Ten well known voice actors behind SWTOR characters

When Star Wars: The Old Republic first launched it became one of the biggest video game voice-over projects that BioWare or any gaming studio had ever done. It consisted of over 200,000 lines of dialogue that was voiced by more than 200 actors, and with each new expansion and mansion this number has grown. With a ton of different voice actors using their talents, it won’t be surprising to once in a while find yourself thinking, “Where have I heard that voice before?” So many have done that often and we have a list of some of the largest celebrities and actors who are behind the characters in the SWTOR community since 2012. Jennifer Hale: Female Trooper and Satele Shan Jennifer Hale is best-known in the video gaming world for being the voice behind FemShep in all of the amazing Mass Effect games, but she has also made her mark…

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NYCC Community Cantina and Cosplay Contest

The time has come for another SWTOR Community Cantina, the last on the calendar for 2015.  This time the Cantina lines up with New York Comic Con and there was a decent turnout at the Hard Rock Cafe. When I arrived around 6:20, there was already a line forming outside the building. They got the cosplayers inside early and the rest of us promptly at 7pm. We were given tickets for free drinks and our other goodies and Hard Rock staff were walking around with some good food (great for those who had just come over from NY Comic Con and also for those of us standing around in line awaiting entry.) As always, the staff are super friendly and always around to chat and answer questions. They’re a lot of fun to hang with and in addition to the cosplay contest and the Q&A, they made sure to mingle…

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SWTOR Sith Warrior Class Story Summary

Together with the Jedi Knight Class story summary, BioWare also released the Sith Warrior Class Story. Check it out: 09.03.2015 Path of Destruction What you are about to read is an excerpt from the official Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Encyclopedia. It will describe an overview of all 3 Acts of the Sith Warrior Class story. Although we try to avoid them wherever possible, this excerpt will contain spoilers. Please read at your own risk… Prologue As peace crumbles between the Empire and Republic, mighty new Sith are needed to lead the charge in the coming war. One such Force-sensitive is fated to rise rapidly to power and become one of the most powerful Sith in the galaxy. Under the instruction of Overseer Tremel, this privileged acolyte begins an accelerated training regimen in the Sith Academy of Korriban. The acolyte conquers the Sith trials, dominates the other students, and displays…

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SWTOR Knight Story Summary

BioWare  have just published the first class story summary in preparation for KotFE. 09.03.2015 To Battle With Darkness What you are about to read is an excerpt from the official Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Encyclopedia. It will describe an overview of all 3 Acts of the Jedi Knight Class story. Although we try to avoid them wherever possible, this excerpt will contain spoilers. Please read at your own risk… Prologue One of the strongest Padawans the Jedi have seen for generations races into peril when a surprise attack by savage native warriors nearly devastates the Order on Tython. Surviving a fierce battle against these monstrous enemies and saving numerous students, the Padawan receives a challenging new teacher from the High Council: iconoclastic war hero Master Orgus Din. Together, they hunt a mysterious foe who has targeted the Jedi for extermination. The Padawan and Master Orgus form an uneasy alliance with…

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SWTOR will be releasing three Class related blogs each week for the next 4 weeks

The SWTOR developers over at BioWare, will be releasing three class related blogs for Knights of the Fallen Empire each week, for the next four weeks. Hey folks! I know there are some questions about when you are gonna have some new Fallen Empire information, so here are some scheduling tidbits on what you can expect. Our plan right now is that starting this week, over the next four weeks, we will be releasing three Class related blogs each week. One blog, will cover the Class changes which the mirrors are receiving. The other two blogs will be a full recap of those Classes stories, told from the SWTOR Encyclopedia. So, for this week you will be getting: The Class changes coming to Knights and Warriors* A recap of the Sith Warrior story.* A recap of the Jedi Knight story.* *The schedule this week will be a little different from the…

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SWTOR Game Update 3.2.1 Patch Notes

