There’s good news for all the Trekkies out there. Star Trek is making a return to TV in 2017! CBS Television Studios announced on November 2nd that a new “Star Trek” series will launch in January 2017, with the premiere episode airing on CBS’s television network. The series is still unnamed at this time but the rest of the episodes are to air on CBS All Access first. This is the first new Trek TV series in 12 years. Since Star Trek: Enterprise was cancelled in 2005, fans have been waiting for something new to come along. “The brand-new ‘Star Trek’ will introduce new characters seeking imaginative new worlds and new civilizations, while exploring the dramatic contemporary themes that have been a signature of the franchise since its inception in 1966,” CBS representatives wrote in today’s announcement. Who is behind this new Trek-venture? The executive producer is Alex Kurtzman, a co-writer and…
“Star Trek: Renegades” Fan Film is Available Online
We know some of our fellow Star Wars fans are also Star Trek fans and you might like this little piece of news: the new unofficial Star Trek film is available online for free! “Star Trek: Renegades” is a planned Internet series and the first 90-minute episode was released on Monday, August 24th via YouTube. It was financed primarily by three crowdfunding campaigns over the last several years and it’s not part of the official Star Trek universe. You can learn more or support the ongoing efforts from their official website for Star Trek Renegades. All in all, it’s a pretty good film, especially to see what they did with the budget they had to work with. See if for yourself: About Star Trek: Renegades: Star Trek Renegades is an independent fan funded and supported Internet television Series, produced by Sky Conway. Our pilot episode is completed and will be…
Could the Planets in Star Wars Actually Support Life?
We know the Star Wars franchise is big on imagination. This wonder and mystery is one thing that made it so appealing to fans. Amazing creatures, large vast planets and creative characters are some of the key elements that made Star Wars so great. That said, there have always been those who would question the logic behind the Star Wars story. One thing that makes the planets of Star Wars stand out is the unique environment that each one had. Whether it was vast barren stretches of sand or a planet covered in ice, there was always some unique feature that stood out in each planet. This begs the question: Could any living thing actually survive there? has a very interesting piece where they cover some of the popular planets of Star Wars and consider whether or not they would actually be able to support life. Here is an…
All Nippon Airways unveils Star Wars themed jetliner
Great news Star Wars fans! The Huffington Post reported that this coming fall, All Nippon Airways will be transforming one of their new Boeing 787s with an awesome R2-D2 deign to honor the new movie release in December. If you visit the All Nippon website you will notice that it’s currently dedicated to the new project that is underway. The website says that this is the beginning of their “Star Wars” project, which is a five year long project that is trying to connect Japan to global markets. The plane will have a large Star Wars logo on the side and R2-D2 stripes as well. The plane has only been confirmed for use on international routes, so far. Hopefully we will hear news telling us that the flight attendants will wield light sabers and maybe dress up as some of our favorite characters!
Will Somebody Make a Star Wars Slot Machine Please?
Movie themed slots are nothing new in the online gaming industry. Software companies and casinos alike are constantly trying to innovate by making partnerships with famous movie / video game companies for exclusive rights to famous characters and brands. These partnerships are great for players as well since they will get to enjoy playing their favorite slots within a well defined and well beloved movie universe. Star Wars is definitely one of the largest and most beloved sci-fi properties out there and with a legacy that spends decades you would be hard pressed not to want to play a casino game which is using that setting and characters. The first to capitalize on the idea was IGT Slots – the largest slots provider in the US for land based casinos. They have been operating for a very long time and have a huge selection of available games with themes that range from your regular cherry /…
You can now go on a Star Wars themed cruise for some reason
Great news for Star Wars fans! Disney Line has decided to launch a Star Wars themed cruise so fans can have the best vacation ever. A family of four can take this exclusive cruise for $7,000. The cruise will be moving through the waters of the Caribbean and vacationers can have a chat with Darth Vader, Chewbacca, or your favorite character. This is your chance to ask them your most probing questions, like what it’s like to be a Wookie or an evil cyborg. Adults can have fun at the bar and order a few Star Wars themed drinks. Kids can practice their light saber skills at the Jedi Academy and show off what they learned to their favorite Star Wars character! You will see storm troopers, Ewoks, Jabba the Hutt, and maybe even Princess Leia herself. Every single Star Wars film will be screened during the time of the…
SWTOR Side-Scrolling
Who remembers the GameBoy Advance? We might be showing our ages here but I actually still have mine. That used to be one of my most prized possessions, I admit it. Anyway, imagine if we had SWTOR for the GBA? It might look something like this side-scrolling version below.
