Star Wars: Battlefront

Star Wars: Battlefront Delights, Raises Questions/Concern at E3

Like last year, DICE, the developer behind one of the most hotly anticipated gaming titles of the Star Wars Universe, Star Wars: Battlefront, made use of E3 to add further hype to the product it’s currently working on and to showcase the progress that’s been made. The work-in-progress footage that was shown this time around was captured off a PS4 and – although impressive- it gave rise to some controversy and concern among fans in regards to a number of performance issues and game features. Most of the “problems” which apparently surfaced in this year’s E3 showing could probably be attributed to the overly impressive footage released back in April, the one about the battle in Endor’s woods, which was in-engine footage indeed, but it wasn’t in-game footage and the differences are indeed quite significant. The Endor footage was set to a totally different tune: it was rendered at a…

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Star Wars Battlefront Interview: “There Are 10,000 Ways to F*** This Up”

After returning from E3, one of the questions you will receive first is what all did you see? The most anticipated game at E3 was definitely Star Wars: Battlefront. Lucky players got to play the magnificent demo and gave fans a wonderful experience before others. While the game plunges straight into the action as soon as you hit start, what stands out the most is the attention to detail in the landscape and surroundings. From the beautiful sparkling snow to the frozen plains with an AT-ST at your side, you will not be disappointed with this amazing game. After enjoying this amazing experience, Rob Crossley from Gamespot got to sit down with Patrick Bach, the general manager at DICE. They discussed EA’s upcoming new release, Star Wars: Battlefront. Here is a snippet of the interview. GAMESPOT: How has your E3 been? You must be very happy with the reception to…

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Star Wars Battlefront Will Have Heroes vs Villains Mode

We have some more exciting news about Star Wars: Battlefront, this confirmed by Spanish EA StarWars Facebook page and Spanish EA Star Wars Official Page. Star Wars Battlefront is going to have Heroes vs Villains mode, in addition to other game modes. See screenshots for the original and translation below. Star Wars Battlefront will have Heroes vs Villains Mode  In addition to Walker Assault, Star Wars Battlefront will feature immersive, fun-filled multiplayer modes including Supremacy, Fighter Squadron, Blast, Drop Zone, Cargo, and Heroes vs Villains mode, that will be announced in the months ahead. Stay tuned for more information on these exciting multiplayer modes. This is definitely an interesting development. The big question now is how they will do it. Will it be similar to BFII? Will it be a low player count deathmatch? Will it be 1v1 with turns or 4v4 team-based? There are so many different ways they…

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There’s no Death Star map in Star Wars: Battlefront

For those of you who don’t know, there is no Death Star map in the upcoming new release, Star Wars: Battlefront. We have known for a while that Star Wars: Battlefront would not be including any space battles or maps but we have now found out that there will be no infantry battles on the Death Star space station map. “We will not offer a Death Star based map. But stay tuned for details around the maps we will offer,” an EA manager said on Reddit. It has also been confirmed that Star Destroyers will be in the game, however you will not be able to take them down with a small blaster. “Yes you will see them within maps, but you can’t physically shoot them down. But the progression of how you’re playing will influence the Battles beyond the players’ battle,” confirmed the team. Star Wars: Battlefront will be…

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DICE: why Star Wars Battlefront AT-ATs are on-rails

The developer for Star Wars: Battlefront, DICE, has decided to explain why they made the decision to keep AT-AT walkers on-rails. Just like in Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars: Battlefront Rebel characters will have to bring down the AT-ATs by maneuvering snowspeeders and wrapping cables around the AT-ATs legs. If you decide to play on the Empire’s sides you will be trying to keep the base for the Rebel’s in one piece. If you are controlling an AT-AT, you are only allowed to move its head-mounted turrets. You can move these around to fire at Revel infantry and enemy players that are on the ground. Players are also able to call in an orbital strike. The senior producer for Star Wars: Battlefront, Sigurlina Ingvarsdottir, talked to Eurogamer and told them that DICE was forced to keep the AT-ATs on-rails in order to avoid “game breaking” consequences. Ingvarsdottir also talked about…

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Apply to Become a Battlefront 3 Alpha Tester

Excited about Battlefront 3? Have you always wanted to test great games? Here’s your opportunity to be a game tester for Battlefront 3. EA Star Wars put out an official call for the testers for the closed Alpha stage of Star wars Battlefront. To apply, just go to the link, confirm your application, agree to the terms and then complete the application. If your application is accepted, you will receive an email informing you of next steps in the process. See the official post: Apply for your chance to join the Closed Alpha and help us prepare for the release of Star Wars™ Battlefront™ starting on November 17, 2015 in North America. Available for Origin on PC only, the purpose of the Star Wars Battlefront Closed Alpha is to perform a number of technical tests that will help the team at DICE as they continue the development of the game. And…

