
The Top 5 Sci-Fi Slot Machine Games You Need to Play

Every true sci-fi geek is a gamer at heart. The two simply go hand-in-hand, a match made in heaven just like Princess Leia and Han Solo. However, the downside of being a dedicated gamer is that the wait between console releases can be agonizingly long. The last Star Wars: Battlefront game came out back in 2017 and we currently have no sign of when the next one will be here. Fortunately, sci-fi geeks of all stripes can turn to slot machines to get the geeky gamer fix. There are countless officially licensed and standalone slot titles which provide hours of pretty riveting gameplay. Here are the best ones available right now that you need to be playing.  Star Wars Official Slots  Unfortunately, you’ll have to make your way to Vegas or another land-based casino to experience this one, as officially-licensed versions are hard to come by online. Following the transfer of the Star…

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Get Your Star Wars Fix with These Niche Branded Products


For those true die-hard Star Wars super-fans, it can often feel like every possible avenue where we can get our fix has been exhausted. You’ve likely already played all of the Star Wars: Battlefront games, bought every last Star Wars Lego set, and seen all of the films countless times. Although the efforts of companies such as Disney and Hasbro to keep on churning out high-quality content for the fans is admirable, sometimes it feels like the products just can’t come fast enough. Fortunately, the Star Wars branding empire stretches back far and wide, meaning there are plenty of awesome pieces of merch that you likely don’t have yet or have even heard of. If you’re wondering where you can get your next Star Wars fix, look no further. Here are some of the best and most niche branded products you’ve probably missed.  HP Star Wars Laptop  For those looking to integrate Star Wars directly into every aspect of their life, look no further….

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Introduction to Selling HPE Products, Solutions and Services: HPE2-E55 Exam

HP HPE is a leading provider of computer systems solutions such as servers, networking, storage and services solutions. HP HPE2-E55 foundation level exam tests candidate’s skills in selling these solutions to businesses. The candidates must demonstrate their understanding of HPE products in relation tocustomer’s needs as well as installation and configuration of these products. This article is dedicated to the main points you need to know and take into consideration while preparing for HPE2-E55 certification exam. Exam Objectives The HP HPE2-E55 exam is designed to test a candidate’s level of preparedness in the following areas: Small to mid-sized firms (35%) How these firms’ technology trends affectcustomer’s purchasing decisions Customer’s technology needs and the kind of challenges they face Customer’s financing solutions Installation and configuration of these networking solutions HPE Introductory level solutions(65%) HPE introductory-level networking, storage and server solutions and their value to business Selling HPE Foundation-level solutions Financing options…

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10 Most Notorious Star Wars Urban Legends

If you’re a Star Wars fan, then you already know there are more urban legends out there than nearly any other franchise. We love Star Wars and we love to talk about Star Wars. Fans are always looking for a new little tidbit, piece of news, gossip, or some hidden fact they never knew before. We want to feel like insiders, like we know something other people don’t, and like we’re special in our fandom. That’s probably one big reason these Star Wars urban legends take off like they do. There are many of them but this video will explore 10 of the most known. Are they true? Just a myth? Let’s find out! The Millennium Falcon broke Harrison Ford’s ankle – We know he had a leg injury filming the latest film and the rumor said it happened this way but the story came out later that it was…

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What To Do with a Star Wars Hater

So you’ve got that one friend, the one who says he “just doesn’t get” what all the fuss is about. “What’s so great about Star Wars?”, he says. Or maybe he goes one step further into actual Hater Mode and starts bashing on the films or the franchise. There’s likely a friend like this in ever group (unless you’ve already purged your group of this traitor). So what can you do about? Sure, it’s okay to accept one another’s differences. We know that not everyone will like the same things and not everyone will love Star Wars as much as you might (although we cannot imagine why). Differences in people make the world go round and that is something to be celebrated. However, if you’re dealing with a friend or family member who just doesn’t “get” your Star Wars obsession, it might be time for an intervention. You can try…

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You Could Own Luke Skywalker’s Blaster

