Star Wars Uprising

Star Wars: Uprising – Win 1 Million Credits if you assault Bespin!

Game Director for Star Wars: Uprising, Daniel Erickson announced a challange to the community. Here is your chance to win 1 million credits. Every Player who completes all of their Assault Missions (5/5 every day) between now and the next Sector Battle kick off AND runs at least 90% of those on BESPIN will go in a pool and one person will randomly be chosen to get 1 MILLION credits. Check it out: Hey Everyone, After so many questions this week I reviewed the Bespin Battle Readiness targets and last cycle people basically started to run Bespin, got discouraged, stopped and went and ran Mataou, frustrating many of the end-level players. In 2.1, Battle Readiness rewards will scale with level which should alleviate a lot of this problem but for right now I’m going to make a personal challenge with the tools I have. We’re already having an Assault Mission…

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Questions for the Director of Star Wars Uprising

Daniel Erickson has a reputation for reaching out to the community, especially when it comes to games he works on. This is something I really like, especially with my background in gaming and game writing. It’s nice to see directors, developers and game writers/editors who care about what the community thinks. It’s nice to see them taking the time to invest in their community and listen to their concerns, answer their questions and just open that dialogue. Sometimes that’s all it takes to make a player a lifelong fan because you’re showing that you actually care about them. With that said, Daniel Erickson is offering up the opportunity to pick his brain about Star Wars Uprising. In case you missed it on the forums, here’s the post: “Hey Folks, Got questions? I’ll do my best to answer them or find the expert that can. All posts will be read. Well intended…

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Beginner’s Guide to Sector Battles – Star Wars Uprising

Are you new to Star Wars Uprising or thinking of starting the game? If so, then you’re going to really appreciate this and the other videos offered by this guy. If you’re the type who learns well from seeing, this is going to really help you jump into the action. Hey guys, I’m just showing you a small tutorial to Sector Battles for new players to understand what Sector Battles are all about! Hope you guys enjoy it! BAM! That’s awesome. Thank you l0stw0lf.

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Star Wars Uprising Mission 1 Walkthrough/ Tutorial

Here we have a just released video tutorial series for Star Wars Uprising. There’s only the first mission so far but the poster, l0stw0lf, says they are posting a new one every day. So if you’re into Uprising, or even thinking of picking up the game, this could be a great YouTuber for you to subscribe to. Currently l0stw0lf has 15 videos on Star Wars Uprising and a great deal of experience in the game so you really might find these useful. While we’re adding the Mission 1 video here in this post, you can also find videos on how to get a lightsaber (one of the most asked questions in the game), as well as videos on other missions and light side and dark side things you need to know. As you will see, the video is just over 20 minutes long. It’s worth watching all the way through if  you’re a…

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Star Wars: Uprising: Sector Battle Crew Opportunities vs. Battle Opportunities: A Guide

Lots of people ask about the differences between using crew to accumulate victory points and doing the missions yourself to accumulate them. User Xaereth_Tri has taken the time to create a guide for the Reddit Star Wars: Uprising subreddit to help with this. The guide contains: Battle Plans: This is the currency used during sector battles to “purchase” opportunities (both crew and battle – see below). Crew Opportunity: This term refers to the expenditure of battle plans on crew missions to accumulate victory points. Battle Opportunity: This term refers to the expenditure of battle plans to “purchase” a mission that your character runs in exchange for victory points. Victory Points: These are the points that you earn throughout the sector battle, which are used at the end of the battle to determine your final placement, and corresponding rank. The guide then goes on to explain Sector Battle Goals, gaining victory points, battle…

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I Played 13 Star Wars Mobile Games. Here are the Best.

Over the past couple years, we’ve seen a lot of new Star Wars games, just not where you might expect them: on your phone. There have been tons of new mobile games that have come out since Disney took over the franchise, from Rebels-themed kids’ games and puzzlers to tower defense and shooters. But are any of them any good? Do they stand up to the classics, like Rogue Squadron and Shadows of the Empire? I had to find out, so I sat down and played 13 of them. It took me a while, but here’s what I found out. The Best: Knights of the Old Republic It’s getting old now, but this game has translated remarkably well to mobile platforms. The controls are really easy to use, the gameplay is intuitive, and the story is a classic one that stands the test of time. The graphics are what you’d expect for a game that’s…

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Bespin Is Finally Unlocked in Star Wars: Uprising

Ever since Star Wars: Uprising was released on Android and iOS electronics around two months ago, it’s certainly gotten a loyal fan base of people who just want to free the Galaxy from Imperial enslavement. Of course they also want to collect all of the items, upgrade their crew and characters, and earn a ton of credits while they play. When the game was released it had five playable planets and they are Burnin Konn, Hoth, Anoat, Mataou, and Bespin. However, the fifth planet, Bespin, stayed out of every players reach. The game lets players have the chance to push the boundaries of where the story will go next. Every player has the opportunity to play five assault missions every day. When you repeatedly attack imperial settlements for a few days, the bar for “sector battles” will rise on each planet that is being attacked. Once the bar reaches its…

