Unlock Stunning Visuals and Performance: DLSS 3.5 With Ray Reconstruction in Star Wars Outlaws

Unlock Stunning Visuals and Performance: DLSS 3.5 With Ray Reconstruction in Star Wars Outlaws

The gaming world is constantly evolving, and NVIDIA continues to push the boundaries with its groundbreaking technologies. At Computex 2024, NVIDIA announced the arrival of DLSS 3.5 with Ray Reconstruction, a revolutionary upgrade set to debut in Star Wars™ Outlaws and Marvel Rivals. This article delves into the features of DLSS 3.5, its impact on gaming, and what players can expect from these highly anticipated titles.

What is DLSS?

Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) is NVIDIA’s cutting-edge technology designed to enhance gaming performance and visual fidelity. Initially introduced five years ago, DLSS leverages the power of AI and neural networks to upscale lower resolution images to higher resolutions. This results in improved frame rates without sacrificing image quality, providing gamers with a smoother and more immersive experience.

The Evolution of DLSS

Since its inception, DLSS has undergone significant transformations. From DLSS 1.0, which primarily focused on performance enhancement, to DLSS 2.0 and 3.0 that introduced improved visual quality and broader compatibility, each iteration has brought substantial advancements. Now, DLSS 3.5 with Ray Reconstruction marks a new milestone in NVIDIA’s AI-driven rendering technology.

Promo graphic for RTX technology and upcoming games.

Understanding Ray Tracing

Ray tracing is a rendering technique that simulates the physical behavior of light to produce highly realistic images. By tracing the path of light as pixels in an image plane, it accurately portrays reflections, refractions, shadows, and global illumination.

How Ray Tracing Transforms Gaming

Ray tracing elevates gaming visuals by creating more natural and dynamic lighting effects. It enhances the realism of in-game environments, making shadows softer, reflections more precise, and overall lighting more lifelike. This technology is particularly impactful in games with complex scenes and detailed graphics, such as Star Wars™ Outlaws.

The Role of AI in DLSS 3.5

AI plays a pivotal role in DLSS 3.5, driving the technology to new heights of performance and visual quality. The AI algorithms used in DLSS are trained on a vast dataset of images rendered at high resolutions, enabling the AI to generate superior image quality when upscaling lower resolution frames.

AI and Neural Rendering

Neural rendering, a core component of DLSS, utilizes AI to predict and generate high-quality frames. By leveraging the Tensor Cores found in GeForce RTX GPUs, DLSS 3.5 can perform these complex calculations in real-time, ensuring that gamers experience smooth and detailed graphics.

Video game screenshot featuring character walking in desert town.

Key Features of DLSS 3.5

DLSS 3.5 introduces several new features aimed at further enhancing gaming performance and visual fidelity.

Ray Reconstruction

One of the standout features of DLSS 3.5 is Ray Reconstruction. This AI-driven model replaces traditional hand-tuned denoisers with an AI network trained on NVIDIA’s supercomputers. Ray Reconstruction generates higher-quality pixels between sampled rays, leading to more realistic and immersive ray-traced effects.

Woman and creature dodge lasers in lush jungle setting.

DLSS 3.5 in Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars™ Outlaws is set to be one of the first games to feature DLSS 3.5 with Ray Reconstruction. Launching on August 30th, this highly anticipated title promises to deliver an unparalleled gaming experience, showcasing the full potential of NVIDIA’s latest technology.

Release Date and Anticipation

The announcement of DLSS 3.5 in Star Wars™ Outlaws has generated significant excitement among gamers and industry experts alike. The game is expected to set a new standard for visual quality and performance, thanks to the advanced capabilities of DLSS 3.5.

Star Wars Outlaws game scene with monster and motorbike.

DLSS 3.5 Impact on Gameplay

DLSS 3.5 not only enhances visual quality but also significantly improves gameplay by boosting frame rates and reducing latency. This ensures a smoother and more responsive gaming experience, particularly in fast-paced action sequences.

