final and are subject to change. Highlights Ranked Arena Season 1 has ended! Characters that had a qualifying rating will be mailed their rewards. Giradda congratulates the winners and looks forward to the bloodshed in Season 2! Ranked Arenas are still active for you and your team to prepare for the next season, which will begin in 2.7.1. Matches played between Seasons will not affect your ratings. Quesh Huttball Pit, a new Warzone, is available…
Patch Notes – 2/25/2014 – 2.6.1
Patch notes for tomorrows update is now available. Check it out: Highlights New Mount! The Desert Sleen creature mount can now be obtained from the Bounty Brokers Association vendor in exchange for 50 Completed Bounty Contracts. It requires Legend rank with the B.B.A. The new title “Conscript” is now available! This title is granted to players joining the Star Wars: The Old Republic community through Amazon, and is also available for purchase on the Cartel Market. Cost: 10 Cartel Coins General The Item Modification Stations in the VIP areas of the Republic and Empire Fleets now work correctly. The achievement “Galactic Beastmaster” no longer requires “Beastmaster of Ilum” to complete. The Starfighter Launch Decks on the Republic and Empire Fleets now grant Rested experience. Sith Warriors and Sith Inquisitors will now be able to receive the “Species: Ugnaught” Codex entry by interacting with the Lore Object next to Rudd in Nemro’s cantina…
Game Update 2.6: Galactic Starfighter
Today’s patchnotes are up, and this is a big one. The higlights this time are as following: Galactic Starfighter Now Available For All Players! – Galactic Starfighter is now available for Free-To-Play, Preferred, and Subscription players! Choose your ship role and help your fellow pilots in 12 vs.12 Battles. Click the Hangar icon next to your minimap to jump into the cockpit now! New Galactic Starfighter Ship Role: Bomber – The Bomber ship role has been added to Galactic Starfighter, with six new ships available for unlock/purchase! Bombers are tough support ships that drop mines and drones throughout the battlefield. Mines detonate when enemies get into proximity, inflicting damage or crippling debuffs to all nearby foes. Drones attack nearby enemies with a variety of weapons, while Repair Drones restore the hull of nearby allies. Bombers can also place Hyperspace Beacons which function as mobile respawn points for their allies. New Galactic Starfighter…
Patch Notes 2.5.2a
Servers are back up, and the Rakghoul event has started! Todays patch notes says nothing about the event, but if you head to Alderaan there is a new codex entry in the space port. There will be plaguebearer mobs at house Thul and already I’m infected with stage 1 of the virus. Enjoy the even! Below are the official patch notes: Patch Notes 2.5.2a Cartel Market Premium Redeemer and Mailoc Gunships can be directly purchased with Cartel Coins in the Cartel Market or the Hangar, providing an alternate look for the Quarrel/Mangler. In Collections, the Firmament Tauntaun now properly states that it is found in the Dogfighter’s Starfighter Pack. Republic Strike Fighter Paint Job 03 will now properly show its name in French and German, and is now able to be listed on the Galactic Trade Network in all languages.