Late last month, LucasArts took the wraps off Star Wars 1313, a third-person action-adventure game set on the planet of Coruscant. At the E3 conference in Los Angeles last week, LucasArts has debuted the first batch of footage for its forthcoming title – and safe to say, it resembles very little that has come before. In the clip, which features a cut scene and a few seconds of gameplay from a PC version of Star Wars 1313, a nameless bounty hunter descends hundreds of levels below the surface of Coruscant, to an area called 1313. There, some sort of accident leaves his transport vessel in flames, and the bounty hunter is forced to leap and scramble from one fiery scrap of metal to another. “”Star Wars 1313 dives into a part of the Star Wars mythos that we’ve always known existed, but never had a chance to visit,” Paul Meegan,…
other starwars games
‘Kinect: Star Wars’ Composers Share the Creative Process
Kinect Star Wars Composers Gordy Haab and Kyle Newmaster tell MTV more about what it’s like to create the music behind the game. Regardless of what some critics said of the game, the soundtrack gives Star Wars fans everything they want and more. It’s fun, it’s exciting, it’s moving and it all came thanks to two very talented composers. As gamers, we don’t always think about the work that goes into the soundtracks of games like this. Yet when we walk away from the game and go to school or work, the music stays with us. We hum it aloud or in our head and we look forward to when we get the chance to play again. MTV Multiplayer interviews the two composers about their work on the game: MTV Multiplayer: Was John Williams or George Lucas involved at all in the creation of the tracks for the game? How…
The Forgotten TV Debut of the Original Star Wars Game
There have been many Star Wars games before SWTOR- seriously, there have been TONS. But there is one Star Wars game that comes to mind first for those old enough to remember, the 1983 Atari game Star Wars. This was the first time a Star Wars game had been created. I was only a year old when it released and I would not see the game or an Atari for quite some time but I did have the privilege of playing it once at a friend’s, more than a decade after its release. Kotaku reminds us of the game on Star Wars Day: The game made its debut during “The Video Game Challenge,” a short-lived television program from the 80’s. Just like the force, this Star Wars game will be with you… always. Actually, considering how regularly I still think about that game…that’s true! Does anyone reading remember that…
Star Wars Battlefront 3 & 4 Were In Development
Were you waiting on Star Wars Battlefront 3, 4 and more? Well, you’re not the only fan who was anxiously awaiting more games in this series but according to recent news, you might be waiting a little longer than you’d hoped. Gaming Union brings us this report: It’s been revealed that Star Wars Battlefront 3 and Star Wars Battlefront 4 were in development at British development studio, Free Radical, before the studio collapsed. Steve Ellis, who co-founded the studio, broke the news while giving an interview on behalf of his new company, Crash Labs. “They [LucasArts] were big fans of our work, they liked our take on making games, they liked the way we work and they wanted to do this project,” he said. “It was a big thing, we were very excited and for a long time it was going very well.” Making video games is hard work. It…
Exclusive look at Kinect Star Wars at the Skywalker Ranch
Who doesn’t love Kinect? Add in Star Wars and I’m a happy gamer! I have been waiting for this game to come out as I’m sure many other Star Wars fans have. There is a lot more to the game than meets the eye though and it is not just about fighting battles, although there is plenty of that type of action. Many of the movie scenes are included in the game as well. The Herald Sun tells us more: Kinect Star Wars is one of the most eagerly awaited titles based on the sci-fi franchise. Set just before Episode II: Attack of the Clones, players use the Xbox 360 Kinect motion controller to complete a Jedi Destiny campaign, dogfight in space or go all Rampage on a Rancor. And, of course, most importantly, flail around in their living rooms wielding a Kinect-powered lightsaber. Yes, you get the chance to…
Kinect Star Wars Launch Trailer- Feel the Force
Feel the Force when you are the controller- I know what my son wants for his birthday but will it be as big of a hit as many are expecting? Coming soon on April 3rd is Kinect Star Wars and they’ve now released the official launch trailer. What you will see missing from the trailer is Kinect Star Wars‘ dance mode, which didn’t come off as such a hit when it was revealed before. The game comes with five dynamic modes Jedi Destiny: Dark Side Rising, Podracing Rancor Rampage Galactic Dance Off Duels of Fate “Kinect Star Wars brings the Star Wars Universe to life like never before. Harnessing the controller-free power of Kinect for Xbox 360, Kinect Star Wars allows fans to physically experience training as a Jedi, using the Force and battling with a lightsaber. Using full body motions, players can live out the ultimate Star Wars fantasy,…
Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Doing Better after SWTOR’s Launch
There is another Star Wars game people are talking about. It’s not SWTOR this time but Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures. “Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures, an online gaming world aimed at younger (eight- to 12-year old) fans of the animated TV show, has crossed more than 10 million registered users.” The free to play game is actually seeing an increase in subscribers since SWTOR came out. Could this be people who cannot afford SWTOR playing Clone Wars Adventures instead or maybe it’s the children of parents who are playing SWTOR who want to enjoy a Star Wars game of their own? Maybe everyone’s just gotten Star Wars fever right now, making it good timing for anyone with a game on the subject. “Focused on creating a fun and safe online environment for kids and families, Clone Wars Adventures offers exciting minigames, dynamic activities, lively social events and thousands of…
Star Wars Kinect Dropped the Ball with Dance-Dance Revolution A-la Storm Troopers
My son is drying to get Star Wars Kinect. He’s probably the only person who will still feel that way after seeing this video. In his defense, my son is 5 and dancing with Storm Troopers is probably just the right level of fun for him. He’s too young to remember the Village People and I’m not sure he’s ever even heard “YMCA”. To the rest of us, the gameplay video is laughable. While the game features pod races, lightsaber battles and more, there’s also the Galactic Dance Off session which is well… lacking to say the least. The gameplay trailer gives us two semi-bored looking children trying to keep up with Storm Troopers dancing to the Empire version of “YMCA”… “It’s great to be in the Empire today… It’s great to be in the Empire today!” Ok, maybe not. While there are many other portions of the game, the…
Kinect Star Wars – Girly Vader
What do you get when you cross a badass little girl with the scene in Star Wars where Vader first reveals his Force Choke power? You get one awesome commercial for the Xbox Kinect, that’s what… especially when she finds your lack of faith disturbing. Harnessing the controller-free power of Kinect, the game allows fans to physically experience Jedi training, using the Force and battling with a lightsaber. Using full body motions, players can live out the ultimate Star Wars fantasy. Gold bikini optional.
Jedi Knight Collection on Steam for $4.99!
Every so often, usually on weekends, Steam gives us an awesome sale on some of the games we love the most. I’ve picked up so many great games for $5 or less on Steam over the years. It’s a fantastic way to build your video game collection. This weekend for one day only, the Jedi Knight Collection will be only $4.99 on Steam. This is an amazing steal for everything you get! If you miss this sale, don’t worry because you can still get the package deal for only $19.99 which saves you more than $12 on all of these great games. The Jedi Knight Collection on Steam includes: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Star Wars Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith Star Wars: Dark Forces
New Star Wars Battlefront Game Rumors Surface
Speculation of a third Star Wars Battlefront game has been ongoing. Rumors circulated that Spark Unlimited was developing Battlefront 3 at the same time as it was rumored to be working on a Resident Evil title. Yet, all gamers had to go on were a couple of tweets suggesting the company “couldn’t say either way” what it was working on. That’s all changed in the last couple of days thanks to fresh evidence hinting that Spark Unlimited is indeed working on the game in the form of a job application posted on its website (see below). The developers are looking for someone to work on a “3rd Person Action/Adventure sequel in a high-profile science fiction franchise” who has a “strong sense of story and narrative techniques as they pertain to the gaming medium.” Sounds a bit like Star Wars, doesn’t it? Other evidence comes in the form of two LinkedIn…
Kinect Star Wars Funny Duel with Darth Vader: Video
One reason I got a Kinect was for Star Wars, I admit. My son seconded that decision as the 5-year-old is a huge Star Wars fan. He has Lego Star Wars for his DSi and was thrilled when he found out about Kinect Star Wars. So anyway, for those of you who maybe don’t know what it is all about yet, there is a great video to show you what it’s all about. Kinect Star Wars Funny Duel with Darth Vader is a great video for laughs and also to get people talking about the game. Remember, with Kinect Star Wars, YOU are the controller.Check it out:
Star Wars Galaxies Obituary: SWG is Dead
