Star Wars: Battlefront

The Star Wars Battlefront Launch Trailer is Here!

Fresh out of Paris Games Week, here is the brand new Star Wars Battlefront trailer. The trailer shows off several locations from the game as well as some of the hero characters that will be playable. Princess Leia faces off with Boba Fett, while Han Solo tries his blaster on a lightsaber-wielding Darth Vader. And don’t fear: Luke Skywalker makes an appearance, preparing for a showdown with Emperor Palpatine. EA recently revealed a number of stats from the Star Wars Battlefront beta that are definitely worth taking a look at. With more than nine million players participating, it was the largest beta in EA game history. You can read more about all of that here. Watch the game’s most recent trailer in full below Star Wars Battlefront will hit the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC on Nov. 17.

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DICE Admits Star Wars Battlefront’s Walker Assault Mode Is Unbalanced

DICE has now acknowledged that Star Wars: Battlefront’s Walker Assault Mode is no balanced well, with it favoring the Imperials side over the Rebels, and has stated that they will take care of the problem before its released. On Twitter, one fan claimed that he never won a Walker Assault match while playing on the Rebel side in the beta. He asked, “Does this mean I suck?” The community manager for DICE, Matthew Everett replied with “Nope! It’s a balancing issue with the beta.” The lead multiplayer designer, Dennis Brannvall also added “Yeah, it’s too tough. We’ll make changes based on the feedback and data. Asymmetric modes are tricky and risky but potentially awesome, that’s why we want beta test help.” During the Walker Assault mode, the Rebel side is trying to destroy two Empire AT-ATs by securing outposts to call in Y-wing bombers. During this time, the Empire is…

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EA Announce Record Breaking Beta for Star Wars: Battlefront

EA posted a new Community Update on Star Wars: Battlefront. This time with some cool info graphic showing how huge the Battlefront beta was. Aparently over 9.5 million players joined the fun. Not bad. Not bad at all. This week is all about the Beta! Over 9.5 Million of you joined us across the PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One, and I can’t overstate how thankful we are for all the feedback you provided us. Our team is working to get Star Wars Battlefront ready for launch, and we look forward to sharing updates coming out of the Beta soon. With that being said, check out what you were able to accomplish in the short time with the beta. Whichever the stat, you were most impressive in more ways than one. [Source]

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No In-Game Voice Chat For Star Wars Battlefront

Adding to the growing list of things that Star Wars Battlefront will NOT have: in-game voice chat. EA has confirmed Star Wars Battlefront will not feature in-game voice chat on any of its three launch platforms. Players will have to use third-party software if they want to talk to other players in the game. @moodyknowsall Battlefront will utilize the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One built-in party system for in-game chat. — EAStarWars (@EAStarWars) October 13, 2015 And the PC version of the game will suffer the same fate: @RaiderGaming15 You can choose your favorite third party software to communicate with friends on PC — EAStarWars (@EAStarWars) October 13, 2015 As you would imagine, many players are disgruntled by the news that they will not be able to easily chat with other players while playing the game. While there are many players who enjoy using system-wide party chat on consoles and programs…

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The ‘Star Wars: Battlefront’ Beta’s Most Glaring Problem Could Actually Be An Asset

The Star Wars: Battlefront beta has been wrapped up and there is a ton of talk about it and what fans think of the game so far. So it seems that fans are quite satisfied by the beta. After reading through the large amount of coverage about opinions of the beta, the impressions are mainly positive. The most common compliment it that it “just feels like a Star Wars game.” However, there have been a handful of complaints and we are going to discuss what we think is the beta’s biggest problem. It really all depends on who you ask on what the game’s biggest problem is. Erik Kain, from Forbes, thinks that Star Wars: Battlefront’s main issue is the lack of having a campaign. Even though it has an amazing multiplayer experience, there still feels like something is missing when the “campaign mode” is really just survival mini games…

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Star Wars Battlefront Official PlayStation Holiday 2015 Commercial

The Force Is Strong With PlayStation. This holiday season, you can get nostalgic and enjoy some Star Wars Battlefront. In this new commercial that aired on Sunday (October 18th), we see what happens when Star Wars kids grow up. It’s clear this commercial is meant to tug at the memories and heart strings of a certain era of people. The trailer features a guy stuck in a seemingly boring office job, reminiscing of his youth with a good friend (or brother, perhaps?), loving Star Wars. They take us through several years’ memories to show us just how much these boys loved their Star Wars. Then he looks back at the R2-D2 figurine in his hand when suddenly, there’s his friend/brother outside the office window with a pair of X-Wings. He breaks out (in a completely unrealistic way, using a chair) and jumps in to join his partner for some space battles….

