
Flashpoints of SWTOR: “The Black Talon”

SWTOR The Black Talon

The Black Talon flashpoint in Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) is a challenging and exciting storyline that pits players against the forces of the Sith Empire. Set in the aftermath of the Great War, this flashpoint follows the story of a group of Republic soldiers as they try to infiltrate a Sith-occupied ship in order to gather crucial intelligence. Players must navigate their way through the ship, fighting off hordes of Imperial soldiers and powerful Sith lords, all while trying to stay one step ahead of the Empire’s deadly security measures. Along the way, they’ll encounter a number of memorable characters, including the ruthless Sith Lord Vindican and the mysterious Twi’lek Zash. One of the highlights of the Black Talon flashpoint is its fast-paced combat. Players will need to stay on their toes in order to survive the constant onslaught of enemy soldiers and Sith agents. The flashpoint also…

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SWTOR: Veteran Mode for Flashpoint: Elom now on PTS

The Public test servres for Star Wars: The old Republic has been updated wieht new goodies. Players can now test and give initial feedback on the Veteran Mode for the Elom Flashpoint. As a reminder, the following content is available on PTS for players to experience. Combat Styles: Guardian Sentinel Sniper Operative Assassin Sorcerer Mercenary Powertech Juggernaut Marauder Sage Scoundrel Vanguard Other: Level 80 Game Scaling Legendary Items For more details on what is currently available on PTS, check out our Legacy of the Sith Status Update forum post: LEVEL 1. Content is complete and shippable N/A LEVEL 2. Playable/functional. May have known issues and bugs. N/A LEVEL 3. Partially available. Likely to see WIP markers or placeholder UI where applicable, etc… Sage Scoundrel Vanguard Guardian Sentinel Sniper Operative Sorcerer Assassin Powertech Mercenary Juggernaut Marauder Ability tree for all the above Legendary Items Boost package/PTS boosts updated to bring you to…

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SWTOR Flashpoints 101

Are you wondering how Flashpoints work? Are you new to them or have you tried out a few but you are still not sure you know just what you’re doing? This is the perfect time to check out a great tutorial that tells you all you need to know about SWTOR flashpoints. First, they are not heroics but they will be a bit more difficult than your typical mobs. It might require some strategy or moves that you don’t know if you’re new to that Flashpoint, or to flashpoints in general. This is where a great guide can help you fill that learning curve and understand better how to succeed. Here’s a guide from SWTOR_VEGA that covers all the basics for you. He talks about interrupts, crowd control (CC), line of sight (LoS), as well as focusing a target. He also gives some additional tips and tricks that are very helpful. Here’s…

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The Academy Ep 3 Tells Us How Hardmode Flashpoints and Operations Work

Swtorista has a new episode of The Academy out for your viewing. This is the third video in the series that is a part of her being a guest on Ootinicast’s weekly podcast. It’s all about roles and ops and will cover all the basics you need to know about doing these group events in SWTOR. It’s simple and straightforward and it contains all the basics you need to know. In the interest of keeping it short, she doesn’t go fully into details of everything but it’s definitely a great foundation. “I want to do a hardmode flashpoint or operation. How do they work?”” The Academy is a series focused on the basics of SWTOR. If you want to listen to more, tune in to Ootinicast’s latest episodes. She says the next video will be about class and which one you should play. And next they will be recording one…

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Crew Skills Used in Flashpoints (Storymode)

Those of you who have been here with us since the beginning will remember vanilla SWTOR and here is something that might remind you of that era of the game. It reminds me of some of the instances in KOTOR, for example, where you had different paths. There are crew skills in the storymode Flashpoints and they are worked in like “hidden” gems for you to find. Here’s a really cool chart that tells you (almost) all of them in one place. Take a look: If you plan to try to find all of these, want specific ones, or just want to see what’s around in a Flashpoint you’re doing already, this is a handy chart to keep around. Bookmark it or print it out – whatever works for you – but keep it around to refer to. Have fun!