Here is an early draft of the SWTOR Patch Notes for Game Update 3.2.1 scheduled to deploy next week on May 27 after maintenance. These notes are not final and are subject to change. Check it out below: Highlights Nar Shaddaa Nightlife makes a glorious return! Head to Nar Shaddaa between June 9th, 2015 at 12GMT and August 25th, 2015 at 12GMT to test your luck on Smuggler’s Luck and Kingpin’s Bounty slot machines to earn unique prizes! General Right-clicking selected Utilities before resetting them no longer displays an incorrect number of available Utility Points. Dye Module Tooltips for the Outfit Designer now appear properly in German clients. The typo in the Season 4 Top 96 titles has been corrected. Emergency Fleet Pass and Quick Travel cooldowns for Preferred players now match the Subscriber cooldowns as intended. Modifying a Dye in an Outfit Slot now clears the slot’s Color Unification setting….

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SWTOR PTS : Patch 3.2.1 April 30 Update Notes

The public test servers for Star Wars: The old Republic have been updated. Here are the latest round of patch notes for game update 3.2.1: Jedi Knight Sentinel Removed the Defensive Forms Skillful Utility New Skillful Utility: Stoic. Stoic increases your damage reduction by 2%, and you build 2 Centering when attacked. This Centering building effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds. Defensive Roll now additionally increases internal and elemental damage reduction by 5%. Force Fade now additionally increases your movement speed by 15%. Watchman The Cauterize burn effect now deals damage 3 times (up from 2 times) over 6 seconds. Merciless Zeal has been redesigned: Your Cauterize, Overload Saber, and Force Melt burns heal you for 15% of the damage they deal. Burning Sweep now additionally reduces the cooldown of Force Sweep by 9 seconds. Sith Warrior Marauder Removed the Defensive Forms Skillful Utility New Skillful Utility:…

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SWTOR Patch 3.2 Rise of the Emperor Patch Notes

Game update 3.2 will go live tomorrow. Here are the patch notes: Game Update 3.2: Rise of the Emperor Highlights New Planet: Ziost! The Imperial planet Ziost is the focal point of an escalating crisis. Level 60 players who have completed the Shadow of Revan storyline can now join in the fight against the former Sith Emperor! New Feature: Outfit Designer! You can now have up to 16 outfits created and saved with your unique look! This new feature can be accessed on the right hand side of the Character Sheet. Ranked Arena Season 4 has come to a conclusion, and Season 5 has begun! Congratulations to all the reward winners! Winnings have been distributed to qualifying characters. Ranked stats have been reset and the Leaderboard for Season 4 has been archived. Relics of the Gree is back! The Gray Secant has been spotted on Ilum, which means only one…

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SWTOR PTS Update Combat Notes

New patch has been deployed to the Public test server. Below are the patch notes: 4 Apr 2015 PTS Update Combat Notes | 04.24.2015, 04:07 PM Classes + Combat Jedi Knight Sentinel Ardor is now a Masterful Utility. Jedi Promulgator is now a Heroic Utility. Watchman Cauterize now deals its elemental damage over 6 seconds (down from 9 seconds). Force Melt now only costs 2 focus (down from 3 focus), and the damage it deals has been slightly reduced. Accelerating Victory now builds up to a maximum of 2 stacks (down from 3). Sith Warrior Marauder Reckless is now a Masterful Utility. Cloak of Annihilation is now a Heroic Utility. Annihilation Rupture now deals its internal damage over 6 seconds (down from 9 seconds). Force Rend now only costs 2 rage (down from 3 rage), and the damage it deals has been slightly reduced. Swift Demise now builds up to…

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Game Update 3.1.2 Patch Notes