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DICE Sacrificed Resolution For FPS

This past week, EA and DICE opened up the beta for Star Wars: Battlefront for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. The PS4 version of the beta runs at 900P and the Xbox One version runs at 720P. With this difference in resolution, it has caused conflict in the community. Star Wars: Battlefront is using the Frostbite 3 engine for its visuals, and on Twitter Johan Anderson, the engine’s technical director, explained why DICE chose to use the lower resolutions on both of the consoles. He also answered a question about using adaptive resolutions and the use of the TAA option in the beta version. Star Wars: Battlefront is looking great on all of the platforms and it seems to be very well optimized. However, the Xbox One version is experiencing more rough edges and a high level of shimmering on the fine distant details. According to Eurogater, “If you can…

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DICE On Battlefront: No More Partner Spawn In Combat

Representatives for DICE have been quite responsive to the Star Wars: Battlefront community here in the past few and months and it’s been even more so now that the beta is live. For example, Dennis Brannvall, who is the Lead Multiplayer Designer, concurred with a gamer that partners should not have the ability to spawn during combat. This makes us think that this part of the game will be fixed before it’s released. However, someone else posted on the official subreddit of Star Wars: Battlefront about their surprising encounter with a loading screen with the map of Endor. This made rumors fly about the map being added to the rotation during the last few beta design days. This has happened with other games like Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, but the Community Manager, Sledgehammer10, put the rumor to rest with tweets. One thing that he did clarify is that…

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Star Wars Battlefront Season Pass

EA recently announced both the Ultimate Edition of Star Wars: Battlefront and also the DLC Season Pass. It sounds similar to what DICE has offered for past games. The season pass provides access to four expansion packs “coming at a later date.” EA didn’t give any other specifics of what’s in the packs or how often they will be released at this time. They did say they will be “filled with new content that will take you to new locations across a galaxy far, far away,” so it’s possible new maps are part of the packs. The Season Pass also comes with a “Shoot First” emote. We can speculate that we might also see new co-op stuff, new gear and possibly new game modes. That said, the Season Pass won’t come cheap. It’s already listed on the Xbox Store, PlayStation Store, and Origin at $50. If EA/DICE follow the same setup as the recent…

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Komatu: Two Very Impressive Hours With The Star Wars Battlefront Beta

Patricia Hernandez it’s not actually a huge Star Wars fan, however after spending a few hours playing Star Wars: Battlefront on the PS4 a while back, she stated that she was starting to feel what all the fuss is about. This post is her experience with the time she spent with the game. The visuals are amazing but it’s not just because they are pretty to look at. In her opinion, the best thing that strikes her about them is how well they show off the work, threadbare quality that the majority of the objects found in the movie are seen as well. The blaster gun isn’t all fancy, it’s rough and rugged. Futuristic but still somehow old, which is simply amazing. With these graphics and the combination of DICE’s amazing audio design, Battlefront completely transports you into their world. Star Wars fans will absolutely love the details and the…

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Preview Dice Star Wars: Battelfront companion mobile app

Recently, EA Star Wars Twitter revealed a mobile app called My Career that will be a companion to the upcoming game Star Wars: Battlefront. The app will allow players to see statistics, customize their gameplay, and much more. The app will be released in the early part of November and it allows the user to check their progress, connect with friends on PSN, Xbox Live, and Origin, customize loadout, and receive updates from EA. The beta for Star Wars: Battlefront is fast approaching and you still have time to pre-order a Darth Vader PS4 bundle on Amazon for release day delivery. Build your perfect Star Wars Battlefront loadout on the go with the Companion App: — EAStarWars (@EAStarWars) October 4, 2015

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Why Is There So Much Hate on Star Wars: Battlefront?