If you have a lot of cash, that is. While there has been a lot of mystery surrounding Luke Skywalker since the release of the latest film, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, it seems it has increased the popularity of Skywalker memorabilia even more. It’s not a huge surprise then that when the DL-44 Blaster Luke Skywalker used in the 180 film “The Empire Strikes Back” went up for auction, fans are taking note. It’s starting at $200,000 with Nate D. Sanders. Here is the description from the auction listing: Luke Skywalker’s DL-44 Blaster from ”The Empire Strikes Back”‘. This iconic hero gun is the same model used by Han Solo, a design based on the German issue Mauser C96 pistol and custom made by casting the original prop used in the first ”Star Wars”. Gun retains its original flash suppressor and scope, though it does not (and never did) fire,…

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Star Wars Smuggler’s Bounty

The Star Wars franchise, in conjunction with Funko, have put together a subscription box featuring exclusive Star Wars themed merchandise and it’s not too late for you to get your hands on them for yourself. This also makes a great gift for any Star Wars fan in your life. My guess is that with the new film just recently released, we’ll see the popularity of things like this only continue to grow. These boxes from Funko are sent out every other month and packed full of cool stuff with themes focused around different parts of the Star Wars universe. The first theme was “The First Order”. Total value for the items in each box is around $50, but the cost of the subscription is $25 plus shipping, handling, and tax. There’s no fluff here as each box comes with high quality products including apparel, accessories, toys and other memorabilia. Some examples of…

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Mel Brooks Says Spaceballs Sequel is a Go

People have been asking for it and it seems we just might be getting it! The movie Spaceballs was famous for spoofing the Star Wars franchise and is nearly as iconic as the Star Wars movies themselves. It only begs the question then, will we see a new Spaceballs now that a new Star Wars movie was released? Well, comedic genius Mel Brooks says it’s going to happen. Brooks was on Adam Carolla’s Take A Knee podcast earlier this year and confirmed the sequel was in early stages of development. Filming will begin in 2016 and Brooks plans to try to bring back as much of the original cast as possible. The working title as of now is Spaceballs: The Search For More Money.  There are some challenges, particularly with trying to bring back the original cast. John Candy, who played Barfolomew, sadly passed in 1994. Most fans agree they’d rather not see that character return than have it brought back…

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“Star Trek: Renegades” Fan Film is Available Online

We know some of our fellow Star Wars fans are also Star Trek fans and you might like this little piece of news: the new unofficial Star Trek film is available online for free! “Star Trek: Renegades” is a planned Internet series and the first 90-minute episode was released on Monday, August 24th via YouTube. It was financed primarily by three crowdfunding campaigns over the last several years and it’s not part of the official Star Trek universe. You can learn more or support the ongoing efforts from their official website for Star Trek Renegades. All in all, it’s a pretty good film, especially to see what they did with the budget they had to work with. See if for yourself: About Star Trek: Renegades: Star Trek Renegades is an independent fan funded and supported Internet television Series, produced by Sky Conway. Our pilot episode is completed and will be…

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Could the Planets in Star Wars Actually Support Life?

We know the Star Wars franchise is big on imagination. This wonder and mystery is one thing that made it so appealing to fans. Amazing creatures, large vast planets and creative characters are some of the key elements that made Star Wars so great. That said, there have always been those who would question the logic behind the Star Wars story. One thing that makes the planets of Star Wars stand out is the unique environment that each one had. Whether it was vast barren stretches of sand or a planet covered in ice, there was always some unique feature that stood out in each planet. This begs the question: Could any living thing actually survive there? has a very interesting piece where they cover some of the popular planets of Star Wars and consider whether or not they would actually be able to support life. Here is an…

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All Nippon Airways unveils Star Wars themed jetliner

Great news Star Wars fans! The Huffington Post reported that this coming fall, All Nippon Airways will be transforming one of their new Boeing 787s with an awesome R2-D2 deign to honor the new movie release in December. If you visit the All Nippon website you will notice that it’s currently dedicated to the new project that is underway. The website says that this is the beginning of their “Star Wars” project, which is a five year long project that is trying to connect Japan to global markets. The plane will have a large Star Wars logo on the side and R2-D2 stripes as well. The plane has only been confirmed for use on international routes, so far. Hopefully we will hear news telling us that the flight attendants will wield light sabers and maybe dress up as some of our favorite characters!

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Will Somebody Make a Star Wars Slot Machine Please?