Enhanced Graphics and Performance

With DLSS 3.5, players can expect to see more detailed textures, realistic lighting, and immersive environments. The technology’s ability to render high-quality images at a fraction of the performance cost makes it a game-changer for both casual and competitive gamers.

Comparison of corridor lighting with and without ray reconstruction.

The Growth of RTX Technologies

NVIDIA’s RTX technologies, including DLSS, Reflex, and ray tracing, have seen widespread adoption across the gaming industry. Over 500 games and applications now support these advanced features, demonstrating the impact and popularity of RTX technologies.

Recent Game Integrations

In recent months, numerous titles have added support for DLSS and other RTX features. Games like Capes, Die By The Blade, EA SPORTS™ F1® 24, and Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut have all benefited from the performance and visual enhancements provided by DLSS.

Performance Boost with DLSS 3.5

One of the primary benefits of DLSS 3.5 is the significant performance boost it offers. By leveraging AI to upscale images, DLSS 3.5 allows games to run at higher frame rates without compromising on visual quality.

Frame Rate Improvements

Gamers can expect to see substantial improvements in frame rates, particularly in graphically intensive games. This not only enhances the overall gaming experience but also provides a competitive edge in fast-paced games where every frame counts.

Young female pilot and alien in spaceship cockpit.

Visual Quality Improvements

DLSS 3.5 enhances visual quality by generating more accurate and detailed images. The Ray Reconstruction feature, in particular, contributes to more realistic lighting and effects, creating a more immersive and visually stunning experience.

Realistic Lighting and Effects

With DLSS 3.5, gamers can enjoy more lifelike lighting, reflections, and shadows. The technology’s ability to accurately simulate the behavior of light results in richer, more dynamic visuals that bring game worlds to life.

Comparing DLSS Versions

Each iteration of DLSS has brought significant improvements, from the initial release to the latest DLSS 3.5. Understanding the differences between these versions can help gamers appreciate the advancements made over the years.

From DLSS 1.0 to DLSS 3.5

DLSS 1.0 focused primarily on performance enhancement, while DLSS 2.0 introduced better visual quality and broader compatibility. DLSS 3.0 further improved these aspects, and DLSS 3.5 takes it to the next level with Ray Reconstruction and other advanced features.

Woman smiling at a quirky, furry creature in chair.

How Developers Integrate DLSS

Integrating DLSS into a game involves close collaboration between developers and NVIDIA. This process ensures that the technology is optimized for each title, providing the best possible performance and visual quality.

Technical Insights

Developers work with NVIDIA to incorporate DLSS into their games, leveraging the technology’s capabilities to enhance performance and visual fidelity. This involves fine-tuning the AI models and optimizing the rendering pipeline to achieve the best results.

Young woman in intense conversation with older man.

Future of Gaming with DLSS 3.5

The introduction of DLSS 3.5 marks a significant milestone in gaming technology, with far-reaching implications for the future of the industry. As more games adopt this technology, players can expect to see continued improvements in performance and visual quality.

Long-Term Impacts

DLSS 3.5’s advanced features, such as Ray Reconstruction, are likely to set new standards for gaming graphics. This technology will not only enhance current titles but also pave the way for future innovations in game development.

Woman, robot, and creature in futuristic adventure setting.

Hardware Requirements for DLSS 3.5

DLSS 3.5 is compatible with all GeForce RTX GPUs, from the 20-series to the latest 40-series models. Ensuring your hardware meets the necessary requirements is essential for experiencing the full benefits of this technology.

GeForce RTX GPUs Compatibility

All GeForce RTX GPUs are equipped with Tensor Cores, which are essential for running DLSS. This means that whether you have an RTX 2060 or the latest RTX 4090, you can take advantage of DLSS 3.5 and its performance and visual enhancements.

Futuristic motorbike rider in a desert under massive rock formation.

