Fan stuff

Countdown – A Star Wars Fan Film

Here’s another great Star Wars fan film that went above and beyond to share their story. I’ll let you watch it to see what I mean by that statement, but for now, let’s move on to the story. In a desperate attempt to save the future, Xenia travels back in time to a pivotal moment in history–the untimely assassination of Senator Desera–hoping that by saving the senator, she can change the course of history for the better. It was great story, it has action, and the fight/lightsaber scenes are great. The acting is good and the dialogue isn’t stiff like with some fan films. Costumes and props are also nicely done. All in all, it hits all the marks for what I’d say makes a great film. You can tell a lot of time and dedication went into this which is part of what I love the most about Star…

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Star Wars Origins: Revan Fan Film

Fans of Knights of the Old Republic and especially Revan can rejoice, for there is a new fan film on the way, set to feature Revan in his youth. Eddie Lee Henderson is leading the Star Wars Origins: Revan fan film project, which he describes as “the most ambitious fan film ever produced.” Henderson’s Dallas-based production company, Black Ginger Media, is currently working on this project and aims to launch on Kickstarter on January 9, 2017. The film tells the story of the young Revan sneaking into a cantina reminiscent of Mos Eisley. While he’s there, he’s witness to a black-market deal between a Mandalorian and another trader. When the trade sours and other people see what the valuable object of the trade was, chaos breaks out as everyone tries to get their hands on this precious item. The fact that there is a Jedi in the mix when this…

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The Real Fans Of The Saga – A Star Wars Fan Reality Show

We love fan projects and this one looks like a great one. A fun look at four different passionate Star Wars fans and how their fandom effects not only family life but everyday life. Here is a very fun project that most Star Wars fans will find exciting. The Real Fans project was filmed at the start of 2015 and followed 4 completely different fans (that are friends)  to Celebration Anaheim all through well over a year (including leading up to The Force Awakens and after it’s release). Each Episode will be 15 – 30 mins (actual time per episode TBD after editing) and there will be approx 12 – 17 episodes total (again, TBD while editing) This will be the 3rd project that Filmmakers Cris Macht and Ian Vacek produced together. Why do they need your help? “The Risks and Challenges are always financial. When you don’t have enough….you can only do so…

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Star Wars Secrets of the Unknown Fan Film Project

Oh, you know how I love that Star Wars fan stuff… don’t we all? Well, there is an upcoming fan film that we will definitely be following in order to give you more info on it but we also heard from one of the most talented lightsaber creators around that he will be involved in the project as well.  Tom Stephens of TS.Creations posts: “I have been comissioned through my saber shop TS.Creations to hand make all of the lightsabers for the upcoming fan film Star Wars: Secrets of the Unknown. The design of the first saber is underway! and this is the character who will weild it. Padawan Veila the fierce Viking-esque Jedi warrior. This film is set to be an INCREDIBLE work, the attention to detail and passion that has gone into creating it so far is nothing short of awesome, and seeing as it is intended for US! YOU…

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Nadia Grell Fan Drawing is Amazing

Reddit user zulzulfie shared her SWTOR art with fans and it’s really awesome. The first drawing I ever saw was her rendition of a cute little Nadia Grell. Then I browsed through her Tumblr and saw she has a lot of cool stuff. I know I’m a sucker for fan art but this is really good and I love the cute, “girlie” style to it. She says she’s going to do male characters too, after she gets through the female ones and I really look forward to seeing that as well. They remind me of the chibis you can find of superheros and similar styled art. Here’s one she did of Vette that I really like: I love how they have a cartoony, cutesy feel to them. She has a tiny Satele Shan, tiny Senya, Lana Beniko, a drawing of Vaylin that I adore, and more. It’s really worth taking the time…

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The ‘Star Wars’ Fan Film Awards Are Back

It’s that time again – you can can make your own Star Wars short for fun and earn a profit from it. How cool would that be? The Star Wars Fan Film Awards are officially back and you have the chance to win one of seven $250 prize packs and you can get your short film posted online for the world to see. What do you have to do to win? Well, it all starts with making your own short film and being sure you follow all the rules. Submissions will be judged on filmmaking (or animation) talent, storytelling, character design and development, acting and voiceover talent, originality and entertainment value. There are many different great categories that winners will be chosen from so you can do the style of your choice and really make it your best. Here’s all the important info you need to know: STAR WARS FAN FILM…