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SWTOR 3.1 Flashpoint GUIDE: COMMANDER MOKAN – HM Battle of Rishi Bonus Boss

This is Vulkk’s Video Guide on the Bonus Boss in Battel of Rishi Hard Mode Flashpoint. In this relatively short fight we have quite a few mechanics, which are all simple, yet very deadly if not performed 100% correctly. Commander Mokan is one of the best boss encounters inside a Flashpoint Bioware have designed since the first and original version of Lost Island in early 2012. If  you have different tactics or suggestions for players, who have not yet done this, share them in the comments below. The boss is not something unseen, but is a fresh and interesting encounter compared to all the other tank and spank opponents. It can be done in many different class combinations and is one of the few very well designed and balanced fights. It may not have an awesome 100% loot drop, but is worth doing just for the achievement and the good feeling…

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New Article – Flashpoint: Kuat Drive Yards

Senior Designer, on Star Wars: The old Republic, Jesse Sky posted a news article on Kuar Drive Yards, last night. The article describe the new flashpoint for level 15+ players that comes with game update 2.6. This will be a new type of instance that the team is calling a Tactical Flashpoint. The main thing that distinguishes Tactical Flashpoints is that they are role-neutral – in other words, they are balanced for a combination of any four classes. This means Group Finder will match the first four players it finds, which translates into drastically shorter queue times, especially for DPS classes. I’m not sure how I feel about this yet, as I fear there will be no incentives for healing and tanking and you will only perpetuate the issue of a lack ofsupport roles in the long run. Time will tell though. Check out the full article over at the…

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Scum and Villainy Operation Guide SWTOR

Don’t forget to check out constantly growing list of guides for Star Wars: The old republic The newest Operation to be released on the 2.0 PTS is Scum and Villainy and it has 7 bosses. It’s longer than previous Operations and offers a great deal more content. This is great for players who love Operations and are looking for more bosses and more challenge. The seven bosses in Scum and Villainy are: Dash’roode Titan 6 Thrasher Operations Chief Olok the Shadow Cartel Warlords Dread Master Styrak In storymode there is Vilus Garr, Captain Horicm Tu’chuk and Sunder. The suggested kill order is Vilus Garr <–> Captain Horic –> Tu’Chuk <–> Sunder. Each boss has 672K health. Tips and strategy: Both Vilus Garr and Captain Horic have taunt immunity and cannot be taunted. Captain Horic has a conal attack that he directs at one person in the raid. The raid should be ain…

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SWTOR Flashpoint Guide: The Esseles

Don’t forget to check out constantly growing list of guides for Star Wars: The old republic The Esseles is the very first Flashpoint for the Republic faction and you’ll enter it as soon as you leave the prologue planet. You’ll be asked to board the transport ship the Esseles headed for the capital of Coruscant. Players must be at least a level 10 before you are allowed to enter the transport. While you can go this instance alone, it’s more beneficial if you have at least two players and your companions. Going it alone can be difficult and you will miss the opportunity to fight a bonus boss. It also helps if both players have chosen their advanced class and if one of you is a healer. This is a story based Flashpoint so there’s many cutscenes and dialogue that will earn you social points and there are several bonus missions…

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Flashpoint Guides: Kaon Under Siege

Don’t forget to check out constantly growing list of guides for Star Wars: The old republic The Flashpoint Kaon Under Siege was added to Star Wars: The Old Republic with Patch 1.1 and it’s one of the hardest in the game. It’s intended for players who are at least a level 50. It takes place on a Spaceshuttle where an infection broke out, which turned everyone into a creature that resembles a zombie. The infection was passed from one person to another until everyone was infected. The main difference between this instance and many of the others is that the mobs are much harder to kill and there are a lot of them in the beginning of the Flashpoint. First Boss: The Mobs Instead of going up against a boss, the first thing your group will encounter is a big mobs fight. The objective is to stay alive as you’re met…

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Flashpoint Guide: The Colicoid War Game

Flashpoint Guide: The Colicoid War Game in Star Wars: The Old Republic

Don’t forget to check out constantly growing list of guides for Star Wars: The old republic When you reach levels 37 to 41, you can take part in one of the most unique Flashpoints in the game called The Colicoid War Game. It’s not like any of the others because there is only one classic Boss fight at the end. However, you will go though three challenges to complete the instance and both the Empire and the Republic factions have access to this Flashpoint. First Challenge: The Colicoid Attack Waves During the first challenge, you’ll fight a large group of Colicoid warriors that will run towards you all at once. Your goal is to kill off the warriors as quickly as possible without taking on too much damage. The best defense may be to mount turrets, face the enemy and burn them down. The order you take them out could mean…

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Flashpoint Guide: The Black Talon

Flashpoint Guide: The Black Talon

Don’t forget to check out constantly growing list of guides for Star Wars: The old republic The Black Talon is the first Empire flashpoint you’ll encounter and it has the longest dialogue chain of any instance in the game. Since this is your first flashpoint, you’ll find it to be very easy but after your character reaches level 50, you can return and run this instance again in Hard Mode for a real challenge. For the first run, you’ll need to find a partner that you can work well with because it requires at least two people. Shortly after entering this flashpoint, you’ll have to make a decision of whether to allow the captain and the general of the ship live or to kill them. If you kill them, you’ll receive 200 Dark Alignment points and if you let the live, you’ll receive 200 Light Alignment points. Black Talon has a…