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EA prepared to delay Star Wars Battlefront ‘if it wasn’t right’

EA announced that they were prepared to delay Star Wars: Battlefront past November if something was to go wrong during the games launch, said COO Peter Moore. After speaking to MCV, Mr. Moore said that “you can’t ship it if it doesn’t work or the quality isn’t right. You just bite the bullet. Trust me, shipping Hardline in March was not the easiest thing to do from a business perspective, but it was the right thing to do from a player perspective.” “We’d have no compunction, no hesitation that if something went wrong with Battlefront, if it wasn’t right, we would just push it.” “But that’s not going to happen,” he continued. “The game is playable with 40-players already, and it is rock solid, so it ain’t going to happen”. Mr. Moore’s comments come after 18 months when the publisher saw some major problem during the launch of Battlefield 4,…

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Zachary Ryan from was one of the lucky people who got to play a demo of Star Wars: Battlefront at E3. We are going to recap his story and his experience with the upcoming game. First, Ryan says that he is terrible at Star Wars: Battlefront and it didn’t surprise him because he doesn’t do well with shooters. He stated that he died 15 times during the first few minutes of gameplay but he did keep pressing on. Once, he respawned in a tunnel away from the battle zone and he saw a power icon. He grabbed it and noticed in the bottom of his screen that Luke Skywalker was waiting for him to take over. As he became Luke Skywalker and walked confidently to the battlezone, he pulled out his lightsaber. The camera then zoomed out to a third person camera angle and he felt powerful and alive….

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Star Wars: Battlefront is Not Like Battlefield

We’ve heard the comparisons before so I’m sure you have as well: Battlefront is going to be just like a Star Wars themed Battlefield. Right? Wrong. Actually, Star Wars: Battlefront is not going to vary from Battlefield in a variety of ways. Let’s take a look. First, shooting and vehicles are going to be different. These are some of the most important aspects of a Battlefield game so it’s very important to distinguish how Battlefront will be different. Customization options are also different in Battlefront. Presentation-wise, it’s definitely a Star Wars game and you won’t just feel like it’s a skinned Battlefield game. tells us more: To get this out of the way, Star Wars: Battlefront is not a Battlefield game. Battlefront does share some similar mechanics with the Battlefield franchise, but not enough to say this is Battlefield: Star Wars. If anything, Star Wars: Battlefront is extremely faithful…

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Star Wars Battlefront Speeder Bikes Are Not On-rails

All Star Wars fans will be happy to know that the Speeder Bike in Star Wars: Battlefront will not be on-rails in the game. The community manager for EA, Mathew Everett, answered some question about the game on Reddit not long ago. One fan asked if the Speeder Bike on Endor will be only on-rails in Star Wars: Battlefront. Everett replied with a “no” meaning you are able to drive them yourself. In the original Star Wars: Battlefront games, Speeder Bikes were playable without any kind of assistance from the gaming mechanics. Because of this, it was extremely easy to crash out often and we are interested in seeing how DICE will balance out this in the new game. Everett has also confirmed that the Walker Assault mode in Star Wars: Battlefront will not be the only mode that has vehicles in them. However, we won’t know all the details…

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E3 2015 Game Of The Show Nomination: Star Wars: Battlefront

After the Star Wars Celebration and the announcement that Star Wars: Battlefront will have less maps and modes than in the previous series, there has been tons of criticism. However, the past history of the Star Wars franchise doesn’t really mesh well with what DICE is currently trying to do with Battlefront. The main concept for the game remains the same, fighting against many foot soldiers in the middle of the Star Wars universe. The rest of the game is quite different though and that’s the whole reason why it’s not being named Star Wars: Battlefront 3, they are completely starting over. Most people say that Star Wars: Battlefront is basically just a Battlefield game with a Star Wars theme, and they are correct. It’s not a bad thing at all and there are some differences in gameplay, but it’s still a DICE game all the way. When you compare…

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Star Wars: Battlefront hands-on preview – DICE strike back

At E3, fans that were in attendance got to actually play a demo of the upcoming Star Wars: Battlefront. Until now, we have only seen snippets of footage from the game but now some lucky fans have actually been able to experience the game themselves. The following is two different reviews of Star Wars: Battlefront from Jason Serafino from Techtimes and the other is from We have recapped their original reviews. Jason Serafino was lucky enough to be able to spend 20 minutes playing Star Wars: Battlefront at E3. Since this is a Battlefield game there is no story line and you are instantly put into the middle of the action. There is a downside to this because you aren’t sure of what you’re doing and he accidently set off his rocket pack which sent him 50 yards into the sky. Once he managed to figure everything out he…