If you’ve been following the news and updates on Star Wars: Battlefront then you are surely no stranger to the fact that there is a lot of negativity surrounding this game. The community seems to be really torn on whether to love it or hate it. While there are some who straddle the fence in the gray zone, most everyone is in one camp or the other. What is it about this game that has so many people either super hyped or super let down? I have a lot of theories on this answer but of course, it’s all speculation. My guess is that with any big Star Wars game, the community is going to be anxious. We love Star Wars. We love games. We want great Star Wars games. And the truth is, we’ve been let down before. A lot. Some of us are bitter about that. Some of…

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My Favorite Things About the Star Wars: Battlefront Beta

The Star Wars: Battlefront closed beta has become available a couple of days ago and it instantly vindicated all those who have put their trust into DICE to make this a game that would live up to the tremendous hype that preceded it. Indeed, as we followed the development of this game one bit of rumor/news at a time, it has become clear that no amount of effort would be spared to make this good and now all I can say is: it shows. The beta isn’t all milk and honey obviously, there are a number of smaller problems with it, but being positive a person, I’m not going to dwell on any of these minute and ultimately insignificant details, and I’m only going to focus on the bits that have left me thoroughly impressed. To start off: the graphics. In this day and age, raving about the visuals of…

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DICE GM Admits They Almost Passed on ‘Star Wars Battlefront’

In the most recent issue of Official Xbox Magazine, the studio general manager of DICE, Patrick Bach stated that the Swedish video game developer nearly passed up on creating Star Wars: Battlefront, and its already looking to be one of the biggest games this year. “Disney came to EA looking for a partner to make games and suggested, ‘Maybe DICE should make a Battlefront game.’ On our side, we had this opportunity, but were fully booked with other work and thought, ‘Argh, we can’t do that!’ But then the heart kicks in, says ‘we will figure it out,’ and we figured it out. Because you can’t say no to a project like that. You piece it together based on competence, passion, availability – although that’s easier to fix. You need the right people in the right place to do the right ‘thing’. Even though you don’t know what that is…

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Star Wars Battlefront Beta Has No Offline Mode of Play for Survival Missions

If you’re revving up to try out the Star Wars Battelfront beta that begins next week, you’re going to want to know first that it has no offline mode of play for the Survival Missions. You will need an internet connection in order to play. “Offline gameplay will not be available within the beta,” Battlefront community manager Mat Everett wrote on Reddit. “For the beta, an Internet connection is required to play Missions.” He doesn’t go on to explain why they won’t be playable offline in the beta. We do know that the beta will be open to everyone across the various platforms the game is being released on and that it will also include the 40-player Walker Assault and Drop Zone modes. The Survival Mission mode is set on Tatooine and you can play by yourself or with a friend online in co-op or local in split-screen. Gamespot explains…

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EA Answers Questions about Star Wars Battlefront Beta

With the Battlefront beta on the way in just a few short days, publisher EA and developer DICE are putting the final touches on the game and the team has offered some more info about what we can expect from the testing period, as well as what might be missing when it begins next week. “Vehicles in Star Wars Battlefront come with their own weapons and abilities that make them authentic to the Star Wars universe,” says Mathew Everett, Battlefront’s community manager. He also took time to answer some of the most common questions from the community about the beta: Q.) Will I be able to play Missions offline? A.) For the Beta, an Internet connection is required to play Missions. However, when Star Wars Battlefront ships on November 17 you will be able to play Missions offline. Q.) Will there be any AI bots in multiplayer in addition to…

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Star Wars Battlefront Will Have Dedicated Servers

After speaking with PlayStation LifeStyle at TGS, Jamie Keen senior producer has confirmed that even though it was recently reported that the sci-fi shooter would not offer a server browser, there will definitely be dedicated servers to give players an “unparalleled” online service. “We’ll still have dedicated servers. Absolutely,” said Keen. “It’s one of the hallmarks of making sure we deliver an unparalleled online [service] for the game.” Keen has given more details about Star Wars: Battlefront’s Hero System, where players take control of iconic and powerful characters in the Star Wars film saga.  “Our goal was to give an average player around two minutes as a Hero or Villain,” said Keen. “But if you’re good enough, you might stretch that to around five minutes. In theory, you could play as Luke Skywalker for a whole match, but that is extremely unlikely. That said, the gauntlet is thrown!” The release…

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Alpha Tester Says Star Wars Battlefront is “Broken”

One game tester says there is something deeply wrong with Star Wars Battlefront and simple patches after launch aren’t going to fix problems on this level. This Alpha tester spoke out to say the game is broken beyond what can be fixed and ready by launch but he doesn’t go into too many details about specially how it’s broken. eoGAF user Illucio, wrote: “I’ve been Alpha testing a few games and I can say Battlefront is a complete mess and is broken. Considering that their deadline for the game is in a few weeks and they still haven’t fixed the majority of the in game problems let alone the connection problem me and other testers were having, yes it’s going to be a mess. And even a day 1 patch won’t fix all of them, I don’t know too much outside what I played, but the game is indeed rushed and it’s…

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‘Star Wars: Battlefront: Speeder Bike Racing On Endor Confirmed?