Servers are going down in less then 24 hours. When they come back up, Game Update 3.1.2 will be applied. Below are the patch notes: Highlights Revel in the arrival of Star Wars™ Celebration with a Double XP Week! Get twice the experience from April 16th at 11:00 PDT/18:00 GMT to April 22nd at 00:01 PDT/07:00 GMT! Bounty Contract Week Returns! Hunt wanted criminals in this returning event! The event begins April 21st at 05:00 PDT/12:00 GMT and ends April 28th at 05:00 PST/12:00 GMT! General Frameworks from any Guild Bank tab can now be used to purchase Guild Flagship Room unlocks. Cartel Market Vehicles with the new “Flourish” functionality will be available in the Cartel Market soon! Bright Yellow and Vibrant Green Eyes are now available for Cyborgs. Short Wavy Hair no longer distorts on any body types. The Bright Blue Eyes appearance has been fixed and is now…

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SWTOR Game Update 3.1.1 Patch Notes

Here are the patchnotes for tomorrows servers maintenance: Highlights Bounty Contract Week Returns! Hunt wanted criminals in this returning event. The event begins March 17th at 04:00 PDT/11:00 GMT and ends March 24th at 04:00 PDT/11:00 GMT. General The second dialogue choice when speaking to Jerwo Vhob on Rishi no longer appears blank in French and German. The Decoration “Gree Light Pillar (Blue)” now consistently appears in the Decoration UI. Numerous mounts have been updated to allow similar styles to utilize the same hook types within Strongholds. The “Orbital Power Monitor” Decoration now has a 20% chance to drop from the final boss of Kuat Drive Yards. The following decorations have been added to their appropriate faction Starfighter and PvP Decoration vendor. They cost 5 Dark Projects and 5 Universal Prefabs MK-3 each: Ship Computer: Imperial (Full) Ship Computer: Republic (Full) Applied the appropriate soundsets to numerous Nova Blades on…

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Scheduled Maintenance – 10 March 2015 – Patch 3.1.1

BioWare will be taking down the servers on March 10 to preform scheduled maintenance. Below are the details: Scheduled Maintenance: 10 March 2015 | 03.06.2015, 03:45 PM All servers will be unavailable on March 10th while we apply Game Update 3.1.1. Date: Tuesday, March 10th, 2015 Time: 5:00AM PDT (12:00 GMT) – 9:00AM PDT (16:00 GMT) Version: 3.1.1 Preliminary Patch Notes can be found below. Final patch notes will be posted Monday, March 9th. During maintenance, all updates and additional information will be posted on our Twitter account. Thank you for your patience as we maintain service for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Preliminary Game Update 3.1.1 Patch Notes: General The second dialogue choice when speaking to Jerwo Vhob on Rishi no longer appears blank in French and German. The Decoration “Gree Light Pillar (Blue)” now consistently appears in the Decoration UI. Numerous mounts have been updated to allow similar…

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SWTOR Dev Blog: The Final Trial

BioWare published a new short story titled The Final Trial featuring Lana Beniko. Check it out: Lana Beniko woke with heavy lids, her mind and body brittle against the cold stone of Tulak Hord’s tomb. How long had she slept? The strain in her limbs told her not long enough, but she feared it had been days. Hunger clawed at the lining of her stomach, but Lana shook it off. She needed to keep moving, keep searching. To stay here was to become just another lifeless relic of the tomb. Dark soil stained Lana’s fingernails as she pushed herself to stand. The air was drafty, chapping her already raw lips. “You’re awake,” a hoarse voice stated. Lana had forgotten she wasn’t alone. Bensyn knelt at the entrance of the alcove they had chosen as a resting spot, his red Sith Pureblood skin easily recognizable. Kagan was curled next to him still…

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Game Update 3.1: Conflict On Rishi Patch Notes

BioWare posted the patch notes for Game update 3.1 as they are on the public est servers right now.  All content and features listed in the preliminary Patch Notes are not final and are subject to change. With it Tait Watson, posted a lengthy forum post you can read below the patch notes. Game Update 3.1: Conflict On Rishi Game Update 3.1: Conflict On Rishi Highlights Ranked Warzone Arena Season 4 has begun! Get in there and go berserk! Season 3 leaderboards have been archived. New Legacy Unlock – Improved Mounting! You can now summon any vehicle or creature mount while moving! New Hard Mode Flashpoints! Hard Mode Blood Hunt and Battle of Rishi are now available through Group Finder in the Hard Mode Flashpoint category at level 60. The Gray Secant has returned from its travels! Participate in the Relics of the Gree event from February 24th at 12:00 GMT…

