star wars

Think you know Star Wars? Think again!

With Star Wars Episode 7 and upcoming releases from Disney and Lucasarts, took a closer look at some lesser known facts about the original two trilogies. Al Pacino as Han Solo? It’s not as far fetched as you might think! While some of the information shown is somewhat known, there are also some other interesting tidbits of information that I am sure very few people know about. For example – did you know that stormtroopers and bounty hunters have a really hard time seeing when they wear their “buckets”? Maybe you do but you wouldn’t expect them to knock their heads against door openings on screen!

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Listen to an excerpt from the upcoming Star Wars novel – A New Dawn

The reboot of the Star Wars franchise by Disney brought fans a number of exciting and unexpected news. Obviously, the announcement of a new Star Wars movie trilogy that reunites the original movie cast was a dream come true for everyone. At the same time though, the restart of the Star Wars lore was somewhat of a surprise. Redefining well-known stories and transitioning every other pre-Disney story under the legacy banner certainly makes sense for Disney. It allows the company to shape the look and the feel of Star Wars while retaining the soul of the franchise. We are about to witness the first labor of Disney’s effort with the release of the novel “Star Wars, A New Dawn”. The book sets the stage for the upcoming Star Wars: Rebels animated series that’s set to air later this year.

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The Empire Strikes Back Voted Greatest Film of All Time

The Empire Strikes Back has topped a poll of the greatest movies of all time. I can’t say that we are really all that surprised at this news. Despite the beef that some people have with the movie, it is still a classic. It’s a part of pop culture and you’d be hard-pressed to find someone today who doesn’t at least know of the movie. The movie, which came out in 1980, beat over 301 other titles in Empire magazine. Yahoo! UK News brings us more on the story: Creator George Lucas said it was a “privilege” to be voted top. Francis Ford Coppola’s The Godfather came second in the survey involving 250,000 film fans. “The fans like The Empire Strikes Back the best, partly because it is so dark. “It’s an overall story and as it happens in the second act, things get dark. “I never really planned it…

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Star Wars Vader Dance- Disney’s Star Wars Weekends

Disney’s Hollywood Studios Star Wars weekends are coming up. From May 16 to June 15, 2014 you can experience the best of Disney Star Wars experience if you’re going to Hollywood Studios. While some fans are critical of the Disney “spin” on Star Wars, we think it’s pretty cool. If you have not been to Hollywood Studios or don’t plan to this summer, go ahead and check out this video by Star Wars Always to see what it’s all about. Post by Star Wars always. Learn more about Star Wars Weekends STAR WARS WEEKENDS — Since 1997, Walt Disney Worldhas sponsored a series of special Star Wars Weekends in theDisney’s Hollywood Studios theme park. Activities normally include celebrity appearances, as well as trivia contests and prize give-aways, Star Tours “ride-a-thons,” and a Star Wars Cantina street party, complete with a live disc jockey. 2014 STAR WARS WEEKENDS 2014 Star Wars Weekends will be held every weekend (Friday, Saturday and…

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30 ‘Star Wars’ Facts You Might Not Have Known

Think you know all there is to know about Star Wars? Maybe you don’t. We’re all big Star Wars geeks here but a couple of these things even surprised me. We had to share this little video with you because it’s pretty fun. How about you take a couple of minutes and watch it for yourself and then let us know if any of these were new to you or if you are truly a Star Wars pro. So if you haven’t seen it yet, check out the video below and see 30 Star Wars facts you might not have known. — ““Think you know The Force front to back? These 30 ‘Star Wars’ facts will give even hardcore fans a run for their money. THANK YOU to these talented musicians for letting us use their amazing Star Wars covers. Check out their music!” “Cantina Band” performed by the Beantown…

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Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher lead cast of new ‘Star Wars’ film

It’s official! Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher have been signed up for Star Wars VII. The three original cast members were spotted in London ahead of filming, sparking rumours that they will be involved in the film. And now it’s been officially confirmed via a press release stating: “The Star Wars team is thrilled to announce the cast of Star Wars: Episode VII. Actors John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, and Max von Sydow will join the original stars of the saga, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, and Kenny Baker in the new film.” Director J.J. Abrams said: “We are so excited to finally share the cast of Star Wars: Episode VII. It is both thrilling and surreal to watch the beloved original cast and these brilliant new performers come together to bring this world to life,…

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4 Year Old Jedi Gets a Final Farewell

It’s something no parent ever wants to have to do- bury their child. Sadly, the parents of 4-year-old Jack Robinson had to do just that. Their little boy had an inoperable brain tumor and sadly, died on April 1st. But little Jack but have a send-off worthy of his short, but special life. His parents and family gave him a Star Wars- themed funeral that they say he helped to plan before his passing. The family said that there son was a very special soul who brought together people from all over the world, despite his young age. Because of this, they wanted to give him a very special, unique  funeral. UK’s The Mirror describes the event: “His body arrived in a Star Wars coffin on a white horse-drawn carriage surrounded by Stormtroopers. The carriage was decked with floral tributes, including one reading ‘Jedi’ and wreaths in the shape of…

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Wookieepedia What?