Movie themed slots are nothing new in the online gaming industry. Software companies and casinos alike are constantly trying to innovate by making partnerships with famous movie / video game companies for exclusive rights to famous characters and brands. These partnerships are great for players as well since they will get to enjoy playing their favorite slots within a well defined and well beloved movie universe. Star Wars is definitely one of the largest and most beloved sci-fi properties out there and with a legacy that spends decades you would be hard pressed not to want to play a casino game which is using that setting and characters. The first to capitalize on the idea was IGT Slots – the largest slots provider in the US for land based casinos. They have been operating for a very long time and have a huge selection of available games with themes that range from your regular cherry /…

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You can now go on a Star Wars themed cruise for some reason

Great news for Star Wars fans! Disney Line has decided to launch a Star Wars themed cruise so fans can have the best vacation ever. A family of four can take this exclusive cruise for $7,000. The cruise will be moving through the waters of the Caribbean and vacationers can have a chat with Darth Vader, Chewbacca, or your favorite character. This is your chance to ask them your most probing questions, like what it’s like to be a Wookie or an evil cyborg. Adults can have fun at the bar and order a few Star Wars themed drinks. Kids can practice their light saber skills at the Jedi Academy and show off what they learned to their favorite Star Wars character! You will see storm troopers, Ewoks, Jabba the Hutt, and maybe even Princess Leia herself. Every single Star Wars film will be screened during the time of the…

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SWTOR Side-Scrolling

Who remembers the GameBoy Advance? We might be showing our ages here but I actually still have mine. That used to be one of my most prized possessions, I admit it. Anyway, imagine if we had SWTOR for the GBA? It might look something like this side-scrolling version below.

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SWTOR Meets Power Rangers

We like to talk about gear around here. In MMORPGs, gear is often a big part of the experience and we all know how some games (SWTOR not excluded) have really goofed with some of their gear and item sets. Sometimes we think we’re getting something awesome and it ends up looking so ridiculous, you laugh at your own character while playing. But speaking of SWTOR gear, it seems many have noticed how closely a certain gear set resembles Power Rangers. If someone’s shouting “Might Morphin’ Power Rangers!” at you wearing this, then this could be why. Here we have a black Power Ranger: And of course, the White Ranger: Someone even put together a full album of all the different colors. Check it out! It’s actually pretty funny when you think about it, especially seeing all those dyed colors. Do you have any gear sets that remind you of…

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UCF Jedi Knight vs Westboro Baptist Church

Here is a true Jedi doing good in the world. If you’re not familiar with this man in robes, he is known as the “UCF Jedi” and he made national news when he combated the Westboro Baptist Church at their demonstration at the University of Central Florida. The story says he dresses up as a Jedi and speaks out against hate and intolerance using the wise words of the Jedi Order.  Here is a video of him doing just that against the protesters from Westboro but this wasn’t the only time he had done so. We already give him cool points for dressing up like a Jedi but doing so to spread messages of kindness and peace makes him all the more awesome. *Regardless of where you stand on moral and religious issues, WBC have a reputation of spreading hate and intolerance, picketing funerals of children and preaching their extreme ideologies at…

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Stormtroopers in Chicago Want George Lucas Museum

How much do you love Star Wars? What would you do if a George Lucas museum was potentially being built near you? Would you go out of your way to do whatever it takes to make this museum happen? Well, this is exactly what is happening in Chicago. There is the potential for a museum to be built and Star Wars fans and coming together to try to make sure it happens. Local Stormtroopers are falling into line behind Chicago’s bid to become the site of a museum devoted to the work of “Star Wars” filmmaker George Lucas. The Chicago Tribune reports: Chicago-area members of the 501st Legion — a 6,600-member international organization of Star Wars fans who dress in the white body armor of the Galactic Empire — are hoping to make a show of force Wednesday at a public hearing of Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s Lucas Museum Task Force…

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Wookieepedia What?

So if you are a follower of Wookieepedia you may have already run across from hilarious, witty or downright cute entries on the Star Wars themed database. It’s one of the reasons we like it so much. That and the fact that we love Star Wars. I mean where else can you find such a complete database of Star Wars characters, story, canon and more? What is Wookiepedia? (for those rare few in our audience who may not know yet) The Star Wars encyclopedia that anyone can edit.            Warning: this wiki contains spoilers. So anyway, let’s go back to those funny entries we were talking about. We’ve found some really good ones lately. For example, have you seen The Emperor’s New Clothes or Order 66 Cookie? Or here is an entire page just about breasts… “Breasts were the mammary glands of mammalian species and some reptomammals, and were normally a distinguishing feature of…