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Marauder/Sentinel Feedback Thread

SWTOR System Designer John Jarynowski is asking the Star Wars The old republic community for feedback on the Sith Marauder and the Jedi Sentinel. Check out the post below: Following the changes to Marauders/Sentinels on PTS, we’re once again reaching out to the community for perspectives, opinions, and progressive ideas. For this thread, we are looking for feedback on Marauders/Sentinels, specifically where it relates to DPS and survivability. Please be as informative as possible with examples from your experiences. The more detailed and focused the feedback, the easier it is for us to understand and evaluate your viewpoints. Let us know what you think! -John Jedi Knight Sentinel Just Pursuit has been redesigned: Leg Slash immobilizes the target for 3 seconds. This immobilizing effect cannot be applied to the same target more than once every 10 seconds. Removed the Stagger Skillful Utility. New Skillful Utility: Reining Reach. Reining Reach increases the…

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Game Update 3.0.1 Patch Notes

Tomorrows patch notes are now available. Check them out below: Game Update 3.0.1 Patch Notes Highlights Life Day is upon us once again! Celebrate the occasion from December 16th 2014 until January 6th, 2015 at 4AM PST (12 Noon GMT). General Updated the population limits for Rishi, Yavin 4, and the SOLO-Mode Flashpoints in order to address performance issues. The Master of Ceremonies vendor is now available on both Fleets, and sells the following items: Life Day Snowball Bomb Ability Blue-Purple Life Day Holo-tree Decoration Gold Life Day Holo-tree Decoration Sleigh I Vehicle Cyan Sphere Vehicle Life Day Tree Fireworks Anniversary Personnel has been assigned to either Fleet to distribute free Third Anniversary Stronghold Decorations! They will be available until Game Update 3.0.2, and have the following Decorations: 3rd Anniversary Fireworks Launcher 3rd Anniversary Galactic Memorial Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration – Coruscant Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration – Dromund Kaas Art:…

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SWTOR Game Update 3.0 Class Changes: Sentinel + Marauder

Today from the SWTOR Developer Blogs we have yet another 3.0 Game Update class changes post. In this one, Sentinel and Marauder. If you play a Jedi Knight, it’s time to learn about the changes coming in the 3.0 update. Here’s a blurb from the blog that you really need to read for yourself to ensure you don’t miss anything. We’ve put together this blog to inform Jedi Knights of the major changes that are coming in the 3.0 update. Just a couple of disclaimers before we jump in: this blog is not a comprehensive list of every single Jedi Knight change. Also, please note that the content described in this blog is still under development, so anything mentioned throughout this blog is still subject to change (especially any exact numbers or percentages that may be mentioned). Okay, let’s get started! In 3.0, the most significant change found in the…

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Game Update 2.10: Forged Alliances PTS Update

BioWare applied an update to the PTS build of Game Update 2.10 yesterday. Below are the changes made in the patch. Classes + Combat Jedi Knight Sentinel Combat Hand of Justice now triggers 20/40/60 percent of the time when Ataru Form deals damage and no longer finishes the cooldown of Precision Slash. This effect can only occur once every 20 seconds. In addition to its other effects, Saber Storm now reduces the cooldown of Precision Slash by 1.5/3.0/4.5 seconds. Sith Warrior Marauder Carnage Slaughter now triggers 20/40/60 percent of the time when Ataru Form deals damage and no longer finishes the cooldown of Gore. This effect can only occur once every 20 seconds. In addition to its other effects, Sever now reduces the cooldown of Gore by 1.5/3.0/4.5 seconds. Jedi Consular Sage In addition to increasing maximum Force, Force Studies now also increases armor rating by 20%. Force Mend no…

