Author: Editor

May the schwartz be with you: AC/DC vs Star Wars: A New Hope

We’re kinda surprised no one ever thought to put a montage of Episode IV: A New Hope‘s coolest scenes to an AC/DC song, seeing as how most of the Aussie rockers’ songs are about shooting, or thrilling, or both — and man, remember how Lucas used to do that?? Props to Kalleanka on Youtube for putting together this clever little sequence of events which sum up the first Star Wars movie to AC/DC’s ‘Thunderstruck’, especially since it could have been something really lame like a montage of Darth Vader scenes to “Back in Black.”

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Stuff learned from this weeks beta

Here is some hints, tips, and settings that I found doing this weekends beta. If you are using ATI, update your drivers. I think it’s 11.10 right now. You don’t want 11.8. You’ll probably spend about 3-5 hours on your starter planet which takes you to level 10, or very close to 10. At around level 8-9 you’ll get your first companion. Once you finish off the planet you’ll go to your space station hub. As soon as you walk on to the hub, if you are level 10 you will immediately see a quest giver who will tell you to choose your advanced class (AC). You will then go over to your trainer and make your choice. If you’re not level 10 you may wish to remain on your starting planet until you are. At this level you’re ready for your first Flashpoint as well. Make sure to do…

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Here’s That Phantom Menace 3D Trailer You Haven’t Been Waiting For

Lucasfilm apparently snuck a trailer for their 3D rerelease of Star Wars: Episode I—The Phantom Menace into theaters this past weekend, where it played in front of such not-screened-for-critics fare as The Three Musketeers 3D. (Sadly, I missed Musketeers because I was at Paranormal Activity 3 instead, thinking not so much about that movie but rather about the lady who had brought an incessantly screaming infant to a movie made up of little more than cheap jump-scares.) Here is is: It’s a weird trailer, but if you’ll allow me to get even geekier than usual for a second, it’s interesting to see how it takes a very different approach from Episode I’s original trailer (which I still think is pretty impressive, and which I still have fond memories of watching over and over in a friend’s dorm room on her slow-ass computer, looking at every goddamn frame for evidence of how…

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Hammer Station flashpoint video

Before anyone shouts shenanigans I’ll tell you right now the flashpoint is in an extremely unfinished state right now. There’s no map (pretty big deal as it’s a massive instance with lots of paths), bosses don’t drop loot and there’s no convos outside the initial quest. It’s actually one of the more interesting flashpoints so far though. There’s branching paths depending on your professions, boss mechanics are mostly finished and it’s very visually impressive. This is the first example I’ve seen of a flashpoint being done with two people and their companions (and by an agent operative!).

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SWTOR Companions List

Here is the full companions List for Star Wars: The old republic. Each class will be able to get a total of 5 companions through out the game. Each companion will be able to do different types of damage or play different roles in a group. Each companion will also give different bonuses to your crew skills in swtor. Pro Tip 1: If you enter your Quest Log, go to Codex then ‘Person of Note’, you can see what your companion likes/dislikes. This way you know what to say on dialogs to get +affection. Pro Tip 2: Companions use crafting materials that are in your cargo hold, you don’t have to carry crafting materials on you. Pro Tip 3: If you hit N for crew skills, you can click the individual crew skill next to each companion. For the longest time I was picking the general “slicing” button at the…

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