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Star Wars On the Go: Awesome Themed SUV

If I was still living in Texas I’d have to take a drive and try to spot this fantastic vehicle for myself. The Houston Chronicle explains what you see in the photo below: “An SUV spotted outside a Toys R Us in the Woodlands this week is covered in iconic objects from the movie such as the Millennium Falcon and even displays a scene with Luke Skywalker and his green saber in the rear window. But what really makes this the coolest “Star Wars” display is the license plate that reads B KENOBI, a reference to the movie’s Obi-Wan Kenobi who is later known as Ben Kenobi. Photo: Katelyn Sclafani What is one of the coolest personalized Star Wars items you’ve seen? Do you own one yourself? Send us some photos and you might be featured here on the site. Have you always dreamed of making something cool to commemorate…

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Star Wars Fan Film: REBEL SCUM

As of right now, we are still around 12 months away from the next Star Wars film, and the spinoff installment Rogue One, brings fans back to the days of the original trilogy. If you have been craving some 80’s style nostalgia, you should definitely check out this awesome Star Wars fan film from the independent studio Blood Brother Cinema Co. This nine minute short film, which has a title of Rebel Scum, shows fans a meeting between one downed Rebel pilot and also an injured member that is part of the Galactic Empire after they happen to cross paths on nearly everyone’s favorite icy war zone. It has some pretty impressive costume work and a subzero snow-covered environment that was captured on film from an airfield in Alberta, Canada. This short film also has some amazing visual effects that doesn’t use CGI, which includes a stop-motion AT-AT walker that…

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Show Us Your Star Wars!

Whether you’ve seen the new film or been living under a rock the past couple of weeks, it’s very apparent that the Star Wars craze is here to stay. It doesn’t seem to be going anywhere any time soon. With this in mind, I’ve now taken to a little personal gamed called “Spot the Star Wars” and started taking photos of Star Wars items and displays that I come across throughout my daily life. So this got me thinking… what are other people seeing in their parts of the world? With this, an idea was born: Show us your Star Wars! We invite you to head over to our Facebook fanpage and share your own photos of Star Wars scenes, displays, merchandise or other goodies while out and about. We may even feature some of our favorite pics here on the site in a future post. To get it started,…

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The Weight of Forgiveness – Star Wars Fan Film

We have something fun and interesting to bring you today. This just released Star wars fan film has our attention. It’s called “The Weight of Forgiveness” and it’s all about the birth of a Jedi. It’s in Italian and it’s about 15 minutes or so in length so it’s a short watch. There are different possible interpretations of the short, which is part of its appeal. The synopsis says it is a Star Wars fan film “open to interpretation” and there have already been several ideas as to what it all means. If you know and love Star Wars (like all of us here do), you may appreciate it on those grounds alone but we ask you to watch it with an open mind and don’t limit yourself just to the Star Wars universe, then see what you think of it. Some say it is the story of redemption of…

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Sithmas Cooking with the Colicoids: Building a Gingerbread Harrower-Class Warship

Sithmas Cooking: Building a Gingerbread Imperial Ship Christmas has passed but this idea is so awesome, we think it’s not too late to do it. In fact, we think it’s never too late to do it and what better idea to use up all that extra gingerbread you might have on hand this season? A plain old gingerbread house simply won’t do for a Sith. No, this Sithmas, they needed to build a gingerbread Imperial warship. First, they created a paper template from which to cut their gingerbread pieces. Then, they cut pieces from the template and baked them, then piecing them together to match the paper model. It was a messy project (which you will see from the images) but it sure looked like a lot of fun. Even the imperfections seem to make it better, in my opinion. It looks like a great way to spend an afternoon….