So if you are a follower of Wookieepedia you may have already run across from hilarious, witty or downright cute entries on the Star Wars themed database. It’s one of the reasons we like it so much. That and the fact that we love Star Wars. I mean where else can you find such a complete database of Star Wars characters, story, canon and more? What is Wookiepedia? (for those rare few in our audience who may not know yet) The Star Wars encyclopedia that anyone can edit.            Warning: this wiki contains spoilers. So anyway, let’s go back to those funny entries we were talking about. We’ve found some really good ones lately. For example, have you seen The Emperor’s New Clothes or Order 66 Cookie? Or here is an entire page just about breasts… “Breasts were the mammary glands of mammalian species and some reptomammals, and were normally a distinguishing feature of…

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Disney Already Casting for Star Wars Live-Action TV Projects?

Disney is a company that knows how to get the most out of a popular thing. The franchise is a leader for a big reason. With the new Star Wars movies coming out starting in 2015, they are probably already cooking up lots of good merchandising deals and other great ways to make money off the popularity that the new movies are going to bring. So while we all know this to be true, much of what is said about Disney’s plans about the Star Wars franchise is just speculation. Outside of rumors, we don’t really know anything for a fact. But as the release date for the movies grows closer, we do see more rumors coming out. This one, for example, has us a little bit interested. says they have it on an authority source that Disney is already casting for a Star Wars Live Action TV Project….

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Interesting Star Wars Data

We love Star Wars. We bet you do as well. That’s probably why you are here. But how do other stories compare to Star Wars if you asked a large group of Sci-Fi fans? Well, someone set out to do that and we find the results really interesting. This comes from Jedi News: Star Wars Data: How Does Star Wars Fare? What do you get when you take 2000 sci-fi fans and ask them a range of questions about a variety of sci-fi and comic series? You get Star Wars rising, like the cream it is, to the top. Please tick your top three favourite series out of the following list: The Star Trek series: 46.40% (928) The Star Wars series: 53.20% (1064) Battlestar Galactica serie: 17.00%(340) Dc Comics: 19.00% (380) Marvel Comics: 35.40% (708) Dr Who series: 39.25% (785) None of the above: 9.05% (181) In your opinion what are the most-overrated fantasy/ Sci-Fi…

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Disney Expects Star Wars to Have a 40 year “Useful Life”

For many of us, Star Wars dates back to our earliest memories. It has brought us a lifetime of memories. And for many others, Disney has also created a lifetime of memories and special moments. So now that the two have combined, will we see the same result? And for how long can Disney expect to see useful benefits from the Star Wars franchise and the new movie series? Well, according to Fiscal Year 2013 the Fiscal Year 2013 Annual Financial Report And Shareholder Letter Disney will get a good 40 years out of it. That’s a decent chunk of a person’s lifetime. That’s four decades of memories. That’s a very good business outlook. The report also had a neat little tidbit about the future of Star Wars with Disney: “Intangible assets primarily consist of intellectual property based on the Star Wars franchise with an estimated useful life of approximately 40 years….

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Star Wars Car becomes Internet Sensation

The true star of the show was this car in the employee parking lot, captured by “monsterbrick” on Flickr. For a little background, this was from a Legoland Star Wars day promotion and Monsterbrick is a huge Lego fan that creates some pretty awesome stuff in addition to having a seemingly amazing collection that makes me very jealous. (More about this later). The pics are from 2009 but are making a reappearance in popularity on the Internet. Perhaps because of the revive of Star Wars fandom? Who knows but if you never saw it before, you’re going to love it. And if you did, you might still enjoy seeing it again. It started out simple enough as he set out to log his finding from his Flickr. Here’s something you definitely don’t see everyday: And then he got us a great shot from the driver’s side with this commentary: “harder…

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More than 1,000 ‘Star Wars’ hopefuls answer Star Wars casting call in Troy

How would you like to have a chance to start in an upcoming Star Wars film? This is like a dream come true for Star Wars fans everywhere and today more than 1,000 people answered an open casting call in Troy. This means no previous acting experience was necessary. The roles were for Rachel and Thomas and open casting is still going on. You can apply online or in one of the locations to meet the casting crew in person. Learn more on their website here: There are two more in person Meet and Greets happening and the next one is right here in Austin (where I am). The other is in Nashville. November 22, 2013 Hilton – Austin 500 E. 4th St. Austin, TX 78701 3pm – 8pm November 24, 2013 Sheraton – Nashville Downtown 623 Union St. Nashville, TN 37219 12pm – 5pm Here’s some info on…

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Star Wars Total Franchise Revenue and Stats

Have you ever wondered just how much Star Wars really earns? Have you wondered about which parts of the franchise actually make the most money? Where is Lucasfilms reeling in the cash? Some newly releases statistics show us all this and more about the Star Wars franchise revenue and earnings. While the films themselves are big time earners (of course), there are also other areas of revenue, as shown by the charts below. This shows where the franchise has brought in money over the past 37 years. Statistic Verification Source: Forbes, Lucasfilms Research Date: 10.27.2012 Total Star Wars Franchise Revenue $27,000,000,000 Movies Revenue Star Wars : Episode 1 – The Phantom Menace $924,317,558 Star Wars : Episode 2 – Attack of the Clones $649,398,328 Star Wars : Episode 3 – Revenge of the Sith $848,754,768 Star Wars : Episode 4 – A New Hope $775,398,007 Star Wars : Episode 5…