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Amazon Reveals Exclusive ‘Star Wars Battlefront’ Deluxe Edition For PS4 And Xbox One

The new upcoming Star Wars: Battlefront by EA and DICE game development is one of the most anticipated games in years. This is because of Star Wars’ large fan base and the hype from the anticipated Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie hitting theaters in winter 2015. We have now found out that Star Wars: Battlefront can be ordered as a Deluxe Edition from Amazon. The Deluxe Edition will feature new box art and more in-game items for players to use. It’s only exclusively available from Amazon as a pre-order for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The outside box art is quite different from the original as it features a downed Storm Trooper and the reflection of the rebels who killed him on his helmet’s visor. One particular weapon that has many fans excited is the DL-44 that is famous for being used by Han Solo. Other weapons that have…

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Star Wars: Battlefront – Tatooine Co-Op Demo

As you all know, EA’s press conference was held yesterday and DICE’s Patrick Bach talked about a few details on Star Wars: Battlefront’s Missions mode. He said that there will be four different types of missions in the game and these include: Trials, Survival, Battles, and Hero Battle. A trailer shows footage of Survival mode and one special highlight was landing on a planet and a hologram of Admiral Ackbar gives you directions. During Survival mode the waves of enemies include AT-STs, TIE fighters, Imperial Troopers, and Elite Troopers. You are able to play missions solo, co-op online, or in split screen co-op Check it out:

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Here are 5 minutes of gameplay from Star Wars: Battlefront — including a lightsaber battle

Star Wars fans we have some exciting news coming to you from E3. We all are aware that EA has been giving us pieces of Star Wars: Battlefront but at E3 2015 they have debuted a brand new trailer that shows more of the game than we have seen so far. For the upcoming game, EA and DICE went through the old archives of Lucasfilm and Skywalker Sound, using models, sound effects, props from the movies, and more to build the new game. Their goal is to make Star Wars: Battlefront as authentic to the franchise as possible. By using actual sounds from the movies and props from the sets, EA is able to capture the old Star Wars feel and put it into this new upcoming game. During the Star Wars Celebration, EA decided to show actual gameplay footage, but it was done behind closed doors, which is not…

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DICE Explains ‘Star Wars Battlefront’ Vision

Star Wars: Battlefront has a release date for November and the excitement and hype is reaching its peak. We have already discussed that DICE has been scanning actual film props from the Star Wars films to use in the upcoming game. Also, we know that Star Wars: Battlefront will be more of a reboot of Pandemic’s PS2 game rather than a continuation. The team at Official Xbox Magazine has managed to have a sit down interview with Niklas Fegraues in order to talk about what the experience is like to bring the Star Wars saga to life. Niklas Fegraues is the design director for Star Wars: Battlefront. Official Xbox Magazine: What are you hoping to convey to potential fans with Battlefront’s first gameplay reveal? Niklas Fegraeus: Basically this vision we have for the game, which is to let players create their own Star Wars battle fantasies. And the way we…

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Main Characters In Star Wars Battlefront Could Have Limited Customization

There is a great possibility that the amount of customization options you will have for the main character in Star Wars: Battlefront could be quite limited. Not too long ago EA revealed that Star Wars: Battlefront will offer many customization options. For example, you will be able to change the type of characters head you are playing as and more. If you decide to play as the Rebels, you will be able to play as more than one race. The EA Star Wars Twitter page revealed: “Yes, we will offer customization. That said, we won’t be letting players create purple Stormtroopers or change Darth Vader’s suit color etc.” In the new game you will have the option of playing as different types of Stormtroopers but you will not be able to play as different alien races. It seems like you will not be able to customize the look of any…

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Star Wars Battlefront gets Anthony Daniels on board for C-3P0 duties

The famous Anthony Daniels, who played and voiced for C-3PO ever since the beginning of Star Wars, has stated that he will be involved in Star Wars: Battlefront. Mr. Daniels tweeted out recently: One day it’s the hilarious YODA CHRONICLES: the next, the astounding BATTLEFRONT! (Just the ying and yang of being C-3PO at the microphone). — Anthony Daniels (@ADaniels3PO) 5. juni 2015 Adding to this confirmation was @EAStarWars sharing Mr. Daniels tweet and stating, “We’ve got #C3PO.” Finding out that Daniels decided to play as C-3PO in the new game is not much of a surprise since he has acted as every single version of C-3PO from the very beginning. He was there in the main films, The Lego Movie, the Yoda Chronicles, and he will also be making an appearance in the upcoming Disney Infinity 3.0 as the Golden Robot character. The most surprising part of all is…