A photo from the upcoming Star Wars: Battlefront game has been leaked and it shows the game is going to feature many different vehicular elements, including a speeder bike. With this awesome feature, gamers will be racing their speeder bikes on the moon Endor. Many of us know that both DICE and EA have been very successful in keeping any information regarding the game’s gameplay modes a secret. However, the leaked photo of Star Wars: Battlefront gameplay was first shown in the September issue of the Official PlayStation Magazine UK. The photo was uploaded by a Reddit user named jmario99, said the iDigital Times on this past Thursday. “Complimenting Survival and competitive multiplayer are a series of trials introducing you to game mechanics. There’s Endor speeder bike racing, AT-AT tow cable tripping and X-Wing crash courses. These trials like Survival can be played alone, with bots, in splitscreen co-op or…

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Star Wars Battlefront’s tutorial trials sound intriguing

So far, DICE and EA have given many details on a number of multiplayer modes that will be in Star Wars: Battlefront, both co-op and competitive. This all includes Blast, Walker Assault, Fighter Squadron, Supremacy, Drop Zone, and other various co-op Missions. With only a few months left until the release of Star Wars: Battlefront, DICE still maintains that there is still more to be announced to the public. But, some of those announcements could have been spoiled by the Official PlayStation Magazine that released in its latest issued that Battlefront will include “a series of trials introducing you to game mechanics.” According to the Official PlayStation Magazine, the trials will be in the form of speed bike racing on Endor, AT-AT tow cable tripping on Hoth, and X-wing crash courses. The magazine is stating that the trials can be played single with bots, on online co-op, in splitscreen co-op….

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‘Star Wars: Battlefront’ PS4 Bundle Release Date News: Available for Preorder

The upcoming Darth Vader-inspired PS4 bundles announced last month on the PlayStation blog last month that they have now been made available for preorder. Sony released information earlier that it would be debuting two Star Wars bundles in November to go along with the release of the third largest installment in the Battlefront series, Star Wars: Battlefront, on November 17th. This past Friday, news came out that the Darth Vader-themed PlayStation 4 game console, which is also scheduled to launch together with the EA DICE game, is now available for preorder to retailers all over the country. The limited edition PS4 system was first introduced at the D23 Expo in Anaheim, California and it has been inspired by the Star Wars iconic villain, Darth Vader. This premium gaming console features the Darth Vader image by laser-etching and it’s also comes with a special DualShock 4 controller that has been designed…

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‘Star Wars: Battlefront’ Beta Open To Everyone This October

Electronic Arts has released some very exciting news about Star Wars: Battlefront. The beta that begins this October will be available to the public that has an Xbox One, PC, and a PlayStation 4. The hyped and loved Battle of Hoth Walker Assault mode is going to be available, also the recently announced Drop Zone on Sullust, which is an 8 versus 8 style mode will be available. In this “King of the Hill” style you will be capturing and controlling drop pods and this provides power-ups to defend your location. There will also be an offline mode available and that is the Tatooine Survival Mission mode, which will be available on a split screen but you can still play it online full-screen as well. This information all came from a blog post by Star Wars: Battlefront community manager Mathew Everett. The beta will begin early October so make sure…

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Everyone Will Be Able to Play Star Wars: Battlefront Beta

While there is still nothing known about the actual release date of the hotly anticipated Star Wars: Battlefront yet, EA have made it clear that they will be aiming to provide a strong enough server-infrastructure and capacity so that everyone should be able to play the game’s beta version. According to Matthew Everett, Battlefront’s community manager, once deployed, the beta will remain open to accommodate all comers. Everett also offered some new details about the beta gameplay modes. He said that both offline and online modes would be available in the beta and that players would be able to play co-op as well as slit-screen co-op. Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC will be the supported platforms. As far as the online side of the action is concerned: no fewer than 40 players will be able to hook up in massive battles. The offline mode will see a new mode…

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Star Wars Battlefront Petition Demands This Multiplayer Change

In the past if a company made a decision about a game the only choice we have as fans is to sit back and take it. However, in today’s generation of gaming, we as gamers have a voice and can fight back through the power of social media and online petitions, and they can connect with other gamers all around the world. Once fans found out that Star Wars: Battlefront would not have a custom server browser, gamers took all of their rage and put it into a petition. The petition was started by Perri Mitchell out of Gold Coast, Arkansas. He put his rage, while still being calm, asked Electronic Arts and DICE to please think about adding back a server browser to Star Wars: Battlefront in order for gamers to manually find and join official and custom servers as they please. Mitchell stated the following on the…

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