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Hip Hop Star Wars

My pal, Richie Branson, who we told you about before back in 2012, is making the trending list again, this time with a Star Wars mixtape you’re going to want to play on repeat. I have always been a fan of Biggie Smalls and of course, of Star Wars, but leave it to Richie to come up with an idea to blend the two. He got with a buddy of his to make it happy and the results are glorious! We’re not the only ones to think so because the album has essentially gone viral since it hit the net and it’s being mentioned all over the place. It was at 2.5 million streams and counting, featured on livemixtapes, USA Today, Comedy Central and more. Yesterday it was trending on Twitter for quite some time with the hashtag #HIPHOPSTARWARS. It’s still making the rounds across the Internet and if you haven’t…

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STAR WARS LEGENDS: Legacy of the Force – Fan Film

We love Star Wars fan films, as you probably know if you’ve been reading our posts for awhile now, and here is one based on a book that we really wanted to bring to your attention. It’s Star Wars Legends: Legacy of the Force and you can see the film in its entirely on YouTube (we’ve embedded it below). It’s meant to be a homage to the Expanded Universe and the canon is spot-on. The acting was good, especially for a fan film and I found it overall entertaining. If you haven’t seen it yet, just scroll down and give it a watch. Then head over and tell the crew what you think of their hard work. You can follow everything they’re up to and learn more from their Facebook page here. Some of their members are also working on a new project right now. Their page contains interviews and…

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Awesome Dad Builds 23-Foot Death Star

So we’re not sure how his neighbors felt about it but we think this father is pretty awesome. For Halloween 2015, and in preparation for the release of Star Wars: Episode VII, Colby Powell and his kids build a 23-foot death star and placed it on the roof of their house. He says he plans to leave it up for sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas and then he might store it or sell it on eBay. He said he is also considering sending it to Burning Man. All construction on the death star began as a family project until it grew to a point too large for the kids to complete and he had to bring in some bigger guns. he reports that he also had people driving by who would stop and ask if they needed help and that about two dozen people contributed to the assembly without even knowing just…

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The Outlander: A Gallery Showcasing the Creativity of SWTOR Players

You know how we love bringing you stories of cool projects done by fans and for fans? Well, here is something pretty awesome! This gallery contains 599 characters, 287 Redditors and there was even an overall winner. What are we talking about? The Outlander contest and project. — Step into an epic story-driven adventure as your character becomes The Outlander, a veteran of the Great Galactic War. A third faction threatens the galaxy as we know it, and your choices will determine the fate of both the Sith Empire and Galactic Republic. Choose your path… join or betray companions, old and new… and shape the future of the entire galaxy as well as your own. These, are our Outlanders… These screenshots are of the characters of members and visitors of the /r/SWTOR subreddit, a forum for discussion about Star Wars: The Old Republic. This project was created by Swtorista ,…

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SWTOR Fighter Fleet Out of Lego

You know how we love fans doing cool stuff. Here we have someone creating a Star Wars fleet out of LEGO. You can see a picture below. One is a Flashfire the other a Novadrive. It’s a simple but accurate start to a Star Fleet, in my opinion. Check this out: It was the first one he did but he didn’t stop there. He continued to build more ships and the results are pretty amazing. Here are more: SWTOR fleet update And: Update 8/1/2015 Star Wars Fleet And: G-9 Rigger Falcon vs Ghost mid build Ebon Hawk Bounty Hunter fleet update And what he says was his most difficult build to date: Sun Crusher

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Star Wars as 17th-century Japanese Prints

Maybe it’s because I am such a huge fan of art and Star Wars (of course) but I really love this project I came across from a Japanese crowdfunding site, Makuake. The project is for traditional woodblock prints of the original George Lucas Star Wars characters and the project far exceeded its goal. While they do not come cheap (a single print costs 54,000 yen/$434, with a set of three going for 162,000 yen/$1,303) they are worth every penny. The craftsmanship, art and patience that goes into each beautiful piece is amazing. Most Star Wars fans will know that George Lucas was influenced by the Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa and that Kurosawa’s 1958 period adventure The Hidden Fortress often cited as a direct inspiration for Lucas’ first Star Wars film so it makes sense that Star Wars could then be so easily and beautiful adapted to its Japanese roots. These are…

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‘Star Wars’ helped this Aussie dad overcome a brain tumour for his kids

A man named Adam Harris who lives in Australia is most likely one of Star Wars biggest fans. He named his son Jack Anakin Harris, after all. One week before his second child entered the world, he suffered bad headaches and then found out that he had an inoperable brain tumor. While lying in the hospital bed he began having regrets for never having travelled to the US where Star Wars was born. During this time of hardship, he had a brilliant idea. He decided to create a documentary about taking his son to America to live out the Star Wars dreams. They used crowdfunding to pay for the project and Harris and his son attended the Star Wars celebration in Anaheim. Click here to watch this inspiring video made by The Feed:

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Kickstarter: The Recompense: A Star Wars Fan Film

