Life Day is upon us once again! Celebrate the occasion from December 16th 2014 until January 6th, 2015 at 4AM PST (12 Noon GMT).
- Updated the population limits for Rishi, Yavin 4, and the SOLO-Mode Flashpoints in order to address performance issues.
- The Master of Ceremonies vendor is now available on both Fleets, and sells the following items:
- Life Day Snowball Bomb Ability
- Blue-Purple Life Day Holo-tree Decoration
- Gold Life Day Holo-tree Decoration
- Sleigh I Vehicle
- Cyan Sphere Vehicle
- Life Day Tree Fireworks
- Anniversary Personnel has been assigned to either Fleet to distribute free Third Anniversary Stronghold Decorations! They will be available until Game Update 3.0.2, and have the following Decorations:
- 3rd Anniversary Fireworks Launcher
- 3rd Anniversary Galactic Memorial
- Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration – Coruscant
- Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration – Dromund Kaas
- Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration – Korriban
- Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration – Nar Shadaa
- Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration – Rishi
- Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration – Tatooine
- Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration – Tython
- Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration – Yavin 4
- Added missing text in numerous places in the French and German clients.
- The Coalition Staging Area on Yavin 4 is now a sanctuary.
- The following Rishi Achievements no longer reset on logout:
- The Last Straugh
- Where’s Wudd
- A Breck House
- Three Not So Little Grophets
- Smell of the Sea
- X Marks the Spot
- The number of Rishi Idol Decorations obtainable per Legacy has been increased to 10.
- Data Packets obtained from the Grophets on Rishi are no longer classified as Junk.
- Corrected an issue that would cause trainable Abilities to not appear on Class Trainers.
- Satele Shan’s Lightsaber is now the correct color on the Shadow of Revan loading screen.
Cartel Market
- Belts contained in the Pilgrim’s Shadow Pack and the Initiate’s Shadow Pack now have Dye Module slots as originally intended.
- The Freebooter’s Trade Union Reputation description now correctly states that items from the Shadow Packs increase reputation.
- The Silent Ghost and Nefarious Bandit armor sets and lockboxes can now be searched on the GTN.
Classes + Combat
- Dispatch’s cooldown has been increased to 10 seconds.
- Saber Throw’s damage has been increased.
- Twin Saber Throw’s damage has been slightly increased.
- Searing Saber now increases Burn Critical Chance by 5% as originally intended.
- The Koan buff now mentions “Focus” instead of “Rage.”
- Gather Strength now lasts for 15 seconds.
- Awe now only affects 8 targets as intended.
- Sundering Strike’s damage has been increased.
- The Preparation Utility now properly removes the cooldown of Combat Focus when exiting combat.
- Updated the Plasma Brand tooltip to indicate that it applies Elemental Damage over time following initial Elemental Damage.
- Fixed the Plasma Brand Burn Damage modifier applied by the Keening affect.
Jedi Consular
- Restoration now properly removes physical effects when the Seer Sage possess the Mend Wounds skill.
Sith Inquisitor
- Expunge now properly removes physical effects when the Corruption Sorcerer possess the Sith Purity skill.
- The tooltip for Speed Shot now correctly states that it consumes energy over the duration of the channel.
- The Crippling Diversion Utility now causes Diversion to slow the target as intended.
- Charged Burst no longer triggers an Effect Proc on Trickshot when it is activated, as Trickshot already changes visual states when it becomes usable.
- Tactical Surge no longer states that it replaces Ion Pulse in its tooltip.
- Concussion Charge’s tooltip now correctly indicates that it can affect up to 8 targets instead of 6.
- Combat Support Cell’s buff tooltip now correctly indicates that it increases both healing and damage.
- Hail of Bolts’ tooltip now correctly indicates that it hits up to 8 enemies instead of 6.
- Supercharged Cell’s tooltip now correctly says Incendiary Round instead of Incendiary Missile.
Flashpoints + Operations
- Level 56-60 Hard Mode Flashpoints have had their rewards in the Group Finder restored.
- Coratanni now more reliably transitions to Phase 2 of her The Ravagers Operation encounter.
- The Underlurker’s ability “Collapse” now channels fully during his Temple of Sacrifice encounter.