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Star Wars: Battlefront will allow you to select different character heads

One of the biggest changes that we see so far in the upcoming Star Wars: Battlefront game is that it will allow for more customization options, when compared to the older games. After watching the reveal trailer we found out that it will offer customizable loadouts to give you a specific playing style and it will also offer emotes for your use. EA Star Wars tweeted out that not only will there be loadouts and emotes but you will also be able to customize your character heads. In the reveal trailer we see the Ishi Tib, Human Rebels, and the Sullustan, and all of these will most likely be customizable. However, we wonder if The Empire will be part of the customizable group. How will it work if they are customizable? It would not seem too real if you see a stormtrooper walking around with an imperial commander hat on. Many…

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Creating the graphics of Star Wars Battlefront

DICE’s Technical Art Director, Ken Brown, received the news that he would be responsible for the upcoming design of Star Wars: Battlefront, he had mixed feelings. He was excited but also wondering how he could possibly create such a complex universe on screen. Once DICE told him their main goal was to replicate the universe as close to the original as possible, all of his worries vanished. “Doing it true to the source was the only way. Being respectful to Star Wars™ and doing it right was something I wanted to be a part of,” Brown says. Brown and his team have a hefty job of making Star Wars: Battlefront look as perfect as humanly possible. With the help of a technology called Physical Based Rendering and Brown’s passion to create this detailed world, Star Wars: Battlefront’s outlook is amazing. “From a rendering and a technical perspective, PBR refers to…

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Star Wars Battlefront tease reveals Han Solo following E3 gameplay pledge

A recent picture of Han Solo’s DL-44 heavy blaster pistol was posted by the official EA Star Wars Twitter account and the comment “Keep it on the DL… 44,” was posted along with it. The heavy blaster pistol is seen wielded by Solo in the Star Wars movies and it seems like it will be featured in Star Wars: Battlefront. Solo also used it in Battlefront 2 but it seemed to not be as effective against the Sith character roster. The only confirmed characters for Star Wars: Battlefront so far are Boba Fett and Darth Vader. However, DICE developers have told fans that they will be revealing more characters in the next few months. It seems possible that there will be more heroes at this year’s E3 event in June and it could possibly even feature Han Solo himself. The Design Director of Star Wars: Battlefront, Niklas Fegraeus, confirmed during…

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Maybe it should not be called Star Wars: Battlefront?

EA and DICE seem intent on breaking my heart. First there’s the announcement that their upcoming Star Wars: Battlefront title won’t feature any prequel content. Understandable. Then there was the neglecting of a single player campaign, Galactic Conquest Mode, space battles, and drivable AT-AT walkers: basically unforgivable. But I still held out hope. “This is a Star Wars Battlefront title, I have to believe…” Recently, DICE announced that the new game title will be replacing the class system of the older Star Wars games that have unlockable weapons and gear. We want you to ask yourself a question, what parts of this new Star Wars game makes you think it’s a Battlefront title? The title of the game, that’s it. Besides the fact that you will be shooting things in the Star Wars setting and landscape, this game does not have any features that made fans fall in love with…

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Battlefront Third Person POV Distinction

Star Wars; Battlefront veterans are happy about the inclusion of third person POV but many are concerned with the customization options of this. It seems very few vets actually played the game from a first person POV (if you were one of them, we want to hear from you in the comments) but there are some possible issues with the default perspective of the third person POV, at least for many players. Check out this image: You can see the difference above. Battlefront vets: what say you on this? Do you want to see changes made to the third person POV? Did you play in first person mode and plan to do so again? What is the benefit or potential downside to each? Some fans are concerned that DICE will not listen to player complaints and concerns and that they are taking a “we know best” approach to the game…

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Battlefront Will Run at Both 60fps AND 30fps on Consoles

If you are planning to play Star Wars: Battlefront on your console, there is some good news. It will run at 60fps in multiplayer and 30fps in offline split screen, so that’s pretty good frames either way you look at it. This means console players will still get a good looking game as well as reaction time you want to see from a shooter. With the kind of graphics they have put into this (even on the console version), the fact that it is expected to play at 60 frames is good. we’ll probably expect to see a lower resolution on the consoles to help account for this but with a graphic-heavy game like this, it’s to be expected. And, if you’re curious at seeing the difference in 30 vs. the 60, here’s a handy little link that does JUST THAT:

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