Bounty hunter Jahdo Kyn gets more than he bargains for on his last job. A noir-style Star Wars fan film. Sound interesting? Well, you know how we love to bring you fun stuff just like this. Here we have an awesome fan film and you know how we love bringing you those. Above you will see the details for the Kickstarter campaign and the video will help you get excited about it (like us). What is it? Here’s some info from the campaign description: The Recompense tells the story of Jahdo Kyn, a bounty hunter, and a broken man willing to do whatever it takes to make enough credits to start a new life for himself. On his final job, he finds himself confronted by a past he thought he’d left behind, and embroiled in a conflict he never wanted to be a part of.  Along the way he encounters his…

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Designer Makes His Own BB-8 Star Wars Droid

You know how we love to bring you cool stuff made by fans. Here is a very talented designer who has created an awesome little BB-8 Star Wars droid. We had to share this with you because not only is it awesome, he tells you how to make it for yourself. Christian Poulsen is currently in the process of finishing his degree in Industrial Design at Brigham Young University and not only has created this cool little project, but is also telling us how to do it. And if you want to do it for yourself, he even posted it to with full instructions so you too can have your own BB-8 Star Wars Droid. He’s an industrial designer who has taken his love of Star Wars and combined it with his talent to create something pretty awesome. Here he explains why he did it: As an industrial designer, I’ve been…

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The Korriban Sith Academy on Minecraft

Check out the Korriban Sith Academy on Minecraft by Jedimonkey38: We have brought you these kinds of things before and we love it! As I said in a previous post, it’s a merging of two things I love – Minecraft and SWTOR – but in addition to that, I just love seeing the creativity of the gamers and fans. It’s really  great to see people In the images you will see: The Main Entrance Side 1 Back View Side 2 The Statues at the entrance the lamp at the entrance the entryway The Imperial Guards bow before you The Obelisk The Main Area Tukata Pens The Jedi Prisoner A View of the Corridor The Interrogation Center Torture Devices The Cages for 3 lucky prisoners Cantina Lower Level Dorms Table Entrance to Blood Trial Thats Alot of Blood The Skulls The Library Another View One of the Offices Upper Level Table…

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Beautiful SWTOR Matte Paintings

SWTOR Matte Paintings by Nick Hiatt Matte paintings by Nick Hiatt created during the production of the SWTOR cinematic trailers at Blur Studios You know how we love to bring you beautiful things, especially beautiful SWTOR things. Here’s one that we just cannot pass up sharing. These beautiful matte paintings are perfect for the SWTOR fan. While they would be wonderful to have as prints (I’d hang these in my house), you might decide you want to make them your desktop background, as others have done. Even if you just want to admire them for a bit, Blur Studios is awesome and this is the proof.

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Dromund Kaas Imperial Citadel on Minecraft

Here’s a gamer who has combined two of my favorite things: Star Wars/SWTOR and Minecraft. Here you will see that Jedimonkey38 built the Dromund Kaas Citadel in Minecraft. See for yourself here: How awesome is that? I have seen some pretty amazing Minecraft builds over the years. My kids are also really into Minecraft and spend hours watching videos and reading about it. My son even bought a Minecraft manual from the school book fair. So as you can see, we’re a family who is not new to the blocky world. That said, I really love to see when people go outside the typical and create something new or unique. Whenever someone combines one game or story world with another, they’re probably going to get some smiles from me as well, as is the case with this. Here you will find a Speeder Transport, Mandalorian Enlave Entrance, Sith Sanctum Entrance,…

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Star Wars Fan Film Awards 2015

We are so excited to tell you all that after taking three years off, the Lucasfilm Star Wars Fan Film Awards will be returning to us this year. Lucasfilm has officially released the nominees for this year and you can go vote in the Audience Choice category. We think that the winners will probably be announced during the Star Wars celebration happening next month. The Star Wars Fan Film Awards, a celebration of fan creativity inspired by a galaxy far, far away, are back! In this trailer, revisit past winners and entries ranging from animation to live-action comedy, and get an important tip from Lucasfilm’s Pablo Hidalgo. Entrants can submit their films now through January 16, 2015. The best selections in the categories of Animation, Non-Fiction, Comedy, Spirit of Fandom, Visual Effects, Audience Choice, and Filmmaker Select — chosen by Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy — will screen in a special…

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