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List of ‘Star Wars’ and ‘Indiana Jones’ Easter eggs explains why you’ll find Nazis on Tatooine

Anyone capable of telling the difference between a bantha and a ronto will know that StarWars’ C-3PO and R2-D2 appear in hieroglyphic form on a wall in Raiders of the Lost Ark. But you might not know that Harrison Ford carried a bullwhip in The Empire Strikes Backas a nod to Indiana Jones a year before Raiders of the Lost Ark was released. Or that a Nazi tank appears in The Phantom Menace. Fortunately, Today I Found Out’s Tegan Jones has compiled a list of these Indiana Jones / Star Wars crossover easter eggs, and many more.

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Movie Defense Force Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace

  Escapist Magazine has something fun for fans of Star Wars: Episode 1. Star Wars week happened to fall on a week in which Movie Defense Force was not scheduled. May God have mercy on Jim Sterling’s soul, for Star Wars fans have none to spare. For even more Jim check out Jimquisition. Follow Jim on twitter for a chance to win Twitter updates from Jim: @JimSterling Don’t forget to get to watch Jim with Yahtzee in their Rhymedown Spectacular. New episodes of Movie Defense Force appear every other Thursday only on The Escapist. Do you remember the first time you saw Star Wars: Episode? Where were you? Did you like it? How many times have you seen it? Was it different each time? The Escapist : Movie Defense Force : Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace

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Star Wars Episode 7 Rumor Roundup

Well, we’re all waiting for the upcoming Star Wars Episode VII and there is good news going around the rumor mill that says casting has begun. It’s great news because this  means we are one step closer to finally having the highly anticipated movies. It also means we can learn more about who is casted and speculate about the storyline while we wait. Bleeding Cool posted some info about the casting and Lucasfilm confirmed to Big Shiny Robot and TheForce.Net that it’s true. Here’s what they’re looking for so far: Late-teen female, independent, good sense of humour, fit. Young twenty-something male, witty and smart, fit but not traditionally good looking. A late twentysomething male, fit, handsome and confident. Seventy-something male, with strong opinions and tough demeanour. Also doesn’t need to be particularly fit. A second young female, also late teens, tough, smart and fit. Forty something male, fit, military type. Thirtysomething male,…

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Al Pacino In ‘Star Wars’ As Han Solo? It Almost Happened

Al Pacino In ‘Star Wars’ As Han Solo? Well, that sure would have made for an interesting movie, no? Before you get all excited, it’s not happening but Al Pacino says it almost did. According to Al, Al Pacino almost played Han Solo in “Star Wars.” “”It was mine for the taking but I didn’t understand the script,” Pacino said in London over the weekend during an event called “An Evening With Al Pacino.” Harrison Ford apparently did understand the script; he, of course, played Solo in three “Star Wars” films and is expected to reprise his role in the 2015 sequel directed by J.J. Abrams. And apparently he’s not the only one who was offered the role but has turned it down before Harrison Ford was picked up. And there were other women in line to play Princess Leia back then too. Sissy Spacek, Jodie Foster, Cindy Williams and Amy Irving…

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Slave Leia Day- 20 Girls Celebrate 30th Anniv. of Return of The Jedi

Now here is something for the gentlemen. Leia’s metal bikini, as featured during her all-too-brief enslavement to Jabba The Hutt, is perhaps the ultimate sci-fi fan service costume. Jamin Fite has been making the famous costume for several years now through his website To celebrate three decades of Return of the Jedi he gathered twenty of his lady friends and hit the town, inviting CraveOnline to come along and film. They took their party bus to Gentle Giant studios to visit their full-size Jabba The Hutt, as well as stopping by Legacy Effects to see some creature and mech creations from such films as Iron Man, Avatar, and Jurassic Park. Join us on a party-bus tour of LA with 20 beautiful ladies rocking their metal bikinis as they visit Jabba The Hutt, Gentle Giant Studios, and the creatures of Legacy Effects in celebration of the 30th anniversary of Star Wars:…

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LucasFilm Cancels Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Delays Star Wars: Detours

Somewhere, the ghostly hologram projection of Obi-Wan Kenobi just stopped in his tracks and started sobbing. After five seasons, LucasFilm has decided to stop production on Cartoon Network’s animated series set in George Lucas’s imagination. The news was announced today. “”After five highly successful and critically acclaimed seasons of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, we feel the time has come to wind down the series. While the studio is no longer producing new episodes for Cartoon Network, we’re continuing production on new Clone Wars story arcs that promise to be some of the most thrilling adventures ever seen. Stay tuned for more information on where fans can soon find this bonus content.””” Yeesh. The site has a video from The Clone Wars‘ supervising director Dave Filoni explaining the situation, and while he’s bummed about wrapping up the series, he’s excited for the future of the Star Wars franchise and LucasFilm Animation’s involvement in it, whatever that may…

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