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Flashpoint Guide: The Foundry

Flashpoint Guide: The Foundry

The Foundry is the Imperial equivalent to the Maelstrom Prison Flashpoint and you can access it after completing the Dorin’s Sky/Boarding Party Flashpoint. The Foundry is an ancient weapon with the ability to create mass destruction. After a high level Republic master Jedi prisoner escaped and made his way to the Foundry, it’s your job to track him down, defeat him and claim the Foundry for the Empire. It’s recommended that everyone in your group be at least a level 35 or above before tackling this flashpoint. You’ll encounter 3 bosses and 2 mini-bosses throughout this instance. First Boss: The Foundry Guardian The first boss fight happens right at the beginning of this instance when you encounter The Foundry Guardian. He is a large droid with 71K HP but don’t be intimidated by his size. This is the standard tank and spank battle. However, he does have a channeled ability…

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Flashpoint Guide: Hammer Station

Flashpoint Guide: Hammer Station

The second Flashpoint to open up in Star Wars: The Old Republic is Hammer Station. You only have to be a level 15 to go through this Flashpoint and for the most part, it’s rather easy. You’ll encounter 3 bosses with the last one being the most challenging. The main thing that you need to know before getting started is that you will face lots of droids. For this reason, you must have someone on your team that can CC droids are you’ll run into a lot of problems. When you first begin your mission, you have the option of going into the room at the end of the first long hallway you come to, if a member of your team has Bioanalysis. Otherwise, it would be pointless to go here because you’ll need to use Bioanalysis on the barrels to acquire the Detoxifying Fiber. If you do acquire this…

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Flashpoint Guide: Maelstrom Prison

Flashpoint Guide: Maelstrom Prison

Maelstrom Prison is a Flashpoint for Republic only and it’s a continuation of Taral V but expect the battles to be harder than the ones you fought in that one. This Flashpoint is the equivalent to the Imperial Flashpoint The Foundry. Maelstrom is an enormous green cloud, which is made of raw energy and charged space dust that interferes with navigation computers and coordinates. This was a very important place during the Great Galactic War because this is where the Sith Empire hid a space station where Revan was held prisoner. To be a part of this Flashpoint, you don’t need to complete the quest Jedi Prisoner but you do need to be on it. You’ll encounter 3 bosses, a couple of mini-bosses and you’ll have the opportunity to fight a bonus boss. First Boss: X-37 Oppressor Droid The first boss you come across is the X-37 Oppressor Droid. He’s…

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Flashpoint Guide: Boarding Party Dorin’s Sky

Boarding Party

The Boarding Party Dorin’s Sky is one of the longest Flashpoints in Star Wars: The Old Republic where you’ll encounter 3 main bosses and 3 mini-bosses. Some of the bosses that you encounter are very easy and you’ll breeze through without any problem but some of others will be very difficult. All of the players on your team should be at least a level 33 but your healer will have a hard time keeping up. Therefore, you may want this player on your team to have a higher level. Once you’ve assembled your team, you’re ready to head out and tackle the first boss. First Boss: HXI-54 Juggernaut The very first boss is HXI-54 Juggernaut with 56K HP and he has three mechanics you need to be aware of when fighting him. One of the mechanics will drop circles in different places on the ground. As long as you stay…

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SWTOR Flashpoint Guide: Athiss

SWTOR Flashpoint Guide: Athis

Your team has been called together to travel to the planet Athiss and investigate a distress signal sent back from a Republic survey team. It’s possible that during their dig they uncovered something that should not have been disturbed. After all, this planet used to be the home of an ancient and unstable Sith Lord. Your mission is to discover what they unleashed and put it to rest again. Out of all the Flashpoints in Star Wars: The Old Republic, Athiss is one of the easiest for both Republic and Empire factions but you still need to be prepared to go up against 3 bosses. You can get the most out this flashpoint if you have an archaeologist and someone with Bioanalysis of 75 or more on your team. Upon arriving on the planet, this level 20 Flashpoint begins in a valley surrounding by tombs. You’ll hear a message over…

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Flashpoint Guide: Mandalorian Raiders