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StarWars Uprising: Gear Types and Stats

There is a great post in the Uprising Subreddit that gives you all the info you need to know about gear types and stats. It has since been added to the game guides section so you can find it along with other great tools to help you in Star Wars: Uprising. Here is an overview: All the gear in the game has 3 primary stats, and 0 to 3 secondary stats. All of those stats can belong to one of 3 main categories: Offensive, Defensive and Utility. Please note that only Offensive and Defensive stats matter for PR, while Utility has more intangible advantages. At the moment precise correlation between the stats in the PR formula is unknown; it is clear that there’s no simple arithmetic addition or even multiplication, there’s more behind the curtain, but at least it’s clear that the addition of more stat usually gives more PR than comparison…

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The Force Awakens First Order Hints In Star Wars: Uprising?

In this previous September, the Star Wars: Journey to the Force Awakens campaign began. This came along with a lot of brand new comics, books, and more clues that have started piecing together the 30 years that happens between Return of the Jedi and Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens. The new mobile game called Star Wars: Uprising was released with the rest of the above. The game follows a smuggler who helps the Rebels when one part of the Empire creates a blockade around the Anoat sector. This then sections off Hoth and Bespin from the other areas of the galaxy. The game will only be remembered as a way for players to be a smuggler, but it has plenty of hints in it about the future of Star Wars. One of these hints was initially found by a MakingStarWars reader, Shi, and this inspired others to…

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Star Wars Uprising: Salvaging for Crystals? Here’s a Chart to Help

You know how we love to bring you tips, hints, tools, advice and other goodies related to Star Wars games. So here’s a neat chart to help you with Uprising. I have  put together, What I belive is a really helpful reference chart to help if you are salvaging for crystals in Star Wars Uprising. He explains what he has done here: Here’s a flow chart I’ve put together from my own observations as a quick reference for anyone who is struggling to understand where to get what crystal as a means of upgrading their gear, weapons or crew. You can see that the chart is detailed and includes the things you need to know about searching for crystals. You can see where you get the crystals you need, the ranked rewards, sector battles and more. Now you can keep this handy in case you find yourself looking for specific crystals,…

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Video: How Star Wars: Uprising connects Return of Jedi to Force Awakens

Star Wars games have a long history. While some have been a hit, others haven’t been. Some of the games capture the rich universe perfectly and makes it even enriched further. Others have used Star Wars to make a quick buck off of the fans and some should have probably known better when they purchased Kinect Star Wars. Star Wars: Uprising is a free mobile game and it connects some of the dots between Return of the Jedi and the upcoming installment of the Force Awakens. How much of the intervening period will it reveal? You have to play for a little while to find out or you can watch a video that this page is linked to at the bottom. The video is from Ian and he shows off some of the story’s opening scenes. Uprising is a type of Diablo dungeon crawler and its main focus is on…

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Former SWTOR Lead Writer Daniel Erickson Working on Chapter 2 for SW: Uprising

Curious what former Lead Writer for SWTOR Daniel Erickson has been up to lately? Well, his recent Tweet will set the record straight (sort of): Sorry for the lack of updates lately. Deep in dev on Chapter 2. Which is literally more than 150% the size of the entire present game. — Daniel Erickson (@DanielAErickson) September 26, 2015 The former Bioware writer is now Director of Star Wars: Uprising and like those of us here, a BIG Star Wars nerd. I don’t know about you but I love seeing people who are truly passionate about games work on games. Being a writer myself, I also have a special kind of love for game writers. It’s why I was such a fangirl over meeting Erickson and Alexander Freed. These guys are not in it for the money or for fame (so many don’t even recognize their names). They are in it…

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A Starter Guide for Star Wars: Uprising

The newest mobile Star Wars game is from Kabam and it’s an online RPG called Star Wars: Uprising. We are sure that most of you have heard of this new mobile game by now but we are going to give you some great tips and strategies to use in the game. The games set is that you are a smuggler who is trying to earn money and work off his debt while the Empire strengthens its grasp on the galaxy with an “iron blockade.” Read on to learn some useful tips to take over Star Wars: Uprising. Your roll move is the best asset with enemies Star Wars: Uprising gives players access to a great roll move that will send you rolling away from enemies and danger when you are in a tight spot. All you need to do is double-tap on an area on the map and you will…

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Star Wars: Uprising Review: The Mild Side of the Force