UCF Jedi Knight vs Westboro Baptist Church
Here is a true Jedi doing good in the world. If you’re not familiar with this man in robes, he is known as the “UCF Jedi” and he made national news when he combated the Westboro Baptist Church at their demonstration at the University of Central Florida. The story says he dresses up as a Jedi and speaks out against hate and intolerance using the wise words of the Jedi Order. Here is a video of him doing just that against the protesters from Westboro but this wasn’t the only time he had done so. We already give him cool points for dressing up like a Jedi but doing so to spread messages of kindness and peace makes him all the more awesome. *Regardless of where you stand on moral and religious issues, WBC have a reputation of spreading hate and intolerance, picketing funerals of children and preaching their extreme ideologies at…
Stormtroopers in Chicago Want George Lucas Museum
How much do you love Star Wars? What would you do if a George Lucas museum was potentially being built near you? Would you go out of your way to do whatever it takes to make this museum happen? Well, this is exactly what is happening in Chicago. There is the potential for a museum to be built and Star Wars fans and coming together to try to make sure it happens. Local Stormtroopers are falling into line behind Chicago’s bid to become the site of a museum devoted to the work of “Star Wars” filmmaker George Lucas. The Chicago Tribune reports: Chicago-area members of the 501st Legion — a 6,600-member international organization of Star Wars fans who dress in the white body armor of the Galactic Empire — are hoping to make a show of force Wednesday at a public hearing of Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s Lucas Museum Task Force…
Wookieepedia What?
So if you are a follower of Wookieepedia you may have already run across from hilarious, witty or downright cute entries on the Star Wars themed database. It’s one of the reasons we like it so much. That and the fact that we love Star Wars. I mean where else can you find such a complete database of Star Wars characters, story, canon and more? What is Wookiepedia? (for those rare few in our audience who may not know yet) The Star Wars encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Warning: this wiki contains spoilers. So anyway, let’s go back to those funny entries we were talking about. We’ve found some really good ones lately. For example, have you seen The Emperor’s New Clothes or Order 66 Cookie? Or here is an entire page just about breasts… “Breasts were the mammary glands of mammalian species and some reptomammals, and were normally a distinguishing feature of…
Interesting Star Wars Data
We love Star Wars. We bet you do as well. That’s probably why you are here. But how do other stories compare to Star Wars if you asked a large group of Sci-Fi fans? Well, someone set out to do that and we find the results really interesting. This comes from Jedi News: Star Wars Data: How Does Star Wars Fare? What do you get when you take 2000 sci-fi fans and ask them a range of questions about a variety of sci-fi and comic series? You get Star Wars rising, like the cream it is, to the top. Please tick your top three favourite series out of the following list: The Star Trek series: 46.40% (928) The Star Wars series: 53.20% (1064) Battlestar Galactica serie: 17.00%(340) Dc Comics: 19.00% (380) Marvel Comics: 35.40% (708) Dr Who series: 39.25% (785) None of the above: 9.05% (181) In your opinion what are the most-overrated fantasy/ Sci-Fi…
MythBusters: “Star Wars: Revenge Of The Myth”
If you are a fan of the show MythBusters, you may have caught the most recent episode where they tackle some myths about Star Wars. But if you’re also a Star Wars fan, you may have skipped right over that episode, not wanting them to burst the bubble of your childhood dreams. We don’t need anyone to prove to us that Star Wars scenes aren’t plausible. Part of the beauty of it all was the wonder, the fantasy, the dream! But if you are curious and didn’t see it, A.V. Club has a little write-up about this episode of MythBusters. For starters, the show stays appropriately grounded in scientific fact (or at least conjecture), so lightsabers, TIE fighters, hyperspace, and the Force are left to the sort of “could it ever happen?” conjecture of a Doctor Who special —leaving the hosts (and their trio of less-interesting underlings) to cast their skeptical peepers…
Speculative Documentary: Space Wars
Last week I wrote about our plans to put up a weekly column on more nerdy stuff, that is not really part of the Star Wars universe. We still don’t know what to call it, but the plan is to post documentaries, images or articles, on space and speculative discussion on future technology. Last week i promised we will post something new each Saturday, and already I broke my promise. I have been out almost all weekend, but now I am here, and here is a new documentary from National Geographic. This one is called Space Wars, and is part of the “the universe” series. This one was aired back in 2009 and has scientist speculate on future space weaponry and battle tactics. So far no country has put weapons into space but they can shoot down satellites. If weapons do become part of space, how will they work, how effective will…