Star Wars Galaxies MMORPG 26 June 2003 – 15 December 2011 After more than eight long years (live playtime), it’s time to say goodbye to Star Wars Galaxies. The MMORPG from a galaxy far, far away is officially dead. But it wouldn’t go out without one last big bang from Sony Online Entertainment (SOE). SWG held a series of farewell events to help say goodbye to the MMO once and for all. While it seems it is being forced into an early grave by bigger and better things (SWTOR anyone?) this does not mean that SWG will go quietly into that dark night. Let’s take a look back on SWG, according to Wikipedia: “Star Wars Galaxies (abbv. SWG) was a Star Wars themed MMORPG for Microsoft Windows developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts. Its servers shut down on December 15, 2011.” And more facts: On 27 August…
How SWG Will Be Won
The last days of Star Wars: Galaxies are drawing near and the game plans to close off “with a gigantic PvP throwdown for dominance” that will tell us all who runs the galaxy- Empire or Rebels. Of course some fans are saying that this is not the end and that SWG will live on- even if unofficially- but for the sake of technicalities, the end is coming. So how will this official end of it all battle be scored? How will SWG be won? Winning the Galactic Civil War explains in detail: “Meanwhile, let’s say Region Two is worth 3%, and that in this same period of time three Imperials earn 50 GCW [Galactic Civil War] points in the region and no Rebels show up at all. Region Two would give the Imperials a full 3% in the galaxy score for next to no effort compared to Region One. All…
Steam Sale: Star Wars Collection 50% Off, Darksiders 75% Off
I love Steam sales. It’s one of my favorite things about using the Steam service (I’ve been a member since ’05). In addition to being able to keep copies of all of my games in one place, it’s really awesome when they do sales on games. You can get many older releases for a fraction of the cost with digital download on Steam. If you love Star Wars games then you are in luck this weekend because Steam is slashing their prices for this weekend only. The Star Wars Collection, a bundle of 13 SW games, is now $49.99 instead of the usual $99.99. My husband had this collection already and I had been wanting to get it for myself for some time. In this package, you get just about every Star Wars game available on Steam, all in one package and for a reduced price. That’ll hold you over…
Star Wars Galaxies Saga Continues
Star Wars Galaxies is in its last days. The sun is setting on this saga and SOE hopes it will go out with a bang! The dev team is working on the final few months of the MMO and they are issuing a challenge to the Imperials or Rebels. The fate of the galaxy, once and for all. It’s all about an exciting Galactic Civil War in the game with new events and new chances to win points for your side. It’s even bigger thanks to the recent GU20 update. Before the end date of December 15th when SWG will shut down forever, the score will be tallied and there will be a winning side announced and etched into the record books for all of eternity. The ending of the game itself can be affected by which side wins so if you’re still into SWG, now is your chance to…
“Best Star Wars Game We’ve Seen in a Long Time”
There’s a new Star Wars game on its way and we’re not talking about SWTOR! *gasp* Fleet Commander challenges you to forget everything you ever knew about Star Wars games and discover a completely new approach. This game, developed by Arthur Nishimoto, a student at the Electronic Visualization Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Chicago, has a lot to offer that big gaming companies can learn from. The game was initially designed in 2009 as a space strategy game. It was simple but of good quality and then evolved into a multiplayer project available for TacTile touch-screen display. Since it is not a commercial product, it could use Star Wars ships and even sound effects. Kotaku says, “It’s the best Star Wars game we’ve seen in a long time.” There is a 2010 version of the game available for you to see on YouTube. It looks pretty darn good…
Star Wars Galaxies closure blamed on SWTOR
Would anyone really be surprised to hear that SWTOR shut down Star Wars Galaxies? I mean it’s been the obvious choice for why SWG announced its December shutdown recently. It doesn’t make sense to have two Star Wars MMOs competing with one another. But SWG fans proposed the idea could work and requested SWG be kept alive. Their requests were denied. Now, the reason for the closure of SWG has been officially explained. CEO of Sony Online Entertainment John Smedley spilled the beans with The Escapist on why they are closing the game. “That’s the problem with licenses: they end,” Smedley said. When the game was first launched in 2001, the license was secured for five years, and had to be renegotiated multiple times over the years. “It was time to turn it off. We have a contractual relationship that’s ending in 2012,” Smedley added. He goes on to discuss…
New Game Mod Brings Star Wars and Call of Duty Together