December is getting closer and we are all getting anxious and ready to visit the galaxy far, far away. The months that remain will not have any mercy on Star Wars fans that are shaking as they await more news about the upcoming Star Wars movie. The one thing that is making this wait even worse is that Disney has not been too shy about giving us supplementary merchandise that is based on the Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie. For example, you can play Star Wars: Uprising, which is a mobile MMOG that seems to be running parallel with the upcoming movie’s events. At least, it mainly is the same but there are some moments when the game does not intersect with the new movie releasing in December. However, you should not worry because you will not ruin anything or cause any spoilers. That’s actually kind of hard to…

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Q&A with Star Wars: Uprising Creator Daniel Erickson

Star Wars: Uprising is the franchise’s newest mobile role-play game from Kabam is turning out to be an extremely important component in the journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens. With brand new characters, factions, and new stakes, the players of the game will get to enjoy the ultimate war for victory come to life right in front of their eyes. To be able to dig deeper into the game and what Star Wars fans can expect from it, Fansided’s Entertainment division director, Nick Tylwalk, interviewed one man that was important to Star Wars: Uprising, Daniel Erickson, who was also formerly a creative director on Star Wars: The Old Republic. As one of the first games to explore the fertile space between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens, how happy are you with the balance you achieved between elements that are familiar to longtime Star Wars fans and…

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Star Wars: Uprising’s new canon is a sign of Lucasfilm’s trust in Kabam

When Lucasfilm first introduced Star Wars: Uprising, many fans of the franchise were not happy when the name Kabam came up. Along with many gamers, the online and mobile game studio does not have a great reputation like BioWare or Obsidian. But the company’s role-playing game studio, Kabam RPG, took a very intelligent approach to becoming one of the first to include a Star Wars’ new post-Return of the Jedi canon by hiring on some of the Extended Universe’s best seasoned veterans. This is a very smart move in the $30 billion mobile gaming industry and this shows how important this current release for Kabam is. Also, by allowing a mobile publisher to make a part of Star Wars’ new canon shows a sign of trust from Lucasfilm and the importance of gaming on smart devices. “It’s extremely exciting. Being the first canon thing that was worked on at all…

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Star Wars Uprising – Dev Diary Introduction

I have been looking forward to Star wars: Uprising and thus, following along with updates from the dev team that tell us a bit more about the game. All too often we see mobile games that are movie tie-ins just created to be quick money grabs. Kabam! is known for putting more effort and depth into their games and this one is going to be no exception. In fact, this one might set a precedent. The new Dev Diary Introduction video will show you just what I mean. They’ve actually tried to create a real Star Wars experience in the  palm of your hand with this one and you can color me impressed. I think there is one person on the team who probably has  a lot to do with that. Daniel Erickson who was creative director on SWTOR, is now creative director on Star Wars: Uprising.  It’s nice to see…

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Check Out the ‘Star Wars: Uprising’ Gameplay Trailer Kabam Just Released

You know how we love our Star Wars games around here. We know you love them too and that’s why we work to bring you the latest and greatest if it’s related to Star Wars gaming. That said, we were excited to hear about a new game that tied into the new movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Is anyone really surprised about this, either? Of course they are going to try to tie in everything and anything, with the popularity of the movies and all that. What was less exciting was the news that this would be a mobile game only. I like mobile games, don’t get me wrong, but I really wanted to see something bigger and better from this. Still, it’s being made by Kabam and this pretty much guarantees two things: It will be worth downloading It will be free to play Kabam has a way that they…

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Where Star Wars Meets Diablo

The new upcoming game of Star Wars: Uprising is a Diablo-inspired mobile game that was created by Kabam. The first look of the gameplay looks amazing and here is a snippet of what it’s like. The game is set between the Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens events. In Uprising, you can create any type of Star Wars character that you want and you have the chance to dress them up in amazing clothes. The player can also put them up against the Empire in a real-time co-op multiplayer mode. Players from all over the globe can join in on large battles which chooses what will become of future content. The game seems to be outstanding and since it’s from Kabam and Disney, you will have plenty of chances to purchase your way to the ultimate force player. If you want to play, you can sign up at…

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A New Star Wars Mobile Game Is Coming

Star Wars: Uprising is a mobile game that will be hitting phones sometime later this year, and it could provide some hints as to what’s going on with the Empire and the Rebellion after the destruction of the second Death Star. Check out the trailer: It looks like someone has arisen in wake of the Emperor’s death to take the reins of the Empire and try to regain some control over the worlds that may have thought about rebelling after the Battle of Endor. Could this provide some background for The Force Awakens? Or will these events have gone and been forgotten in the few years right after Episode VI? There’s really no way to tell. We don’t even have gameplay footage yet. It’s a nice-looking game, though, and there’s definitely potential for something cool. We’ll keep you posted on what we find out!

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