DLSS 3.5 vs Traditional Rendering

DLSS 3.5 offers several advantages over traditional rendering techniques, from performance boosts to superior visual quality. This section compares DLSS 3.5 to conventional methods, highlighting the benefits of NVIDIA’s AI-driven technology.

Performance vs Quality

Traditional rendering methods often require a trade-off between performance and visual quality. DLSS 3.5, however, leverages AI to deliver high-quality images without compromising on frame rates, providing a balanced and superior gaming experience.

Character escaping fiery, volcanic landscape in video game.

Competitive Gaming and DLSS 3.5

For competitive gamers, every frame and millisecond counts. DLSS 3.5 provides a significant advantage by boosting frame rates and reducing latency, ensuring that players can perform at their best.

Advantages for eSports

The performance enhancements offered by DLSS 3.5 can make a substantial difference in competitive gaming. Higher frame rates and lower latency contribute to smoother gameplay, allowing players to react more quickly and accurately.

Person facing bipedal robot in desert ruins.

Environmental Effects in Star Wars™ Outlaws

Star Wars™ Outlaws showcases the capabilities of DLSS 3.5 with its detailed and immersive environments. The game leverages Ray Reconstruction to create lifelike lighting and effects, enhancing the overall visual experience.

Immersive Gaming Experience

Players can expect to see richly detailed landscapes, realistic shadows, and dynamic lighting that responds to in-game events. This level of detail and realism makes Star Wars™ Outlaws a standout title, demonstrating the full potential of DLSS 3.5.

Woman piloting futuristic vehicle with crew in rural landscape.

Characters and Textures

In addition to environmental effects, DLSS 3.5 also enhances character models and textures. This results in more detailed and lifelike characters, adding to the overall immersion and realism of the game.

Enhanced Detail and Realism

From the intricate designs of character costumes to the fine details of textures, DLSS 3.5 ensures that every aspect of the game is rendered with high fidelity. This level of detail enhances the storytelling and engagement, making the game world feel more alive and believable.

Young woman looks hopeful against cloudy sky.

User Experience and Accessibility

NVIDIA’s technologies, including DLSS 3.5, aim to make high-end gaming more accessible to a broader audience. This section discusses how these advancements enhance user experience and accessibility in gaming.

Making High-End Gaming More Accessible

DLSS 3.5 allows gamers to enjoy high-quality visuals and performance on a wider range of hardware, making advanced gaming experiences more accessible. This democratization of technology ensures that more players can benefit from NVIDIA’s innovations.

Person facing alien creatures in a dusty, post-apocalyptic setting.


What is DLSS 3.5? DLSS 3.5 is the latest version of NVIDIA’s Deep Learning Super Sampling technology, featuring Ray Reconstruction for improved ray-traced image quality.

How does Ray Reconstruction work? Ray Reconstruction uses an AI model to generate higher-quality pixels between sampled rays, replacing traditional denoisers for more accurate and realistic effects.

Which games will support DLSS 3.5? Star Wars™ Outlaws and Marvel Rivals are among the first games to support DLSS 3.5. Many other titles are expected to follow.

What are the hardware requirements for DLSS 3.5? DLSS 3.5 is compatible with all GeForce RTX GPUs, from the 20-series to the latest 40-series models.

How does DLSS 3.5 improve performance? DLSS 3.5 boosts performance by upscaling lower resolution images using AI, resulting in higher frame rates without sacrificing visual quality.

Can DLSS 3.5 be used in VR and AR applications? Yes, DLSS 3.5’s performance and visual enhancements can benefit VR and AR applications, providing more immersive and responsive experiences.


NVIDIA’s DLSS 3.5 with Ray Reconstruction marks a significant leap forward in gaming technology, delivering unparalleled performance and visual quality. With its debut in Star Wars™ Outlaws and Marvel Rivals, gamers can look forward to more immersive and realistic experiences. As DLSS technology continues to evolve, the future of gaming looks brighter and more exciting than ever.