Are you a Star Wars fan who’s into Call of Duty? This might be some of the coolest news you have ever read. German modding outfit, Black Monkeys have created an awesome Star Wars-themed mod for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. After 2 ½ years of development, the team is now ready to bring you Galactic Warfare a Star Wars-themed ‘mod’ for Call of Duty: Modern warfare. In fact, this is as good a reason as any to give Call of Duty a try if you have previously been on the fence about playing it. This awesome mod is a total conversion of all the environments, weapons and even the characters. It’s all re-skinned to fit the theme and story of the Star Wars universe. You can choose the Imperial Forces and become a trooper or be a solider of the Rebel Alliance. There are seven great maps to deathmatch…
Star Wars Galaxies Players to Sue Sony
SWG fans will not back down when it comes to their favorite game. It seems the big fat “no” they received in response to their petitions was not enough and they are now filing a class-action lawsuit against Sony Online Entertainment in an effort to keep the Star Wars themed MMORPG live and running. Lucas Arts and SOE announced earlier this month that the game would be shutting down on December 15th of this year. They blamed the closure on declining subscriptions and competition MMORPGs, one of which being the highly anticipated Star Wars: The Old Republic. But many SWG fans are saying “Screw TOR!” and they demand to keep their game. Just yesterday we wrote about how Sony shot down the petitions and reportedly, they also locked forum threads and banned players related to the petitions, citing that “promoting an online petition causes disruption within the community and does…
SOE Shoots Down Star Wars Galaxies Petitions
If you were a Star Wars Galaxies fan signing the petitions to keep SWG and make it free-to-play, Sony Online Entertainment has offered an official reply to your demands: “Regarding the Star Wars Galaxies petitions, we first want to thank everyone for taking the time to organize such an effort. As always, we appreciate your feedback, and I can assure you with 100% confidence that your feelings have been heard. No one is more disappointed than we are to cancel Star Wars Galaxies; however, we are confident that this was the only decision possible. This was not an easy decision to make; Sony Online Entertainment and Lucas Arts spent months deliberating, and in the end we had to make the hard choice. We are extremely proud of the ground we broke with the launch of SWG, its growth and evolution since launch, and most especially, the community. We would…
Petition Started to Make Star Wars Galaxies Free to Play
It has not been a surprise that many devoted Star Wars Galaxies fans are upset over the announcement that the game will be closing its doors in December. So many have decided to stop complaining and do something about it and have started a petition to make SWG free-to-play. The petition has almost 2200 signatures at the time of this write up so it’s clear that many gamers are serious about their SWG. The petition offers a solution to shutting down the game- making it free to play and supporting it through the sale of virtual goods. It also asks Sony to consolidate players into a fewer number of servers and allow character transfers to help reduce the costs of keeping the game running. It’s not a completely far-fetched idea as many other games have found success from switching to a free-to-play format. Lord of the Rings Online is a…
Goodbye, SWG…
Fresh from bringing you the news that LucasArts and Sony Online Entertainment have decided to pull the plug on Star Wars Galaxies (and rightly so in my opinion), we can now follow up with this slightly unhinged response to the news from Youtube user GoofyGrrl. GoofyGrrl, a long-time player and fan of the MMO game, is clearly upset at the news, having dedicated six years of her life to playing, and obviously felt compelled to air her grievances to the world. So, with her webcam switched on, and her skimpiest vest-top sought out, she had what psychotherapists might call a full-on breakdown. Way to go. And even better she blames the death of Galaxies on the appearance of the clearly vastly superior SWTOR for this Doomsday announcement – entirely missing the point that the new game would have rendered its predecessor redundant anyway. Two points spring up at this point:…
End of an era: Star Wars: Galaxies shutting down later this year
Later this year – December 15th, to be precise – will see the end of Star Wars Galaxies, the MMORPG first released by LucasArts and Sony Online Entertainment back in 2003, and the more recent Trading Card Game (2008). So that’s the main “on-brand” competition for SWTOR gone then…. The official announcement – from the game’s official site – read as follows: We write to you today to inform you that on December 15, 2011, Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) and LucasArts will end all services (MMO and Trading Card Game) for Star Wars Galaxies (SWG). The shutdown of SWG is a very difficult decision, but SOE and LucasArts have mutually agreed that the end of 2011 is the appropriate time to end the game. We are extremely grateful to all of the SWG fans. We have had the rare opportunity to host one of the most dedicated and passionate online…