- Ruugar and Blaster’s loot tables have been corrected on 16-Player Story Mode The Ravagers, and they now drop two pieces of Massassi gear instead of one.
- Blaster’s 16-Player Hard Mode The Ravagers loot table has been corrected, and now drops two Revanite Wrist pieces instead of one.
- Blood Hunt Mission levels are now correctly set to level 57.
- The Hard Mode Depths of Manaan Achievement no longer resets on log out.
Galactic Starfighter
- The following abilities that lost functionality with the release of Game Update 3.0 now work correctly:
- EMP Missile (Tier 5 – Left Side)
- Distortion Field (Tier 3 – Right Side)
- Tensor Field (Tier 4 – Right Side)
- Tensor Field (Tier 5 – Right Side)
- Interdiction Drone (Tier 5 – Right Side)
- Repair Probes (Tier 5 – Left Side)
- Targeting Telemetry (Tier 4 – Right Side)
- Targeting Telemetry (Tier 5 – Left Side)
- Booster Recharge (Tier 5 – Left Side)
- Debuffs that can be cleansed are now sorted to the front of the Operation Frame’s Debuff Tray.
Items + Economy
- Dark Reaver Earpieces and Implants are now refundable for their purchase costs.
- Dark Reaver Challenger’s Offhand Saber now has a DPS Enhancement instead of a Tank Enhancement.
- Dark Reaver Stalker’s Saberstaff and Exhumed Stalker’s Saberstaff now have Advanced Battle Enhancements instead of Advanced Adept Enhancements.
- The Dark Reaver Vindicator’s critical bonus tooltip now mentions it can only occur once a minute.
- Yavin Pummeler Bracers now appear correctly in game.
- The Planter: Rishi Palm Tree (Medium) Decoration now grants the corresponding Decoration and not a Yavin Jungle Fern.
- The Rishi and Massassi Healer gear has been renamed to “Med-Tech MK-2,” and the Rishi Maze DPS items have been renamed “Demolisher MK-2.”
- Enemies in the Temple of Sacrifice now have a chance to drop the Yavin Temple Chandelier decoration instead of the Holo Sign: Hovering Rishi Dancer decoration.
- The CZ-198 Reputation vendor now sells 162 rating gear for Basic Commendations instead of Elite Commendations.
- The Force-Lord’s Gear Pack from the Mission “Confederacy” on Yavin 4 now grants items to Shadows and Assassins.
- Sith Sorcerers now have a choice of a DPS or Healer Gear Pack when completing the Forged Alliances: Part 1 Mission.
- The following items now have icons:
- Rishi Maze Foestopper’s MK-2 Offhand Saber
- Rishi Maze Targeter’s MK-2 Offhand Blaster
- Rishi Maze Med-Tech’s MK-2 Offhand Blaster
- Rishi Maze Med-Tech’s MK-2 Offhand Blaster
- Corrected clipping issues with numerous 3.0 head slot items.
- The Republic appearances for the following item sets have been corrected:
- Rishi Maze Force-healer’s MK-2 Robe
- Rishi Maze Force-healer’s MK-2 Boots
- Rishi Maze Force-healer’s MK-2 Handwraps
- Rishi Maze Force-healer’s MK-2 Headgear
- Rishi Maze Force-healer’s MK-2 Legwraps
- Rishi Maze Force-healer’s MK-2 Sash
- Rishi Maze Force-healer’s MK-2 Cuffs
- The Statue of Eternal Grace Decoration now appears in the Decoration UI.
- Pets, Mounts, and Vehicles now appear in the Decoration UI once again.
Missions + NPCs
- Addressed an issue with “[WEEKLY] Walking on Hallowed Grounds” that caused the Lance Squadron Command Unit to not give credit to the Operations group that defeated it.
- The Lance Squadron Command Unit World Boss on Yavin 4 now has the “Terrifying” buff, which prevents companions from effectively participating in the encounter.
- The Republic version of [WEEKLY] Galactic Conflicts now updates properly.
- Strong NPCs now deal less damage with basic attacks.
- Ship-based Warzone Training Dummies once again scale to the Player’s level.