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Interesting Star Wars Data

We love Star Wars. We bet you do as well. That’s probably why you are here. But how do other stories compare to Star Wars if you asked a large group of Sci-Fi fans? Well, someone set out to do that and we find the results really interesting. This comes from Jedi News: Star Wars Data: How Does Star Wars Fare? What do you get when you take 2000 sci-fi fans and ask them a range of questions about a variety of sci-fi and comic series? You get Star Wars rising, like the cream it is, to the top. Please tick your top three favourite series out of the following list: The Star Trek series: 46.40% (928) The Star Wars series: 53.20% (1064) Battlestar Galactica serie: 17.00%(340) Dc Comics: 19.00% (380) Marvel Comics: 35.40% (708) Dr Who series: 39.25% (785) None of the above: 9.05% (181) In your opinion what are the most-overrated fantasy/ Sci-Fi…

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MythBusters: “Star Wars: Revenge Of The Myth”

If you are a fan of the show MythBusters, you may have caught the most recent episode where they tackle some myths about Star Wars. But if you’re also a Star Wars fan, you may have skipped right over that episode, not wanting them to burst the bubble of your childhood dreams. We don’t need anyone to prove to us that Star Wars scenes aren’t plausible. Part of the beauty of it all was the wonder, the fantasy, the dream! But if you are curious and didn’t see it, A.V. Club  has a little write-up about this episode of MythBusters. For starters, the show stays appropriately grounded in scientific fact (or at least conjecture), so lightsabers, TIE fighters, hyperspace, and the Force are left to the sort of “could it ever happen?” conjecture of a Doctor Who special —leaving the hosts (and their trio of less-interesting underlings) to cast their skeptical peepers…

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SWTOR Meets PS4 – Cool Skin

When you love SWTOR so much you have to decorate your other gaming gear in it… this is a really cool PS4 skin/cover. This was a custom design so you won’t see this skin just anywhere and that’s one thing we love about it. We know there are going to be many crying about how SWTOR is not a console game but really, this is just a big fan of SWTOR decorating something else they also like with images from SWTOR. I say it works! It;s always great to see the many ways fans and players get creative with their art and designs, like the story of the SWTOR cell phone cover we brought you awhile back. If you’re really into SWTOR art, you might like the Fan Art section of the official SWTOR forums. There’s even a SWTOR tattoo thread, although it hasn’t really taken off much yet. You’ll…

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Speculative Documentary: Space Wars

Last week I wrote about our plans to put up a weekly column on more nerdy stuff, that is not really part of the Star Wars universe.  We still don’t know what to call it, but the plan is to post documentaries, images or articles, on space and speculative discussion on future technology. Last week i promised we will post something new each Saturday, and already I broke my promise. I have been out almost all weekend, but now I am here, and here is a new documentary from National Geographic. This one is called Space Wars, and is part of the “the universe” series. This one was aired back in 2009 and has scientist speculate on future space weaponry and battle tactics. So far no country has put weapons into space but they can shoot down satellites. If weapons do become part of space, how will they work, how effective will…

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Speculative Documentary: Evacuate Earth

Last week we posted a story about the images carried by the spacecraft Voyager. This was so well received by you – our readers – getting more then 300 likes on Facebook. Therefor  we thought we will follow up on it, and start a new column on this more nerdy stuff, that is not really part of the Star Wars universe.  We don’t know what to call it yet, but the plan is to post documentaries, images or articles, on space and speculative discussion on future technology. This first video we are posting is named “Evacuate Earth”. It is a National Geographic Channel documentary, that tells the what-if story of the evacuation of the planet Earth which is due to be destroyed by a rogue neutron star. The documentary goes into the technical and social complications of building an Ark to save humanity and other Earth life, and moving them…

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The pictures on the spacecraft Voyager. If it is discovered by someone else in the universe, this is what they will know of humanity

This has nothing to do with Star Wars, Yet… It has it has everything to do with Star Wars. These are the pictures that were put on the voyager spacecraft. If the human race manages to kill itself, this is the only thing other life in the universe will be know about us. This would be the imprint we leave on the entire universe. Statement: This voyager spacecraft was constructed by the United States of America. We are a community of 240 million human beings among the more than 4 billion who inhabit the planet earth. We human beings are still divided into nation states, but these states are rapidly becoming a single global civilization. We are attempting to survive our time so we may live into yours. We hope someday, having solved the problems we face, to join a community of galactic civilizations. This record represents our hope and our…

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