Speculative Documentary: Evacuate Earth
Last week we posted a story about the images carried by the spacecraft Voyager. This was so well received by you – our readers – getting more then 300 likes on Facebook. Therefor we thought we will follow up on it, and start a new column on this more nerdy stuff, that is not really part of the Star Wars universe. We don’t know what to call it yet, but the plan is to post documentaries, images or articles, on space and speculative discussion on future technology. This first video we are posting is named “Evacuate Earth”. It is a National Geographic Channel documentary, that tells the what-if story of the evacuation of the planet Earth which is due to be destroyed by a rogue neutron star. The documentary goes into the technical and social complications of building an Ark to save humanity and other Earth life, and moving them…
The pictures on the spacecraft Voyager. If it is discovered by someone else in the universe, this is what they will know of humanity
This has nothing to do with Star Wars, Yet… It has it has everything to do with Star Wars. These are the pictures that were put on the voyager spacecraft. If the human race manages to kill itself, this is the only thing other life in the universe will be know about us. This would be the imprint we leave on the entire universe. Statement: This voyager spacecraft was constructed by the United States of America. We are a community of 240 million human beings among the more than 4 billion who inhabit the planet earth. We human beings are still divided into nation states, but these states are rapidly becoming a single global civilization. We are attempting to survive our time so we may live into yours. We hope someday, having solved the problems we face, to join a community of galactic civilizations. This record represents our hope and our…
AMD and Raptr Bring Us a Cool PC Gamer App
AMD and Raptr Have Created An Application To Optimize Your Games Based On Community Data. SWTOR is supported. You can check it out for yourself here. This is a pretty cool tool for PC gamers. You can quickly and easily have all the best quality and performance settings for your computer/system and based on the game you’re playing so you always get the most from your game. The app uses data from the AMD community to help you get the ultimate performance. Here is technology at its best, giving you the best PC gaming experience possible. Keep your games optimized Auto-optimization provides the best quality and performance settings for your rig based on data collected from the AMD community. View supported games » Real rewards just for playing games Earn real rewards just for using the Gaming Evolved app while you play. The more you play, the more rewards you’ll…
Does Your Character’s Lightsaber Have a Name?
So here’s a fun question for SWTOR players: does your character’s lightsaber have a name? And why or why not? We want to hear your lightsaber names and if you don’t have one, tell us why. This comes from a fun thread on the SWTOR Community Forums called “What is the Name of Your Character’s Lightsaber?” where players are discussing whether or not lightsabers should be named and what theirs are named. Halinmonk starts it off: “My Jedi Consular called her first lightsaber “Dawn” and her second “Aero”, my Sith Warrior called her’s “False Friend””. Tahrl brings in an opinion of those who are opposed naming their sabers: Hate to be the boring one, but neither my Jedi Knight nor my Sith Warrior named their Lightsaber. It is a weapon, a tool. Like a really deadly spanner. It’s not befitting a name. It may be damaged, discarded, replaced or stolen….
Teamviewer on an Iphone Means SWTOR has been Played in the White House
Someone in the White House is playing Star Wars the Old Republic but we’re guessing it’s not President Obama. SWTOR in the White House- it’s a fun thought, really. I remember touring the White House a few times when I was a kid growing up in Virginia. We went there for school field trips. I definitely never got to play a video game inside the Blue Room. What about you? Teamviewer on an iPhone means SWTOR has been played in the White House and we also have the pictures to prove it. What is Teamviewer? TeamViewer is a piece of software which you need to install on your PC. There is also an Android app and iPhone app available (which is what this player was using in the White House). It allows you to access your game from your mobile device. However, the connection drops easily and I find it very…
How Much Do You Love SWTOR: Enough to Get a Tattoo?