Flashpoint Guide: Mandalorian Raiders

Allusis, the Republic warship was stolen by a rogue faction of Mandalorian Raiders under the Clan Varad banner. They are attacking and inflicting mayhem on the defenseless Outer Rim worlds. Strike teams have been assembled and sent out to seize control of the Allusis and end these brutal and senseless attacks. It’s recommended that each member of your team, whether Empire or Republic, be at least a level 25 before undertaking this mission. After choosing your team, prepare to face off with 3 bosses and gain control of that warship. Upon Arrival When you first arrive on board the Allusis, you’ll be greeted by a challenge from Mavrix Varad. He will make this announcement using the ships loudspeaker system. “This is the chieftain of Clan Varad. Whoever you are, you’ve challenged the wrong ship.” For now, just ignore him and move on to the first room of the ship. You’ll…

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Flashpoint Guide: The False Emperor

Flashpoint Guide: The False Emperor

The Battle of Ilum has ended and the threat is gone but a new battle is on the way. You’ve learned of the splinter faction leader’s location aboard the stolen Sith Battlecruiser and your squad must fight your way onto the ship. However, this is not going to be an easy task. The Battlecruiser has an army of battle droids ready to go to any length to defend their leader all in the name of the new Empire. The environment on the Battlecruiser is a very unstable one where you’ll go up against 6 bosses. It’s recommended that all of your squad members are at least a level 50 because some of these battles are going to be tough. Tregg the Destroyer The first boss is Tregg the Destroyer and he has two MoBs with him. It’s easier to take out the two MoBs if the tank pulls Tregg into…

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SWTOR Flashpoint Guide: Directive 7

Flashpoint Guide: Directive 7

Recommended Level: 48-50Faction: Republic & EmpireBosses: 6 (3 mini-bosses) Directive 7 is the name given to a group of renegade droids who have joined together as one identity with one mission, which is to go through the galaxy exterminating all biological life forms. Both the Republic and the Empire have suffered at the hands of these renegade droids so both factions have a common interest in taking down Directive 7. Fortunately, for both factions, one of the Directives disagrees with the exterminating of all other life forms and offers them valuable information that will help put an end to this rebellion. Your mission is to travel with your squad of level 50 players to the small moon called Zadd, where you’ll go up against these 6 bosses in addition to one bonus boss. Here’s a vid of the Flashpoint in action: Detector Detector is the first mini boss you’ll encounter when you arrive…

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Flashpoint Guide: Taral V

If you’re looking to do the Flashpoint Taral V, it helps to know just what you’re getting into before you get started. It begins when you and your team travel to the Imperial held planet of Taral V and steal the star charts that will lead you to the space station. The recommended level for this Flashpoint is 33 and there are 6 bosses plus a bonus boss (optional). Many of the trash mobs can be skipped if you are looking to do a quick run but killing them for the extra experience and chance of loot is great if you have the time. Now let’s take a look at those bosses: Handler Gattan As his name suggests, the handler has pets- two Vinecats that you will have to fight during this battle. Gattan’s cats will attack random party members and they are immune to crowd control. The technique is…

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Best SWTOR Tools for Raiding/Flashpoints

In a game like Star Wars: The Old Republic, gearscore and pure DPS numbers are very important. You should not use them to select or reject certain players but they can help you see who in your group needs help. This makes it possible for your team to work together to become stronger and there are several great character building SWTOR’s tools available to help. Here are three of your best options along with a little information explaining how they can help your group improve. Memories of Xendor Memories of Xendor or MOX is one of the best Imperial progression guild available today for real-time parsing. It’s great for players that only use one monitor because this parser allows you to see pop outs of your personal meters and of the raid group. Even if you run on full screen, you can still see them because these pop-outs are set…

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SWTOR Flashpoints: New Player’s Guide

As a new SWTOR player, you need the basics of flashpoints so you can get started in the game and learn the ropes. This guide is designed to help you do just that. Here you can find all the information you need to get started and to advance in the game to become an intermediate player. It includes the basics to get you started. What this guide is not: This guide is not a specific breakdown or walk-through of any specific flashpoint. Rather, it is an overview of what you need to know to succeed in flashpoints, especially if you are new to the game. Let’s begin… First, you should know that flashpoints are the same thing as dungeons in other MMO games. This is where you’ll find the best loot drops and it’s where the hardest fights take place. Normally, you’ll get a quest for the flashpoint before entering…

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TOR TV: False Emperor Hard Mode – 2 Man

The False Emperor takes place right after the Battle of Ilum and your faction obtaining Darth Severin’s stealth fighter. Your party uses this to invade Darth Malgus’s space station in order to take the fight to him. MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD! Do not watch this unless you are ready to have the higher levels of Star Wars: The Old Republic shown to you!! Fappy and Dreary of the Krath Server walk you through the False Emperor flashpoint in SWTOR — 2 MAN!

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