Author: Editor

Patch 2.10.2 notes – Turn your stronghold into a gambler’s paradise for only 1 credit!

About a month ago, Bioware admitted  that the Smuggler’s Gambit slot machine wasn’t part of Constable Stronghold’s pack. To make up for the bug, Bioware’s community manager, Eric Musco, promised to rectify the issue by offering the before-mentioned item for purchase in-game for only 1 credit.  Smuggler’s Gambit slot machine We only had to wait for a month for Mr.Musco’s promise to become reality. Patch 2.10.2 notes were recently released and among other things specify that the slot machine is available for purchase through the Binary Star Reputation Vendor. In specific: 2.10.2 Patch Notes Highlights 16-Player Operations have returned to Group Finder! We have made behind-the-scenes improvement to prevent the performance issues that we encountered when the system was initially made available. Check out the Group Finder to enjoy the faster queues and better rewards of 16-Player Story Mode Operations! General Imperial Crate (Single), Imperial Crate (Stacked), Republic Crate (Single), and Republic Crate (Stacked) have…

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Discipline calculator now available!

With the upcoming release of Patch 3.0, SWToR gamers will have to adjust to a new discipline system. The feedback received from the community has been mostly positive but the challenge of mastering the new system definitely remains. Dulfy and SWToR_miner put together a discipline calculator that helps fans familiarize themselves with the new system in addition to experimenting with new setups. The calculator is still in beta and what’s even more impressive is that it was built from information retrieved from video streams.

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Battlefront 3 Footage Available?

Well…yes and no…you see, apparently, well before DICE got the fate of one of the world’s most anticipated titles in gaming to fall into their laps, another crew had a run at Battlefront, and they actually put together a nearly-finished product, which – due to a set of unfortunate circumstances – never really got the see the light of day, or rather that of the screens of computer/console users world-wide. The company behind the effort was Free Radical, and according to some, they were about 99% finished with the project when they were forced into administration and when they finally closed for good in December 2008. Later, Crytek picked up the enterprise and transferred the team to various other projects, as Battlefront was cancelled, up until DICE came into the picture earlier this year to step up to the plate. Now then, why exactly is this bit of the game’s…

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Star Wars Battlefront Progress Report

After all the hype DICE’s upcoming Star Wars: Battlefront generated with its brief but spectacular E3 trailer, the noise around the game has died off, especially after it became clear that its release would not happen this year. Still, those who keep an eye on the news regarding the title, will pick up bits and pieces of information dropped by the parties involved in the making of the game one way or another. Representatives of one website apparently got to take a look at an early version of the game, and they were quick to let the hungry community have a couple of crumbs of much-needed information. Apparently, the new Battlefront will have a higher number of high-definition weapons than its predecessors, and there will be a definite strategy involved in wielding and using these weapons. The weapons will apparently dictate the fighting style on the part of the player,…

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SWToR Streams and vids

We’re back with version of Streams and Vids! The last two weeks of September proved to be very busy for all SWToR streamers and, in general, content creators. Maybe it was the full release of Galactic Strongholds to preferred members or maybe it is the anticipation of Patch 3.0 and the new expansion. Either ways, SWToR fans as well as Bioware hit Twitch and streamed their latest work.

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Patience you must have! Expansion announcement delayed…slightly

It’s the last day of the month and of course speculation is high about what the next SWToR expansion announcement is going to be. Fans have been talking about it in various places, including the official SWToR forums where Bioware is always keeping a close eye on what’s going on. One SWToR fan’s excitement caught the eye of Bioware and solicited a response from Senior Producer, Bruce McLean:

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Drones Reveal Various Episode VII Details

These days, not much surfaces about the newest Star Wars game currently under production at DICE studios, but when it comes to the actual movie also in the works, Episode VII, producers find it much more difficult to keep everything under wraps. Apparently, the age of drones makes keeping large props out of the spotlight downright impossible, especially if the crew – like the Episode VII team – fails to even set up a more or less rudimentary drone shield. Indeed, fans operating drone aircraft have spotted a number of interesting props at the scene of the shoot, about 50 miles outside of London. The said props were a half-finished Millenium Falcon, as well as an X-wing fighter. Although these bits of information don’t exactly say a whole lot about the story so they can be hardly considered spoilers, the producers would obviously prefer to keep such things out of…

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SWToRStrategies: The Wall of Crazy….or…it was a dark and stormy night!

SWToRStrategies: Wall of Crazy (WoC) is the latest column that aspires to look into certain concepts and ideas that could make into our favorite game. The term “Wall of Crazy” is something that Bioware used in the past to describe crazy ideas that developers have during meetings and could eventually materialize if given the right resources. The most recent example, is the implementation of the Guild Capital ships and Guild Battles.

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Incomplete “Clone Wars” series episodes now available online for free

When the acquisition of Lucasarts and in extension the Star Wars Franchise, was completed by Disney one of the immediate effects of the deal was the cancellation of the sixth season of the Clone Wars animated series. The series always had a following and its abrupt end left a lot of story lines without a definite end. Disney however didn’t want to leave fans with their questions unanswered so they’re releasing the last four incomplete episodes of the series.