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Fan Film: STAR WARS The Old Republic: The Pit

Today we have another episode of Really Awesome Fan Stuff! This is the trailer for a fan film from Blind Wave Productions. While it is clearly a low budget production, we think they’ve done a fantastic job of what we can see so far. The trailer is interesting, has some great choreography and we can’t wait to see the full length film. This is what it’s really all about- fans getting into something and taking it to that next level. The trailer for the first of a series of fan films set in the STAR WARS universe, during the time of THE OLD REPUBLIC, created by the award winning Lightsaber Choreography team of Blind Wave Productions. Scum and Villainy travel from all over the galaxy to spectate and bet on the deadly gladiator battles inside the arena known only as The Pit. After months of capture and imprisonment, Jedi Knight…

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SWTOR Los Angeles Community Cantina Q&A Audio (Cana Rum Bar, June 2014)

We love to bring you updates from the Community Cantinas that take place in various cities across the map. There is always new and exciting fun to come out of these events and of course, we can’t forget the flash drive goodies. So the Q&A of this Community Cantina was with Eric Musco and you can find a full write-up of that here on 42gaming.com. You can also listen to the video below (audio only). Here is a snippet: Question: When will we know the rewards for Ranked PVP Season 2? Answer: “We do not like to present the rewards and requirements till at least halfway through the Season” Question: Will classes be able to use weapons that are not intended for the class, i.e Jedi using a blaster? Answer: No, one of the reasons is to allow others to identify the enemy’s class in PVP. Question: Will there be…

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Episode 7 Rumor Round Up

So now we know the official cast but what other rumors are there about Episode 7? Well, we’ve heard some goodies and we wanted to pass them along. First, let’s talk about titles. What could be the title of the newest film? Well, we know they are not letting that info leak this early but we have some interesting rumors. Latino Review had some info late last year about possible working titles. Kellvin Chavez says he was “exclusively told” that George Lucas had two working titles for the film when he handed it over to Disney: Return of the Sithand Rise of the Jedi. And we also heard Rise of the Empire, The Creeping Fear and Balance of the Force and A New Dawn. And now AICN’s Harry Knowles, tells us the working title is The Ancient Fear. So… take that with a grain of salt because it’s little more than a rumor but it’s interesting…

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May the 4th: iTunes Star Wars Games Sale 66% Off

What is one of the best things about May the 4th? Well, there are usually some great deals on Star Wars stuff. This time, we have a great deal to share with you. Aspyr and the Mac App Store are celebrating this holiday (for Star Wars fans) of May the 4th by discounting the five top Mac Star Wars game titles for Mac users. So come celebrate May the 4th and Star Wars with these great sales: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, $3.40 (9.99) Star Wars: The Force Unleashed: Ultimate Sith Edition, $6.80 (19.99) Star Wars: Empire at War, $7.99 (19.99) Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, $3.40 (9.99) Star Wars: Jedi Knight Academy, $3.40 (9.99) Those are some incredible prices for some fantastic games. You can get each one for under $10, a couple of them under $5. It doesn’t get any better than that. You…

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Game Update 2.7 – The Invasion is Here!

CALLING ALL FORCES TO THE SITH ACADEMY AND JEDI TEMPLE! Welcome to Game Update 2.7: Invasion We are very excited to see the release of Game Update 2.7: Invasion today. In addition to many bug fixes and other updates, we also get to experience some great new content. We get a new story arc: Forged Alliances, new Flashpoints, Nightmare Mode for the Dread Fortress, Ranked Warzone Season 1 ends and you can start pre season for season 2, and we see Quesh Huttball Put, a new warzone that looks to be a lot of fun. Bounty Contract Week will be making a comeback and there is a new Galactic Starfighter Domination Map: Denon Exosphere. Developer Blogs explains: We believe this game update captures some of the key elements that make Star Wars™ special: the struggle between galactic factions; engaging in dangerous and difficult trials that push you to the limits of…

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