How much do you love your game? Star Wars fans are notorious for going to extremes to show their love and support for Star Wars and SWTOR is no exception. While some will call the game a failure, there are others who put their heart and soul into building and creating the game and still others who were just really big fans. Some loved the game so much they got SWTOR tattoos. While a video game might not be permanent, a tattoo is so what will become of these people who love the game so much, they got a permanent reminder of it on their bodies? Let’s explore this thought for a minute. We know the BioWare doctors got launch tattoos for SWTOR and there were many other members of the BioWare Austin team who did the same. They worked hard on this project and it’s not surprising that they…
SWTOR Unleashed – RamDisk Game Launcher with Massive Performance Increase
What if there was a way to play SWTOR without using up all of your computer resources? What if you could play from a RamDisk and have better performance and faster response? Well… now there is a way and it’s not a hack. It’s BioWare approved. It’s actually really cool to see players getting into a game and finding new and better ways to enjoy it or enjoy it better and of course, sharing that with the community is greatly appreciated as well. Learn more from this post: Approved By BioWare A program to automate the setup and removal process to use this game (SWTOR) with a ramdisk. This includes creating a ramdrive, copying file and creating the needed links. You as user can select what files you want to have on the ramdrive, depending on your needs and maximal available ram. Please click the link below for details about…
NVIDIA adds native Ambient Occlusion support for SWTOR in 306.02 BETA driver release
NVIDIA is showing some love for Star Wars: The old republic in there upcoming driver release. In the new beta release NVIDIA is adds native Ambient Occlusion witch is a visual effect that was originally developed by Industrial Light and Magic (ILM) and used in the 2001 film Pearl Harbor. Hardware support has been available since 2003 with NVIDIA’s GeForce FX. One of the first games to use ambient occlusion was Crysis, which was developed by Crytek and released in late 2007. In 2009, NVIDIA added Ambient Occlusion as a Control Panel feature in its v185 drivers. An up-to-date list of games that support ambient occlusion through the Control Panel is given at the end of this article. What It Is and How It Works: One of the most difficult challenges in 3D game design is realistically modeling the behavior of light and its effects on various textures and surfaces without compromising frame rate….
The Official Blog Returns
It’s baaaaccck! The Official Star Wars blog tells us: “It’s been just about two months since we put this blog on hiatus to update its design and develop a new approach to content. It took a bit longer than we had hoped, but we’re glad to say that starting today, we’re back… with a few exciting changes.” I know a lot of fans have been waiting a long time to hear this. So what kind of changes can you expect to encounter now that it’s back? Here are some changes: Supervising Director Dave Filoni will be sharing insights and stories from behind-the-scenes of The Clone Wars, along with other cast and crew. We’re going to open up the Lucasfilm archives, with J.W. Rinzler and others sharing never-before-seen images, videos and stories from the making of the films. Resident Star Wars experts Pablo Hidalgo and Leland Chee will be sharing details about…
Looking Back at HK-47 before the Big SWTOR Reveal
The arrival of HK-47 has been hinted at since PAX 2010, when a SWTOR teaser video had a HK-series droid saying “Interjection: Silence Meatbags” and he’s since appeared in the Foundry Flashpoint. The new 1.3 patch notes have also confirmed that a new companion for all classes is arriving, an HK-51 droid, based on 47’s model. With the forthcoming return of the HK-series droids to Star Wars: The Old Republic, we thought it was time for a look back to the origin of the product line. (More spoilers than a modded car show, watch out.) If you’re a big fan of HK-47, you’re going to be happy to hear the news that a new droid companion is coming to SWTOR. He’s such a fun droid who has real issues with “meatbags” and PCGamesN has decided to take this time to look back on the HK-series of droids and their history….
SWTOR vs SWG Survey Results: Week 1
Remember that survey we told you about recently from Gemtrix? If you took part in the SWTOR vs SWG survey, you can now see the first week’s results. This survey will be ongoing so each week there will be updates to see how the survey continues to unfold. These results are as of May 24th, 2012 @ 9:18am EST. There are 1,096 responses in record here. Week 1 results are just the beginning. Each week this will continue. So if you didn’t participate in the survey yet, head back over and answer the questions. Your results will be part of week 2. said: There are a couple things that you should keep in mind: All questions, and responses are optional. As such, any voter is free to skips questions, vote for multiple line items, etc. This means that anyone is free to say that they prefer SWTOR, and SWG,…