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Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion movie now available to stream

“Star Wars Rebels” is the earliest sample of Disney’s collaboration with Lucasarts after the latter’s acquisition by the former. The series is set 14 years after Episode III and 5 years before Episode IV, when the Empire is trying to firm its grip on the galaxy. While the official series premier is set for October 13 on Disney XD, fans have the chance to watch the opening to the series in the form of a short 45 minute movie titled “Spark of Rebellion”. You can stream the movie through Disney’s XD page once you enter your cable provider’s information (in the US).

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There is no death, there is the Force..

For some who never considered playing games like The Old Republic, the act of gaming is considered a wasteful task. On the other hand, some others might engage in gaming just to seek out a few hours of enjoyment. In many cases however, playing games like SWToR is all about the community around the game and the connection between people who share a common interest and passion in Star Wars and, in extension, SWToR. When a member or a group within this community experiences hardship then in many cases the community steps up and offers assistance or sympathy.

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TOR Radio: A galaxy of podcasts!

We’re back once again to cover the latest and greatest SWToR podcasts from the always active community. With the (rumored) launch of Patch 3.0 a lot of podcasters are wondering what Bioware has in store for them and their favorite MMO. It’s definitely no surprise that most of the shows that aired over the last week, focused on the upcoming expansion teaser trailer.

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SWToR up six spots in Raptr’s August Rankings

The latest expansion of Star Wars The Old Republic (SWToR) seems to be paying dividends for Bioware. The recent content release called Galactic Strongholds, pushed the Star Wars themed MMO to the 14th spot in game rankings for the month of August according to Raptr. Other notable MMO appearances in the list include World Of Warcraft (no.2), Guild Wars 2 (no.12) and Final Fantasy XIV (no.1o). It’s worth noting that WildStar dropped off the list for the first time.

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Turn Down for Hutt!

This amazing video was posted recently by over at youtube and…it’s beyond words. The clip uses well-timed clips from the original Star Wars trilogy and matches them with a very distinctive tune. If you have a minute and a half to spare then it’s definitely worth the time.

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SWToR Miner and (possibly) SWToR fan sites get a challenge from Bioware

You might have never heard of his name before, but if you have a moderate interest in SWToR you probably read about his work somewhere. SWTOR Miner is one more passionate fans of the game with a special skill. Every now and then he data mines SWToR source files for clues of what Bioware has in store for us next. In many cases, his findings get published In fan sites that are eager for more information about Bioware’s MMO.

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Results for Conquest Week 4 – The Dread War

I run and I have been asked to be a guest writer summarizing the conquests each week. Full reddit post here Week 4 of Strongholds are officially over. I wanted to point out a few interesting bits. The Harbinger once again shows that have some seriously dedicated guilds. Their lowest score by the wampa stampers beating the highest scores on most other servers. Once again on Jedi Covenant; Rancor Bait , Working as Intended , Hellbent , and Holocron get early leads on each of their planets and never drop below first place. Early on in the week they had first place secure. On Jung Ma the battle for Section X and Oricon were close. Until Sunday Umbra  seemed to have first place secure. But late on Sunday the remnants of hope finally managed to get past them and get first place. On Oricon, Uncharted Space and nightmare squadron kept going back and forth for first place. Few…

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SWToR Community delivers once more; Sniper’s PVE guide!

It’s always great to see certain members of the SWToR community coming forward and sharing their knowledge of the game. The latest example is, SWToR forum member “DieGhostDie” who posted a very interesting PVE Marksmanship guide for the Imperial Sniper. He is currently part of the 8-man progression group in the Intrepid guild of the Harbinger server and he decided to share his experience and expertise with the rest of the community. Even though he admits the guide is work in progress, his work starts with the basics, and expands to key abilities and rotations among other things.

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Being evil in Knights of The Old Republic

For a game that has been out for 11 years the Knights of the Old Republic (KoTOR) is still getting a lot of attention. Maybe it was the release of Star Wars the Old Republic that reminded us of how amazing the original game was. Maybe it was last years’ release of KoTOR for iOS that reminded us that a great game remains great regardless of the platform. Or maybe it’s just the realization that the original game remains a benchmark for all RPG games.

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Former Electronic Arts (EA) CEO predicts free-to-play model evolution

Former Electronic Arts (EA) CEO, John Riccitiello is a controversial figure among gamers, especially with SWToR fans. During his tenure at EA, he spearheaded the strategy to develop and promote free-to-play games, an approach that Star Wars The Old Republic (SWToR) fully embraced. During a recent interview with Gamespot. Mr. Riccitiello predicted that both premium and free-to-play pricing models will continue to exist with the later possibly evolving. He also stressed out that both models (and possibly others we haven’t seen), will continue to co-exist without one gaining the upper hand over others.

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